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Agenda. Hierarchy of computer 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd generation of programming languages Compiler, executable Java jargons – JDK, IDE, JRE, JVM Statement, Identifier, variable, declaration, initialization, keywords What types do you know? What’s type casting?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda Hierarchy of computer 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation of programming languages Compiler, executable Java jargons – JDK, IDE, JRE, JVM Statement, Identifier, variable, declaration, initialization, keywords What types do you know? What’s type casting? Arithmetic, logical, rational, assignment operators

  2. statements • A set of instructions • A semicolon is required to indicate the end of a statement. • Related statements are enclosed by curly braces ({ }) to begin and end the instructions.

  3. Topics • Conditional control structure if –else if – else if nested if –else switch • Object scanner, Math, Random

  4. Quiz example int aNumber; ? ? aNumber = 10; ?

  5. In two statements, declare a variable named numBeads and assign it the value 5. • What is the final value of yourNumber after the last statement executes? int myNumber = 5; int yourNumber = 4; myNumber = yourNumber * 2; yourNumber = myNumber + 5;

  6. The java.util package contains a class named Vector . Write a statement that makes the Vector class accessible to an application. • Determine the appropriate data type for each of the following values: a) the number of basketballs in a department store. b) the price of a basketball. c) whether a basketball player has received a jersey or not.

  7. What package is loaded automatically? • Why we can use System.out.println without using import • What are the 2 ways to write comments? • What is the entry point(function/method) for the program to execute? • What is the difference between System.out.print and System.out.println. • What primitive data type do you know?

  8. Int num1 = 5; Int num2 = 3; Int result; double doubleNum1 = 5; double doubleNum2 = 3; double doubleResult; result = num1 / num2; doubleResult = num1 / num2; System.out.println("num1 / num2: " + result);

  9. Using the following declarations, rewrite the statements to include the appropriate type casting, rounding where necessary. If type casting is not necessary, explain why: int j = 5; double k = 1.6; int y; double z; a) y = j * k; b) z = j * k; c) z= k * k;

  10. Consider the code segment if (n == 1) k++; else if (n == 4 ) k += 4; If the given segment is rewritten in the form if(/*condition*/) 1 /* assignment statement */ 2 • (1) n == 1 && n == 4 (2) k += n • (1) n == 1 && n == 4 (2) k += 4 • (1) n == 1 || n == 4 (2) k += 4 • (1) n == 1 || n == 4 (2) k += n • (1) n == 1 || n == 4 (2) k = n - k

  11. Explain why the following names are illegal? 139 139Abc fast One class Slow.Sally double gold;Nugget hopper-gee

  12. Quiz exercises Write a switch structure that uses the character myChar. It should increment the integer variable y if myChar is either a capital or small letter G. It should decrement y if myChar is either a capital or a small letter M. If myChar is anything else, add 100 to y.

  13. Assume num1 and num2 contain integer values. Write an if-else if statement that displays one of the following messages as appropriate: First number is larger. Second number is larger. Numbers are equal.

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