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The Six Original "Black Panther Party For Self Defense" Members, Nov. 1966

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The Six Original "Black Panther Party For Self Defense" Members, Nov. 1966

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  1. The Six Original "Black Panther Party For Self Defense" Members, Nov. 1966 Skin Place Holder The purpose of this presentation is: 1) To pay tribute to the BPP 2) To provide a cogent historical perspective on the BPP and 3) To enable us to continue the struggle by providing a portal into The Movement Today After this Intro you will be able to turn on RBG Radio & TV By using your WMP Skins and player minimization you can interact with the show as it flows. If you have the Full version of the College, everything is Hot. Top left to right: Elbert "Big Man" Howard; Huey P. Newton (Defense Minister), Sherman Forte, Bobby Seale (Chairman). Bottom: Reggie Forte and Little Bobby Hutton (Treasurer). 12 POINT PROGRAM FOR CONSCIOUS HIP-HOP

  2. Click Here to Turn On RBG Radio & TV: THE HIP HOP—LIBREATION STRUGGLE CONNECT “The Revolution is in the Music” Check Out the Awareness Skin BLACK PANTHER PARTYHISTORICAL TOUR Skin Place Holder Click here for the: Companion Photo Essay PREPARED BY: MARC IMHOTEP CRAY MD Reference Resource for Deep Study:Democracy Now -News Shows on Black Panthers, Cointelpro & Related Issues This Lecture Series is to say “The more things change, the more things stay the same” HIP-HOP HEADZ MUST TAKE THE TOURCH OF STRUGGLE “RBG STREET SCHOLARS THINK TANK IS OFFERED TO SHOW US HOW” Link out to: It's About Time - Black Panther Party Legacy & Alumni

  3. The Black Panther Party was founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale and embraced the teachings of Malcolm X • The Black Panthers set out to change the way black people were being treated in America • First they wanted to protect blacks from police harassment and brutality • To this end, they advocated arming black people with weapons and using them when necessary to defend oneself • When you realize that most of the leaders of the Black Panthers were former US military men, many of whom served in Vietnam, you know they weren't bluffing Skin Place Holder Black Nationalism and Rap Music


  5. Shot up by Oakland Police, following Huey Newton's lesser third degree murder conviction, October 1968 Grove Street Black Panther Party Office Skin Place Holder RBG Street Scholars Think Tank Down Wit the Million More March

  6. Angry, racist Oakland police destruction of second B.P.P. National Headquarters office fall 1968 Occurred the night following a "third degree voluntary man slaughter" conviction, of Huey P. Newton The police were rooting for a first degree conviction Skin Place Holder POLICE BRUTALITY AND MISCONDUCT

  7. April 1968 Bobby Seale audio on non-violence and self defense following the death of Martin Luther King Jr. Bobby Seale, Chairman and co-founder of the Black Panther Party, Bobby Hutton Memorial Park, Oakland, California, August 25, 1968 Skin Place Holder SUPPORT DARE TO STRUGGLE

  8. Bobby Seale speaking at Free Huey Rally 1968 Skin Place Holder Hip-hop headz fight # 1 “Free Mumia” Prevent the Murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal

  9. February 1968 Free Huey Birthday Rally Skin Place Holder Left to Right: Bobby Seale, Stokley Carmichael, Rap Brown, James Forman FREE JAMIL AL-AMIN/ aka H Rap Brown

  10. FREE BREAKFAST Skin Place Holder A Brief History of the Black Panther Party

  11. "FREE HUEY," Panther Vigil, 1968 at Alameda County Court House • Right: Elbert "Bigman" Howard. [right] one of the first six members Skin Place Holder THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX

  12. Bobby Seale candidate for California Assembly Seat Skin Place Holder Using the Internet for Outreach and Organizing

  13. THE BBP’s BLACK POWER SPRUNG FROM THE PHILOSOPHY AND TEACHINGS OF MALCOLM X Malcolm X looked at the history of black people in America and pointed out how they were still suffering from slave mentality on the part of both the white establishment, and their own thinking Skin Place Holder You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom. "- Malcolm X LESS WE FORGET, NEVER AGAIN. ppt

  14. Socio-politically conscious music drove theBlack Power Movement of the 60’s"Say it loud, I'm Black and I'm proud"- James Brown Many black people felt the civil rights movement was achieving the economic, social and political liberation of the race Some of them, more radical, were disgusted with the slow pace of reform, and felt the need to speed things up and force the issue directly Among these outspoken black people was Malcolm X, a Black Muslim who demanded not just equality, but advocated a black revolution as a response to the oppression and inequality black people experienced Skin Place Holder AFRICANS IN THE DIASPORA TIMELINE

  15. Black students on college campuses were demanding classes that focused on Black history and Black studies, rather than the standard White version of history Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) chairman, Stokely Carmichael, used the term Black Power to create an awareness among blacks of their human rights and ability to change their own circumstances without reliance on the white power structure for improving the lot of black people Skin Place Holder AFRICENTRIC EDUCATION IS THE DIRECT OFFSPRING OF THIS EVER EVOLVING BLACK POWER MOVENENT The Basis of Black Power/ SNCC Position Paper

  16. Curtis Mayfield, Jazz Masters and Bulesologist like Gil Scott Heron were the talking drum of the movement Skin Place Holder Eldridge Cleaver & Stokely Carmichael THE REVOLUTION IS IN THE MUSIC

  17. The last poets, master rappers and lyricist waz dropin it like it waz hot • "The struggle of our people for freedom has progressed to the form where all of us must take a stand either for or against the freedom of our people You are either with Your People or against them. You are either part of the solution or part of the problem." Skin Place Holder Eldridge Cleaver WE TOO MUST NEVER FORGET

  18. Cleaver went on to become the Minister of Information for the Black Panther Party • Eldridge Cleaver's landmark bestselling book, Soul on Ice, broke new literary ground by airing Black people's grievances against white society, and pointing out that black anger was rooted in hundreds of years of psychological oppression by whites Skin Place Holder AFRIKAN HEAL THYSELF

  19. American Athletes give Black Power salute at Olympics Skin Place Holder We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism. We must destroy both racism and capitalism."- Huey P. Newton RBG Street Scholars Core Curriculum Overview .ppt

  20. Panthers Posted Up Skin Place Holder "No matter how much money you make in the black community, when you go into the white world you are still a nigger, you are still a nigger, you are still a nigger."- Stokely Carmichael THE RIOT THAT DESTROYED BLACK WALL STREET

  21. Skin Place Holder The second thing the Panthers wanted to achieve was economic and political equality for black people.. To achieve this they felt it necessary to reject the existing system and set about creating an independent self-supporting political and economic system Black Panthers setup many new community services including feeding the poor, teaching young children black history and black pride and free medical services BLAK TO THE FUTURE

  22. Black Panthers at Capitol "We have dedicated our lives, our blood, to the freedom and liberation of our people, and nothing, no force can stop us from achieving our goal. If it is necessary to destroy the United States of America, then let us destroy it with a smile on our faces."- Eldridge Cleaver Skin Place Holder AMNESTY FOR PP AND POW

  23. The Panthers were perhaps the most credible threat to the existing American society in that they were well organized, highly motivated, very well armed and trained. And given the state of civil rights in the country in the late 60s, the time was right.  Most significantly, the Black Panthers preached revolution, and if an armed struggle was needed, they were ready Skin Place Holder QUOTES FROM MALCOLM X

  24. Wall St. Journal "A Wall Street Journal sampling of opinion among black citizens in four metropolitan areas across the nation (SF, NY, Cleveland and Chicago) indicates a clear majority of blacks strongly support both the goals and methods of the Black Panthers " Skin Place Holder THE BLACK LIBERATION ARMY

  25. Yet the Panthers managed to inspire many black people to become more active in their communities and to fight the system. Likewise the threat they represented to the white status quo and to black conservatives, was a shot across America's bow, forcing it to change course in dealing with Black rights. But their leaders became targets for the police, and a number of busts and shootouts resulted in the Panther leadership either being killed or incarcerated Photos: Panther 21 Demonstrations and reunion Skin Place Holder AFRICENTRIC EDUCATION

  26. Black people weren't the only ones feeling the oppression of systematic discrimination and inequality in America... Skin Place Holder Ancestral Libation for the American Holocaust of Afrikan People .ppt

  27. The Black Revolution:- Speech by Malcolm X (1963) Black Panther Party Platform and Program (1966) Black Power & Urban Politicsby Albert Cleage (1968) Interview with Huey P. Newton (1968) Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968) To My Black Brothers In Vietnam (1970) The Black Panther Programs The Basis of Black Power (SNCC) Newsreel Films - More Black Panther Photos More About The Black Power Movement of the 60’s Skin Place Holder RBG HIP HOP -RAP ICONS

  28. Now That We Know the History, We Are Ready For Serious Education & Participation Click On a Slide to Enter RBG Black Nationalist Pan-Afrikanist Learning Series Skin Place Holder Part II: Grassroots People & Organizations That Forge The Black Power Movement Part I: The Musicians & Poets, Music & Spoken Word That Drove & Drives the Movement “Please Help Support Our College” Join RBG Revolutionary Radio and TV today and enjoy a powerful edutainment experience

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