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The Holocaust: Podcast & Diary Extracts

The Holocaust: Podcast & Diary Extracts. The Holocaust in France. How did the persecution of the Jews begin in wartime France? Who was responsible? Identify and explain some of the discriminatory measures. The French public protested little in the beginning. Why was this do you think?

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The Holocaust: Podcast & Diary Extracts

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  1. The Holocaust: Podcast & Diary Extracts

  2. The Holocaust in France • How did the persecution of the Jews begin in wartime France? Who was responsible? • Identify and explain some of the discriminatory measures. • The French public protested little in the beginning. Why was this do you think? • When were Jewish people forced to wear the yellow star and what effect did this have on French public opinion? • Explain what the Veld’Hiv round-up was. Who organised it and what happened to those who were taken? • Why did it take until 1995 for France to accept responsibility for what it had done?

  3. Madeleine and the Holocaust • Madeleine does not write much about anti-Semitic persecution in the diary. Why do you think this might be? • Can what Madeleine writes about Hélène Berr be interpreted as a ‘quiet’ act of defiance? • Summarise Madeleine’s reaction to the arrest of her friend Françoise Bernheim? • There are very few mentions about Hélène Berr in the final two years of the diary yet both remain firm friends. Why might this be? • In 1945, Madeleine writes to a friend in Paris to ask of news of Françoise. Do you find it surprising that she did not know?

  4. Hélène Berr & Madeleine Blaess’sDiaries • What does Hélène Berr writes about in the first pages of her diary and when does this change? • Does Hélène feel that she and her family are supported by friends and acquaintances? Should they have done more? How? • How similar in respect of content and approach to the everyday world are Hélène and Madeleine’s diaries? • What importance do both these diaries have as a historical record? Auschwitz death camp: Workhouses

  5. Homework. • Listen to the Podcast and read the diary extracts pertaining to the Holocaust and consider the following questions: • Who in your view has responsibility for the holocaust in France and why? • The ‘official’ history of the Holocaust is well-known. What do we learn that is different from the diaries? • ClassworkExercise: • In pairs, imagine, based on what you have learnt from the diaries, podcast and background reading, what it might have been like living as a Jewish school pupil in France during the Nazi Occupation of France. Gas chamber: Auschwitz

  6. TEACHERS RESOURCES • The complete diary: https://universitypress.whiterose.ac.uk/site/books/10.22599/Blaess/ • The documentary film: https://digitalmedia.sheffield.ac.uk/media/Madeleine+Blaess/1_l4gvgxn6 • Podcast on the Holocaust: ______________________s

  7. KS5_Bibliography: Holocaust in France • The Memorial de la Shoah, Paris (English) • Fondation de la Mémoire de la Shoah (English) • Podcast: Holocaust • Madeleine Blaess Diary Extracts • The Journal of Hélène Berr

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