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21st Century Skills for Today’s Learners: Weighing in on the new skills

21st Century Skills for Today’s Learners: Weighing in on the new skills. MAME Conference Ricki Chowning November 12, 2004. Agenda for Today. Definition & relevance of 21st Century Skills Review of resources Application of 21st Century Skills to Today’s Issues of Accountability

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21st Century Skills for Today’s Learners: Weighing in on the new skills

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  1. 21st Century Skills for Today’s Learners:Weighing in on the new skills MAME Conference Ricki Chowning November 12, 2004

  2. Agenda for Today • Definition & relevance of 21st Century Skills • Review of resources • Application of 21st Century Skills to Today’s Issues of Accountability • How do Media Specialists support these new skills?

  3. Objective:To examine the current body of work on 21st Century Skills and identify points of intersection with the library media program

  4. Importance of a “21st Century” Information Age Education • Economic challenges • Accelerating technological change • Rapidly accumulating knowledge • Increasing global competition • Rising workforce capabilities All Requiring New Skills…..

  5. In the Information Age…… • Knowledge is a differentiator in a literate society--equitable access • Ubiquitous access to information is essential • New environments are necessary for learning • Learning is “anytime, anywhere” • Customized learning is available

  6. enGauge 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age NCREL & the Metiri Group 2003 http://www.ncrel.org/engauge/skills/skills.htm

  7. enGauge 21st Century Skillsdocument contents • Digital literacies: background and need • 21st century skills • Bringing 21st century skills into your schools • Cross match to national models

  8. enGauge 21st Century Skills:4 areas encompassing 22 skills • Digital-age literacies (8 skills) • Inventive thinking (6 skills) • Effective communication (5 skills) • High productivity (3 skills)

  9. Digital Age Literacies 1. Basic literacy 2. Scientific literacy 3. Economic literacy 4. Technological literacy 5. Visual literacy 6. Information literacy 7. Multicultural literacy 8. Global literacy

  10. Inventive Thinking 1. Adaptability and managing complexity 2. Self-direction 3. Curiosity 4. Creativity 5. Risk taking 6. Higher-order thinking and reasoning

  11. Effective Communication 1. Teaming & collaboration 2. Interpersonal skills 3. Personal responsibility 4. Social & civic responsibility 5. Interactive communication

  12. High Productivity 1. Prioritizing, planning & managing for results 2. Effective use of real-world tools 3. Ability to produce relevant, high- quality products

  13. Cross-Match to National Models • National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) (ISTE, 2000) • What Work Requires of Schools (SCANS Report) (USDOL, 1991) • Information Literacy Skills (ALA, 1998) www.ala.org/aasl/ip_nine.html -http://cnets.iste.org/students/s_book.html -http://wdr.doleta.gov’SCANS/whatwork/whatwork.html

  14. National Models, cont. • Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know More about Technology (2002) • http://www.nap.edu/books/0309082625/html/ • Standards for Technological Literacy (ITEA,2000) • http://www.iteawww.org/TAA/PDFs/xstnd.pdf

  15. Learning for the 21st Century Partnership for 21st Century Skills 2003 Online Assessment http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/

  16. Learning for the 21st Centurydocument contents • Defining the need for change • Key elements of 21st century learning • Implementing 21st century skills • MILE Guide

  17. Key Elements of 21st Century Learning • Emphasize core subjects • Emphasize learning skills • Use 21st century tools to develop learning skills • Teach & learn in a 21st century context • Teach & learn new 21st century content • Use 21st century assessments that measure core subjects and 21st century skills

  18. 21st Century Learning Skills • Information Skills: analyzing, accessing, evaluating, creating, etc. • Communications Skills: oral, written and multimedia • Thinking & Problem-Solving Skills: critical thinking, problem processing, creativity & curiosity • Interpersonal Skills: collaboration, self-direction, adaptability, social responsibility

  19. 21st Century Tools • Information & communication technologies: computers and networking • Audio technologies • Video technologies • Multimedia technologies

  20. 21st Century Content • Global awareness • Financial, economic & business literacy • Civic literacy 21st Century Context • Relevance to students’ lives • Bringing the world into the classroom • Taking students out into the world • Interaction with other students • Making connections

  21. Application of 21st Century Content & Skills to Today’s Issues of Accountability and Curriculum Design • Authentic curricula (MCF) • Higher order thinking skills • Engaged learners • Family and community involvement (NCLB) • Equity (all sub-populations) (NCLB)

  22. Application of 21st Century Content & Skills to Today’s Issues of Accountability and Curriculum Design, cont. • Scientifically-based learning • Extended learning opportunities • Advanced coursework (Education Yes) • Technological literacy (NCLB)(Education Yes)

  23. The Fit with Media Programs • Talk the language • Be at the table for curriculum design • Determine where this information fits into your media center program and vision • Establish priorities for integration • Align curricula for 21st century skills • Examine and align learning assessments to include 21st century skills

  24. Ricki Chowning,Asst. Superintendent for Technology and Media ServicesOttawa Area ISDrchownin@oaisd.org1.877.702.8600 ext. 4050

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