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Discover effective strategy evaluation and control methods to enhance organizational performance. Learn about Rumelt's criteria, balancing investments, and measuring success factors.
Strategy review, evaluation, and control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiwT5W_TqQQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUfnRBOZ6N4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfKLoGZiR4s
Quiz Sebuahperusahaandibidang Telekomunikasi terkemukadansudah go public sedangmengimplementasikanStrategi Market Development mebutuhkandanasebesarRp 100 Milyarduntukmendapatkandanatersebutterdapat 3 alternatif : Common Stock (menjualsaham), Debt (pinjamandari Bank) atau Combination ( 50% common stock dan 50% debt). Situasi Perusahaan saatinisbb : Jumlahsahamberedar : 100 jutalembar, Harga per lembarsaham : Rp 20.000,- Bungapinjaman per tahun : 25% Pajakperusahaansebesar 30% Perusahaan memproyeksikan EBIT tahundepansebesarRp 300 Milyard Pertanyaan : Denganmenggunakan tool EPS / EBIT Analysis ( R David page 294) alternative mana yang paling menguntungkanbagiperusahaanuntukmendapatkandanatersebut
Rumelt’s Criteria for Evaluating Strategies The strategy must provide for the creation and/or maintenance of a competitive advantage in a selected area of activity Advantage Advantage
Strategy Evaluation Framework Activity 0ne : Review Underlying bases of Strategy Prepare Revised Prepare Revised IFE Matrix EFE Matrix Compare Revised to Compare Revised to Existing IFE Matrix Existing EFE Matrix Activity three : Take Corrective Action Do significant diff’ occur ? YES NO Activity two : Measure Org’ performance Compare planed to actual progress toward meeting stated objective. YES NO Continue present course Do significant diff’ occur ?
Revise EFE Matrix: How effective firm’s strategy has been in response to key opprotunities and threats.
Revised IFE Matrix Revised IFE matrix should focus on changes in the organization’s management , marketing, finance/accounting, R&D and management information system
Revised EFE matrix • It should indicate how effective a firm’s strategies have been in response to key opportunity and threats • How have competitor reacted to our strategies ? • How have competitor’s strategies changed ? • Have major competitor’s strength and weaknesses changed ? • Why are competitor making certain strategic changes ? • Why are some competitor’s strategies more successful than other ? • How satisfied are our competitors with their present market position and profitability ? • How far can our major competitors be pushed before retaliating? • How could we more effectively corporate with our competitors ?
Evaluating Strategies • External opportunities and threats and internal strengths and weaknesses should continually be monitored for change. • Are our internal strengths still strength ? • Have we added other internal strengths ? If so, what are they ? • Are our internal weaknesses still weaknesses ? • Do we now have other internal weaknesses ? If so, what are they ? • Are our external opportunities still opportunities ? • Are there now other external opportunities ? If so, what are they • Are our external threats still threats ? • Are there now other external threats ? If so, what are they ? • Are we vulnerable to hostile takeover ?
Evaluating Strategies Qualitative Question Is the strategy internally consistent ? Is the strategy consistent with the environment ? Is the strategies appropriate in view of available resources ? Does the strategy involve an acceptable degree of risk ? Does the strategy have an appropriate time framework ? Is the strategy workable ? Balancing of investment high risk and low risk Balancing investment long term and short term projects Balancing investment slow growing and fast growing markets Balancing investment among division To what extent are the firm’s alternative strategies socially responsible ? What are the relationship among the firm’s key internal and external strategic factors ? How are major competitors likely to respond to particular strategies ?
Measuring Organizational Performance Three critical comparison : Comparing the firm’s performance over different time periods Comparing the firm’s performance to competitors Comparing the firm’s performance to industry average Return on investment (ROI) Return on equity (ROE) Profit Margin Market share Debt to equity Earning per share Sales growth Asset growth It includes comparing expected result to actual result, investigating deviation from plans, evaluating individual performance, and examining progress being made toward meeting objective.
Taking Corrective Actions taking corrective action, requires making change Example of changes : altering an org’ structure, replacing one or more key individuals, selling a division, revising business mission, revising objectives, devising new policies, issuing stock to raise capital, adding salesperson, differently allocating resources, developing new performance incentive. Strategy evaluation enhances an organization’s ability and capacity to adapt successfully to changing circumstances Research suggest that participation in strategy-evaluation activities is one of the best way to overcome individual’s resistance to change Strategy evaluation can lead to strategy-formulation, strategy implementation or both, or no change at all
Contingency Planning If a major competitor withdraw from particular markets as intelligence reports indicate, what action should our firm takes ? Contingency plan can be defined as alternative plan that can be put into effect if certain key events do not occur as expected If our sales objective are not reached, what action should our firm take to avoid profit losses ? If demand of our new product exceeds plan, what action should our firm take to meet the higher demand? If certain disaster occur-such as loss of computer capabilities, a hostile takeover attempt, loss of patent protection, or destructing of manufacturing facilities because of earthquakes, what action should we take? If a new technological advancement makes our new product obsolete sooner than expected, what action should we take ?
TugasTerakhir Pelajari Case sesuaidenganTugas Besar kelompokanda. Buat Summary tugasModul 2 s/d 13 dikaitkandengan case anda, diharapkan anda berpedoman pada buku R. David Part 5 : Strategic Management Case Analysis Disajikandalambentuk power point sebanyak15-20 halamantermasukhalamanjudul. Tugasdikumpulkandalambentuk hard copy dikumpulkansaatpertemuan 13 Setiapkelompokmempresentasikansecarabergantian sesuai undian pada pertemuan berikut.