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Grant Writing: Travel Grants Wednesday 16th April 2008. Dr Gwen Averley Research Funding Development Manager (RFDM) FMS gwen.averley@ncl.ac.uk 0191 222 7460. Overview. Types of travel grants available Things to consider Criteria of assessment Worthwhile experience
Grant Writing:Travel GrantsWednesday 16th April 2008 Dr Gwen Averley Research Funding Development Manager (RFDM) FMS gwen.averley@ncl.ac.uk 0191 222 7460
Overview • Types of travel grants available • Things to consider • Criteria of assessment • Worthwhile experience • How to find travel grant calls • Examples of grant calls
Types of Travel Grant • To present at a conference in the UK or overseas • To learn a technique in the UK or overseas • To visit another lab in the UK or overseas
Things to consider (1) • What might you have to supply? • References / Letters of Support from Head of School / Supervisor / Supervisor of the host lab – you may be asked to draft these letters • The abstract / research to be presented at the meeting • Description • of your research project • Planned training or course • Planned work in the host laboratory and reasons for wishing to work with this particular group • CV • Publications • Copies of qualification certificates • Costs of travel, conference, etc., and proof of expenditure • Submit final report
Things to consider (2) • Check the deadline for application in relation to the conference date • Sometimes only one person per laboratory may apply • This may be the start of a long-term relationship with this funder • Remember to acknowledge the funder on any poster or presentation
The Judging Criteria of Travel Awarding Funders • The Funder / Society’s priorities • Scientific quality • Originality of current and planned research • Importance and timeliness of the research • The importance / relevance of the meeting to the applicant’s field of research • Scientific standard of the home and prospective host labs • The potential of the applicant • Candidate’s achievements to date • measures of “esteem” – prizes, seminar invites, etc., publications • The benefit of the travel to the applicant • development of research • career progression • opportunities for collaboration • networking • Value for money • e.g. combining attendance at conference with a visit to a lab or potential collaborator • e.g. sought contribution towards costs from other sources • Evidence of good planning, financial responsibility and measurable outcomes
Quote 1 From Mainz to StanfordI profited considerably, both personally and scientifically, from my stay in Stanford. I found it very impressive to work in such a first class and ambitious group. My experience in this laboratory has confirmed my intention of remaining in science.Dr. med. Karsten Weller
Quote 2 From Hannover to BostonI highly recommend this kind of laboratory visit to everyone during their PhD project. It is not simply beneficial for the project and a new experience, but also made my decision to do a postdoc outside Germany easier. I found it also very encouraging that 80% of my laboratory colleagues at Harvard Medical School had young children and that the women were still working with the help of their partners and private day-carers. Having a family and working at the same time was deemed perfectly normal and socially acceptable. Imke Schulte
Quote 3 From Jena to KentuckyI am very glad to have been given that unique opportunity! In the host laboratory, I was expected to plan my experiments, to come up with and consider hypotheses and to research information by myself. I thus learned a lot more than laboratory techniques. I also expanded my personal skills - and the experience of living in another country and working in an international, intercultural team was very important to me. I would not have liked to miss it!Anne Jansen
Quote 4 From Hannover to New YorkIt was very important to me to be forced to speak scientific and medical English at such an early stage of my career. Besides the science related to my project, I gained insight and experience in planning further steps in ongoing projects and in establishing a new project. This stay abroad also gave me a different perspective on the situation in Europe and increased my personal confidence, my social and interactive skills.Jörn Tongers
Quote 5 From Erlangen to GlasgowThis visit provided me with the opportunity of forging links with internationally renowned scientists important to my future professional career. Furthermore, the training prepared me for a potential postdoctoral training in an English-speaking country.Daniela Kosmides
Quote 6 From Leipzig to HelsinkiThis experience was incredibly valuable and I realized the importance of Academic Schools for hands-on training and enabling direct exchange of ideas which is indispensable. I have progressed vastly in my own thinking and have benefited from the close personal bonds that I was able to forge with teachers and students alike. The input was enormous and I was exhausted after the ten days, but it was worth every minute. Nikolaus Steinbeis on the Helsinki Winter School of Neuroscience
http://www.rdfunding.org.uk/ Grant alert websites 1:
http://www.researchresearch.com Grant alert websites 2:
Sample travel grant calls • In alphabetical order of funder … • Arthritis Research Campaign • Biochemical Society • Boehringer Ingelheim GmbJ • Brain • British Association for Cancer Research • British Infection Society • European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID • European Association of Experimental Social Psychology ) • Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) • Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness • Genetics Society • Nutrition Society • Physiological Society • Royal Society • Society for Experimental Biology • Society for General Microbiology
Arthritis Research Campaign Travel Supporthttp://www.arc-research.org.uk/forms/arctravelsupport.asp • current or recent grant holders can apply for travel awards for research staff employed on the grant or working in their laboratory to attend national/international scientific meetings to present arc-supported work • £500 pa for PhD studentships • submit at least one month before meeting, with abstract of work to be presented • can be for meetings up to 2 years after the termination of the grant
Biochemical Society General Travelhttps://www.biochemistry.org/admin/forms/travel/generalgrantapp.htm • To attend society meetings • For short visits to other labs • Priority to young postdocs, exceptionally awards made to postgrads in third year • Must have been a member for at least one year • Not eligible if awarded a travel grant within last 2 years • Usually for a proportion (25-40%) of the projected costs • Up to £500, exceptionally £750 • Only one application from the same lab/department to the same meeting
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbJ Travel Allowanceshttp://www.bifonds.de/cgi-bin/show.pl/travel_grants/travel_grants.html • For junior researchers pursuing experimental projects in basic biomedical research • For European citizens working in Europe and overseas, and non-European citizens to work in Europe • PhD students under 31 years, postdocs under 33 years, graduates not yet started PhD • Grants for short-term visits up to 3 months • To learn clearly-defined methods for you or your research lab by visiting another lab or by attending research-orientated courses • To enable graduates from abroad and their potential PhD supervisors BEFORE embarking on a PhD thesis – short project, circa 4 weeks • NOT for conferences, workshops, courses arranged by companies, applied research • Final report about 2 months after return home
Brain Travel Grantshttp://www.brain.ac.uk/Grants%20and%20Announcements.html • For clinical and non-clinical neuroscientists, under 40 years • Based in the UK • To attend and present original work at scientific meetings • Research visits to labs or clinical departments • A maximum of 3 separate awards available to each applicant, with not more than one award in any 12 month period • Up to £400-£800 depending on destination • Unlikely to meet whole costs and encourage applicants to seek part funding from other sources • Letter of invitation from host lab or copy of submitted abstract • Apply at least 2 months before planned date of departure • Submit a short report within three months of the meeting/visit countersigned by their sponsor
British Association for Cancer Research Meeting Bursarieshttp://www.bacr.org.uk/fellowshipsbursaries/fellowshipsbursaries.asp • Applicants should have been a member/member-elect for one year • Preference given to those who combine the attendance at the meeting with a visit to a lab, a meeting with a collaborator, etc. • Preference to those who have not recently received funding from EACR • Up to maximum £800, but encourage applicant to seek additional awards or support from their home institution • Submit written report of their travel/meeting after their return that may be published in the Association’s newsletter
British Infection Society Travel Awardshttp://www.britishinfectionsociety.org/research/funding/grants.aspx#BTA • For UK and Ireland-based clinical and non-clinical trainees in infection or infection-related specialties • For travel to major national or international meetings, in particular, ASM, ICAAC, IDSA, and ECCMI where abstract already accepted • Up to £500 claimed in arrears • Supply letter of acceptance, name of conference, abstract and 2-page CV
European Association of Experimental Social PsychologyPostgraduate and Postdoctoral Travel Grantshttp://www.eaesp.org/activities/own/grants.htm#postgraduate • Short visits of postgrads or postdocs to departments elsewhere in the world to conduct new research, complete ongoing projects, or undergo training in a particular methodology or technology • Participation of postgrads and postdocs in meetings, conferences or summer schools (co)sponsored by EAESP • For postgrads and postdocs (within 36 months of completing PhD) • Maximum of one bursary as a postgrad and one as a postdoc • Academic and financial need – preference for countries/departments which have limited access to travel funds and whose infrastructure or training facilities are less well developed than elsewhere • Up to £800 • Report on short visit (not required for meetings and conferences) within 3 months of return
ESCMID Travel Grants for Training in Foreign Institutionshttp://www.escmid.org/sites/index_f.aspx?par=4.1 • European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases • ESCMID Travel Grants for Training in Foreign Institutions • For young graduate European scientists or physicians (under 41 years) working in the fields of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases for short term training in a foreign lab, university or hospital • Up to 600 EUR or 1,000 EUR (in, outside Europe) • Attendance Grants for ESCMID Postgraduate Education Courses • For young European scientists (under 41 years, trainees in clinical microbiology and/or infectious diseases) to attend an ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course – free tuition and/or travel grants
Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)Young Scientist Meeting Grant (YSMG)http://www.fems-microbiology.org/website/nl/page19.asp • FEMS Meeting Grant awarded to conference organisers, this is a bursary scheme for young scientists (60% of the fund for young scientists, 40% for invited speakers). The Meeting organisers to select the YSMG grantees based on criteria defined by the meeting • Grantee must be • Member of FEMS or recommended by a member • Under 36 years at the close of the meeting • A working microbiologist • Presenting author of the abstract • Minimum 250 EUR, maximum 600 EUR, plus a waiver of a percentage of the registration fees
Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illnesshttp://www.shifoundation.org.uk/travel.html • Up to £750 • Registered part-time or full-time for a masters or PhD in a UK university • Do not have to be a UK or EU citizen • Conference should be appropriate for a medical sociology paper • Applicant should (co)/present the paper • Must supply documentary evidence of acceptance when applying for reimbursement
Genetics Society Travel Grants for Junior Scientistshttp://www.genetics.org.uk/travel_grants • For postgrads and postdocs (within two years of viva) who have been members for at least one year • Up to £300 to attend conferences in the area of genetics that are not sponsored by the Genetics Society • Maximum of one grant every 3 years to a junior scientist • May be asked to write a short report for the Society newsletter
Nutrition Society Travel Grantshttp://www.nutritionsociety.org/index.php • To attend meeting in the UK and overseas • £350 for overseas meeting, £125 for UK meeting over a 3 year period • May take either the full amount for one meeting or only part of it and keep a sum in reserve for another meeting within the 3 year period • Must supply proof of attendance at the meeting • Must have been a full member of the Society for at least 2 years, with 2 years of student membership counting as one
Physiological Society Travel Grants http://www.physoc.org/site/cms/contentCategoryView.asp?category=348 • Up to £600 for ordinary members, up to £400 for Affiliates • To attend and present at a scientific conference • To visit another lab for collaborative research or to acquire/teach new techniques • To attend a practical workshop or training course • Must not have received travel grant funding within the last 12 months • Affiliate’s first application must be to attend an event sponsored by the Society
Royal Society Conference Grantshttp://royalsociety.org/funding.asp?id=2348 • Open to postdoctoral level or above in the UK, must hold a permanent or fixed term contract in an eligible organisation • To present or chair a session at an overseas conference • For all countries outside the UK • Funding available for a maximum of 10 days, covers international airfares, registration and subsistence, and childcare if appropriate • Must be on a subject within the natural sciences. The Royal Society does not cover social sciences or clinical medical research • Can submit one application per round and can only receive one grant from this scheme within any calendar year • Cannot hold a short visit award over the same period
Royal Society Short Visits from the UKhttp://royalsociety.org/funding.asp?id=2118 • To support new and on-going international collaborations • To initiate one-to-one collaborations, explore opportunities to build lasting networks and gain access to complementary equipment, data, observations and ideas • Open to postdoctoral level or above in the UK • Outgoing short visits available for all countries except the USA • Funding for up to a maximum of 12 weeks and covers international airfares, local travel costs and subsistence costs only • Must be planning a collaborative visit with a named scientist who will be hosting the visit • Is for only one visit (use Joint Project scheme for multiple visits) • Must be on a subject within the natural sciences. The Royal Society does not cover social sciences or clinical medical research • Both scientists must have completed a PhD or have extensive experience at an equivalent level
Society for Experimental BiologyCompany of Biologists Travel Grantshttp://www.sebiology.org/membership/Grants.html • To support biologists to attend a conference or gain research experience in the UK or abroad • Must be a member of the Society for Experimental Biology • Must be a postgrad or postdoc (up to 3 years post PhD) • Maximum for home country £250, for overseas £500 • Only one person per laboratory may apply for an overseas visit • Will not fund applications made retrospectively
Society for General Microbiology Postgraduate Student Meetingshttp://www.sgm.ac.uk/grants/pg.cfm • For SGM postgraduate student members to attend one Society meeting each year • For full-time postgraduate students (PhD or Masters) who are paid-up Postgraduate Student Associate Members of SGM • Must reside in a European Union country • No retrospective claims will be accepted
Society for General Microbiology Scientific Meetings Travel Grantshttp://www.sgm.ac.uk/grants/smtg.cfm • To support early career microbiologists to present work at scientific meetings in the UK and overseas • Must be paid up member of SGM of at least 3 months • Must be registered for a PhD in the EU, or within 3 years of first postdoc position in the EU, or a graduate scientist within 3 years of first appointment to a microbiological post in the UK or Eire; a university lecturer within 3 years of appointment to their first post in the UK or Eire • Grants may also be used to suport attendance on a short course (less than 3 weeks) • Not eligible if received SGM travel grant in last 12 months • Grants are not intended to cover the full costs • Up to £200 for home country, £350 to another European country, £500 for travel outside Europe • This is not for attendance at SGM meetings (another funding stream for this for postgrads)
Newcastle University Graduate School Travel Fund • The Graduate School will fund up to £300 travel once in the period of postgraduate study, competitively awarded • It may be best to “save” this up, as matching funding to leverage a travel application elsewhere to attend an expensive, prestigious meeting overseas