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Practice Vocabulary. and your MEMORY. Christmas. Task 1: You have one minute . Look at the pictures of C hristmas symbols carefully . Try to remember all of them . Christmas. Christmas. Task 2:
PracticeVocabulary andyourMEMORY
Christmas • Task 1: Youhaveoneminute. Look atthepicturesofChristmassymbolscarefully. Try to rememberallofthem.
Christmas • Task 2: Look atthepicturesagain. OneChristmas symbol ismissing. Canyouquesswhichone?
Christmas • Task 3: Do yourememberallChristmassymbols in thepicture? Canyounamethem?
Matchthepicturesbellowwiththecorrectexpression: a present a sleigh a holly bells a wreath Christmaspudding a reindeer a gingerbread a cracker a mistletoe a stocking a star FatherChristmas a fireplace Christmastree
Christmas • TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish: 1. Kdy lidé ve Velké Británii slaví Vánoce? 2. Krocan a vánoční pudink patří k tradiční vánoční večeři v Británii. 3. Co můžeš najít uvnitř „crackeru“? 4. Zpívají v Anglii vánoční koledy? 5. Pečou lidé v Británii cukroví? 6. Betlém znázorňuje narození Ježíška. 7. Rudolf je sob s červeným nosem, který táhne saně s dárky. 8. Nejoblíbenějšími dárky dětí jsou hračky. 9. Anglické děti dostávají dárky v punčochách a pod vánočním stromečkem. 10. Vánoce patří k nejoblíbenějším svátkům.
Christmas • Solution: • Whendo peoplecelebrateChristmas in Great Britain? • TurkeyandChristmaspuddingbelong to thetraditionalBritishChristmadinner. • Whatcanyoufindinsidethecracker? • Do theysingChristmascarols in England? • Do BritishpeoplebakeChristmascookies? • Nativity sceneshows a birthof Baby Jesus. • Rudolphis a reindeerwithred nose whopullssleighwithpresents. • The most favouritechildren´s presentsare toys. • Englishchildrengetpresents in theirstockingsorundertheChristmastree. • Christmasbelongs to the most popularholiday.
Resources: • Holly.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:17, http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/freedownloads/ig/Free-Christmas-Graphics/Christmas-Holly-Graphic.htm • Gingerbread.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:25, http://quizblog.in/archive/tech-quiz/Page-15.html • Fatherchristmas.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:29, http://quizblog.in/archive/tech-quiz/Page-15.html • Reindeer.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:32, http://www.how-to-draw-cartoons-online.com/how-to-draw-a-reindeer.html • Present.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:34, http://sweetclipart.com/fancy-christmas-present-349 • Tree.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:40, http://www.zazzle.com/cartoon_christmas_tree_acrylic_cut_outs-153150312698817910 • Stocking.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:44, http://www.zazzle.com/cartoon_christmas_tree_acrylic_cut_outs-153150312698817910 • Bells.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:48, http://sweetclipart.com/christmas-bells-ribbon-592 • Star.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:56, http://www1.ccny.cuny.edu/facultystaff/hr/The-2011-President-STARAward.cfm • Wreath.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 19:58, http://www.healthclubwithoutwalls.com/2011/12/twas-the-last-week-of-boot-camp-before-christmas-was-here/ • Pudding.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 20:01, http://www.healthclubwithoutwalls.com/2011/12/twas-the-last-week-of-boot-camp-before-christmas-was-here/ • Fireplace.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 20:07, http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photos-christmas-cartoon-fireplace-image17265003 • Cracker.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 20:12, http://pastorstephenspottingshed.blogspot.cz/2011/12/christmas-cracker.html • Sleigh.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 20:19, http://www.123rf.com/photo_11467497_3d-illustration-of-a-christmas-sleigh-loaded-with-gifts.html • Mistletoe.jpg, 20. 12. 2012, 20:21, http://somepony.deviantart.com/art/Mistletoe-275877400