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Sound. Making Sound. All the objects listed make sounds. Write down which ones you think involve vibrations in producing sound. guitar strings drum dripping faucet barking dog piano radio speaker car engine singer popped balloon hammer flute snapped fingers

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  1. Sound

  2. Making Sound All the objects listed make sounds. Write down which ones you think involve vibrations in producing sound. guitar strings drum dripping faucet barking dog piano radio speaker car engine singer popped balloon hammer flute snapped fingers thunderstorm wind bubbling water Discuss your reasoning behind your choices

  3. And the answer is… Sound is a form of energy caused by back and forth vibrations. All the objects on the list involve the production of sound as a result of vibration of the object itself or the material it comes in contact with, such as air. Some vibrations are obvious, such as watching the strings plucked on a guitar. Other vibrations are so small that you can’t see them, but they can be felt. Put your fingers over your vocal cords – you can feel the vibrations created when you speak.

  4. What is sound? Sound is a mechanical wave that travels through matter. It is a longitudinal wave.

  5. All the parts of the ear.

  6. Label parts of the ear

  7. FYI - Sound travels through different media. We hear sound which usually travels through air. Sound travels through other media as well, such as water and various solids. Sound travels different speeds in different media. Sound typically travels faster in a solid than a liquid and faster in a liquid than a gas. The denser the medium, the faster sound will travel. The higher the temperature, the faster the particles of the medium will move and the faster the particles will carry the sound.

  8. How is frequency related to pitch? The pitch of a sound wave is directly related to frequency. A high-pitched sound has a high frequency (a screaming girl). A low-pitched sound has a low frequency (a fog-horn). A healthy humanear can hear frequencies in the range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Humans cannot hear below 20 Hz. Sounds above 20,000 Hz are termed ultrasonic. Some animals, such as dogs, can hear frequencies in this range in which humans cannot hear.

  9. What is sound intensity? Sound intensity is the energy that the sound wave possesses. The greater the intensity of sound the farther the sound will travel and the louder the sound will appear. Loudness is very closely related to intensity. Loudness is the human perception of the sound intensity. The unit for loudness is decibels.

  10. Loudness in Decibels

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