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Anatomy & Philosophy assignment

As a yoga instructor, you should be familiar with the limitation of each body type and its degree of experience. In this way, yoga teachers must find out about the essentials of anatomy and physiology to comprehend what's happening in the body and accomplish full advantages of yoga.

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Anatomy & Philosophy assignment

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  1. May 2020 200hrs teacher training/ Living Yoga School Anatomy & Pranayama Define pranayama along with the different processes in 1 respiration: Prana = vital/cosmic/universal energy or breath Ayama = extension/retention or regulation Pranayama is the practice of the regulation of the breath. Here we can apply different techniques, some to calm the nervous system, to strengthen, tonify or energize the body or to help during meditation, it also helps to keep the focus during the practice of the asanas and helps to control the mind. when it wanders off, bring the focus back to the breath. The pranayama techniques can remove blockages of the energy channels. Blockages that may come from the body or mind. Even blockages from our past life or ancestors can be removed. And we can guide the flow of the energies. Our breath creates the bridge between our physical body; the pandamaya kosha; and the mind; the manomaya kosha. In one breath/respiration we have 4 cycles/steps: 1 the inhalation 2 pause 3 exhalation 4 pause There are 4 possibilities to work on these cycles: 1 we work, try to regulate on the inhalation, this is called Puraka 2 we work on the first pause after inhalation, retain the pause, this is called the Antara Kumbhaka 3 we regulate the exhalation, Rechaka 4 we regulate the second pause, after exhalation, this is called the Bahaya Kumbhaka The principles of these regulations are to extend the prana, our life force or vital force. What is the concept of Pancha Kosha? Pancha = five in sanskrit Kosha = layer/sheet or body Take the example of an onion. Onions have many layers, and so do we humans. The concept of the Koshas helps us understand the human body, inculding mind and soul. There are 5 main layers in our body. Kathelijne Schaaphok

  2. May 2020 200hrs teacher training/ Living Yoga School 1. The Pandamaya Kosha, our physical body. This is the most outer layer that is connected to our 5 senses and the the outside world, also called the food body. For example when we practice asanas, we focus on our physical/food body. 2. The Pranayama Kosha, the second layer, this is our energy body and refers to our breath. The first layer is directely connected to the second and it can not function without it. 3. The third layer is called our Manomaya Kosha, this is our mental body and refers to our mind. Mano = mind/emotions/memories, this is also where the universal word «man» comes from. 4. Our forth layer the Vijnanmaya Kosha, refers to our rational mind, the intelligent body. Vijnan = science or knowledge. this layer helps us to make the right desicions and helps us answer questions like: «what is good for me and what not?» 5. The most inner layer our center is the Anandamaya Kosha. Ananda means bliss or happiness. In our center lies our joy and happiness. Humans don’t need anything from the outside world to find joy or happiness, as it already exists in our nature. Our center is the layer of joy. These 5 Koshas, layers are our whole material existence/dymension. Our self, soul or consciousness lies beyond all those five layers. This is called the Atman. the atman is like a pure light shining through all the five koshas, it is the bright shining light that we all have within us. Define Anatomy & Physiology: Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts. It is a branch of natural science which deals with the structural organization of living things. It is an old science, having its beginnings in prehistoric times. Kathelijne Schaaphok

  3. May 2020 200hrs teacher training/ Living Yoga School Physiology is the scientific study of functions and mechanisms in a living system. As a sub- discipline of biology, physiology focuses on how organisms, organ systems, individual organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions in a living system. In the study of the yoga anatomy and physiology we focus on the benefits of all the practices, pranayamas, asanas and meditation on the varius systems in our body. The important systems of our body are: * the endorcine system, which influences the function of our body with the help of hormones. * lymphatic & immune system, or lymphoid system is made up of a large network of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic or lymphoid organs, and lymphoid tissues. The vessels carry a clear fluid called lymph towards the heart. It is an organ system in vertebrates that is part of the circulatory system and the immune system. The immune system helps the body defend itself against pathogens , disceases that may harm the body. * respiratory system, is the system that brings air in and out the lungs to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. * circulatory system, circulates the blood via the heart, arteries and veins and delivers oxygen and nutriens to the different organs and cells and carries their waste products away and helps to maintain the body’s temperature. * nervous system, through our senses it collects and processes information via the nerves and brain to use our muscle function, causing physical action. * integumentary system, our skin, hair, nails and sweat. * urinary and renal system, this system makes use of our kidneys to filter the blood and produce urin to get rid of waste. * reproductive system, makes use of the reproductive organs for the production of offspring, new life. * muscular system, enables the body to move by using the muscles. * skeletal system, our bone structure that helps maintaing the body posture and its organs. Kathelijne Schaaphok

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