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Pablo Project. http://www-pablo.cs.uiuc.edu/Projects/Pablo/ Goal: portable performance data environment for parallel systems Pablo Version 5.0 components SDDF Library TraceLibrary I/O Analysis programs Analysis GUI SvPablo. Self Defining Data Format -SDDF.
Pablo Project • http://www-pablo.cs.uiuc.edu/Projects/Pablo/ • Goal: portable performance data environment for parallel systems • Pablo Version 5.0 components • SDDF Library • TraceLibrary • I/O Analysis programs • Analysis GUI • SvPablo
Self Defining Data Format -SDDF • Performance data description language that specifies both data record structures and data record instances • Supports definition of records containing scalars and arrays of the base types found in most programming languages • Developed to link Pablo instrumentation software to Pablo analysis environment
SDDF (cont.) • Goals - compactness, portability, generality, extensibility • ASCII and binary formats (binary contains flag indicating byte ordering) • SDDF interface library -- library of C++ classes for writing and interpreting files in SDDF format • FileStats utility -- shows types of records and range of values appearing in SDDF file
SDDF Example // “description” “IO Seek” “Seek” { // “Time” “Timestamp” int “Timestamp”[]; // “Seconds” “Floating Point Timestamp” double “Seconds”; // “Event ID” “Corresponding event” // “700013” “lseek” // “700015” “fseek” int “Event Identifier”; // “Node” “Processor number”; int “Processor Number”; // “Duration” “Event duration in seconds” double “Duration”; // “File ID” “Unique file identifier” // “Number Bytes” “Number of bytes traversed” int “Number Bytes”; // “Offset” “Byte offset from position indicated by Whence” int “Offset”; // “Whence” “Indicates file position that Offset is measured from” // “0” “SEEK_SET” // “1” “SEEK_CUR” // “2” “SEEK_END” int “Whence”; ;;
SDDF Example (cont.) “Seek” { [2] { 201803857, 0 }, 20.1803857, 70013, 0, 0.0031946, 3, 0, 0, 0 };;
Pablo TraceLibrary • Basic trace library with extensions for procedure tracing, loop tracing, NX message passing tracing, I/O tracing, MPI tracing • Basic trace library • functions traceEvent, countEvent, startTimeEvent, endTimeEvent • event ID specifies type of event that is being traced
Pablo TraceLibrary (cont.) • Extensions provide wrapper functions for management of event ID’s for various event types • Procedure and loop tracing done manually by inserting calls to TraceLibrary routines into application source code • Default mode is to dump trace buffer contents to a trace file, but it’s possible to have trace data output sent to a socket for real-time analysis
TraceLibrary Scalability • Documentation states that TraceLibrary monitors and dynamically alters volume, frequency, and types of event data by • associating a user-specified maximum trace level with each event and • substituting less invasive data recording (e.g., event counts rather than complete event traces) if maximum user-specified rate is exceeded • Unclear if these measure are taken automatically by high-level trace library or if they must be explicitly called by user at low level
I/O Extension to TraceLibrary • I/O instrumentation requires changes to application source code • I/O trace initialization and termination routines must be called before and after calling any other I/O trace routines • I/O trace bracketing routines provided for I/O requests that are not implemented as library calls (e.g., getc macro in C and Fortran I/O statements that are part of the language)
I/O Extension (cont.) • I/O instrumentation options for C programs • Manually replace standard I/O calls with tracing counterparts • Define IOTRACE so that pre-processor replaces standard I/O calls with tracing counterparts • I/O instrumentation of Fortran programs • Manually bracket each I/O call with I/O trace library bracketing routines
I/O Extension (cont.) • Programs containing to I/O extension interface routines must be linked with • Pablo Trace Extension Library libPabloTraceExt.a • Pablo Base Trace Library libPabloTrace.a
Sample C program - No Instrumentation #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { FILE *fp; char buffer[1024]; size_t cnt; fp = fopen(“/etc/motd”, “r”); if (fp != NULL) { cnt = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 1024, fp); fclose(fp); } }
Sample C program - Manual Instrumentation #include “IOTrace.h” #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { FILE *fp; char buffer[1024]; size_t cnt; initIOTrace(); /* Initialize I/O Extension */ fp = traceFOPEN(“/etc/motd”, “r”); if (fp != NULL) { cnt = traceFREAD(buffer, sizeof(char), 1024, fp) traceFCLOSE(fp); } /* Trace termination routines */ endIOTrace(); endTracing(); }
Sample C program - Preprocessor Replacement #define IOTRACE #include “IOTrace.h” #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { FILE *fp; char buffer[1024]; size_t cnt; initIOTrace(); /* Initialize I/O Extension */ fp = fopen(“/etc/motd”, “r”); if (fp != NULL) { cnt = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 1024, fp) fclose(fp); } /* Trace termination routines */ endIOTrace(); endTracing(); }
Sample Fortran program - No Instrumentation integer i open(unit=2,file=‘/tmp/f’,form=‘formatted’,status=‘new’) i=0 write(2, 100) I close(2) 100 format(‘Node ‘, i3) end
#include “fIOTrace.h” integer I call initIOTrace() call traceOpenBegin(‘/tmp/f’, i) open(unit=2,file=‘/tmp/f’,form=‘formatted’,status=‘new’) call traceOpenEnd(2) i = 0 call traceWriteBegin(2,1,0) write(2, 100) I call traceWriteEnd(9) call traceCloseBegin(2) close(2) call traceCloseEnd() 100 format(‘Node ‘,i3) call endIOTrace() call endTracing() end Sample Fortran program - Manual Instrumentation
MPI TraceLibrary Extension • MPI profiling library that can be linked in without making source code changes • Each MPI process output a trace file labeled with the process number • Insert call to SetTraceFileName() immediately after MPI_Init() to control location of trace file
MPI Extension (cont.) • Disable tracing by calling MPI_Control(0) • Re-enable tracing by calling MPI_Control(1) • Link with Pablo Trace Extension Library (libPabloTraceExt.a) and Pablo Base Trace Library (libPabloTrace.a) • Merge per-process trace file using the SDDF utility MergePabloTraces
Pablo Trace File Analysis • Command-line FileStats program scans SDDF file and reports record types, min and max values for each field, and count of each record type. • SDDFStatistics GUI for generating and browsing statistics from an SDDF file • Pablo I/O analysis command-line routines • Pablo Analysis GUI
SDDFStatistics • Statistics for entire file are displayed along top of display • Record types are displayed in panel at lower left • Clicking on a record type brings up statistics for each field of that record type • Clicking on a field displays a histogram summarizing values for that field • Clicking on an array field type brings up statistics for each dimension of that field
SDDFStatistics Usage • SDDFStatistics [-toolkitoption …] [-loadSummary filename] [-openSDDF filename] • Or use runSDDFStatistics script which invokes the SDDFStatistics program after setting environment variables so that required resources can be located
I/O Analysis Programs • Iostats generates a report of application I/O activity summarized by I/O request type. • IOstatsTable produces table summarizing information about I/O operations. • IOtotalsByPE produces a report showing the total count, duration, and bytes involved for various operations by processor.
I/O Analysis Programs (cont.) • LifetimeIOstats produces a report summarizing I/O activity by processor and file, prints a histogram of the file lifetimes, and prints total time spent in I/O calls for each procedure. • FileRegionIOstats generates a report of application I/O activity summarized by file region. Each file is divided spatially into regions whose size is set by calling enableFileRegionSummaries().
I/O Analysis Programs (cont.) • TimeWindowIOstats produces a report from Time Window Summary trace records. The execution time of the program is divided into time windows whose size is set by calling enableTimeWindowSummaries(). • SyncIOfileIDs processes a trace file contining I/O trace events where many different file Ids may be associated with a given file, and write a new file where every I/O trace event associated with a particular file (as determined by the file name) has the same file ID.
I/O Characterization Research using Pablo • Detailed characterization of I/O behavior of scalable applications and existing parallel file systems • Goals • Enable application developers to achieve higher fraction of peak I/O performance on existing parallel file systems • Help system software developers design better parallel file systems
I/O Research (cont.) • Target Platforms • Intel Paragon • IBM SP • Convex Exemplar • SGI Origin 2000
I/O Research (cont.) • The Scalable I/O (SIO) Initiative has targeted a number of application codes for study, including: • PRISM incompressible Navier-Stokes calculations • SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar application • HF Hartree-Fock calculations • ESCAT SMC electron scattering • RENDER ray-identification rendering
Pablo and Virtual Reality • Problem • Very large volume of captured performance data for parallel systems • Human-computer interface is bandwidth-limited • Proposed solution • Immerse users in virtual world so that users can explore, viscerally experience, and modify the dynamic behavior of application and system software on a massively parallel system
Avatar • Pablo virtual reality system • Operates with workstation monitor, head-mounted display, and the CAVE • Presentation metaphors • Scattercube Matrix • generalization of 2-d scatterplot matrix • shows 3-d projections of sparsely populated, N-dimensional space • Time Tunnel • event level display of processor and inter-processor behavior
Pablo Analysis GUI • Toolkit of data transformation modules capable of processing SDDF records • Supports graphical connection of performance data transformation modules in style of AVS • By graphically connecting modules and interactively selecting trace data records, user specifies desired data transformation and presentations • Expert users can develop and add new data analysis modules
Analysis GUI (cont.) • Module types • Data analysis • Mathematical transforms (counts, sums, ratios, max, min, average, trig functions, etc.) • Synthesis of vectors and arrays from scalar input data • Data presentation - bar graphs, bubble charts, strip charts, contour plots, interval plots, kiviat diagrams, 2-d and 3-d scatter plots, matrix displays, pie charts, polar plots