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WELCOME TO. Scattered Seed Ministries…. THE BELIEVING FAITH OF YESHUA. Slides advance on time: Or, click mouse or Page UP-Down Keys. CONTEXT-CONTEXT-CONTEXT. Scripture + History + Culture = CONTEXT.
WELCOME TO Scattered Seed Ministries…. THE BELIEVING FAITH OF YESHUA Slides advance on time: Or, click mouse or Page UP-Down Keys
CONTEXT-CONTEXT-CONTEXT • Scripture + History + Culture = CONTEXT When we study the Scriptures, andbring intoit that which we have already been taught,(eisegesis) the outcome (exegesis)would be without a doubt compatible with the input. In doing this we can easily lose objectivity, and as a result lose the true essence of what Scripture is actually saying. In order for us to grasp the truth of Scripture we must be led to understand that whatever was established, and was true in the very beginning in God’s word is also true today.“God does not change” Three main contributors that have had an enormous impact on how we view Scripture, are the doctrines of dispensations,allegory (spiritualizing) and dividing. These doctrines were a focal point of necessity when trying to answer one theological question…That is…”Why did people have to keep the Law (Torah) before the resurrection , but not after the resurrection ?”
DISPENSATIONALISM • In dispensations, God will change His mind in different eras • What pleases Him in one particular era of time would not necessarily be so in another. Thus He changes His standards to fit the situation. • In these different modes there are different ways of attaining Salvation. • SOME EXAMPLES • INNOCENCE Adam & Eve had only one commandment (don’t eat of the tree) They were already saved, they were innocent and had not sinned. • CONSCIENCE From original sin to the flood, man seemed to be going along based on his own conscience. Noah & his clan seemed to be pretty good, so God saves Noah etc., and eliminates the rest of the world. • GOVERNMENTIn the third dispensation God gives Noah some structure by giving him some limited laws by which to live. During Noah’s time if you were good, and did not murder anyone and you are a law abiding citizen---YOU ARE O.K. WITH GOD. And oh yes, God says “ Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you.”Eat anything you want (addition mine)Continued
PROMISENow we come to the 4th dispensation called promise where God calls Abraham, and Abraham enters into salvation by Faith. Others can also enter in by this faith until we get to the 5th dispensation where God adds more rules and more laws. • LAWIn the 5th dispensation God gets heavy and odious and drops 613 more laws on the people if they want to be saved. This dispensation is called LAW and continues to the Gospel period . The problem with this is that the people are not keeping the 613 laws sinlessly. God says…. I can see this is not working ! Therefore, God says …. I think I will send my son and He will annul the earlier stuff. This sets up the next dispensation. • GRACE This is the dispensation that we are in now, it is a new mode of salvation, and we no longer have to worry about the laws. • The problem is that according to classic dispensationalists there is yet another dispensation to come, a 7th dispensation. This is when Messiah ushers in the Millennial Kingdom and puts us all back under the LAW • The entire premise of dispensations is that prior to Messiah, God wanted us to keep the Law but afterward He didn’t. This means that there must be some change in God’s expectations of people. • Continued
In the dispensational scheme of things , your first duty when you open your Bible is to figure out what dispensation you are reading from.. Actually it isn’t as difficult as it may appear. Pretty much anything left of Matthew is suspect; so in order for dispensational models to work, it requires the elimination of large portions of Scripture. • This kind of thinking has relegated the teaching and instructions of Torah to a different dispensation, and it is upon this basis that the neglect of the Sabbath, Festivals and the food laws can occur without even a twinge of conscience. • WHERE DID DISPENSATIONALISM ORIGINATE ? • It was enacted early on by the Roman Catholic Church, and under the Roman system the idea of dispensation takes on a pragmatic view. • Under the Roman system there are only two dispensations….Before Peter..and ..after Peter. • They arrive at this by claiming that Messiah gave Peter the keys to the kingdom and the authority to bind and to loose, therefore authority was passed on to the church, thus making the church the arbitrator of truth and law. Continued
So, if the church changes the law, it’s changed, and God is OK with that because He said whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. So after the resurrection, the church unbound the law. So, now the center of authority is no longer God’s word, it is the Roman church. Tremble at the Roman Church. • This is Roman Catholic theology;--- it is honest, and it is straight forward. It also is very wrong, but at least it is not trying to twist the Scriptures to say something they do not say. • The Catholic Church never tries to prove that Sunday is the new Sabbath.You will never see a Catholic theologian wringing his hands saying –well I, I think maybe the Apostles must have changed it. NO—They will just say “WE CHANGED IT---YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT ? GOD DIDN’T DO IT, WE DID IT ! • There are some real problems withdispensations,theyrequire us to pick and choose,and to distinguish between the dispensation of Israel and of the Church. This leads to a separation between the two as if they were different entities, and that God has two distinct peoples. Could this possibly mean that there will be a double wedding, the Church with the Bride of Messiah and the other, the Bride of YHWH ? I think not ! NO, NO, NO…. • Continued
Another problem with dispensations is that Messiah nor the Apostles were dispensationalists. The Apostles were Sabbath keeping, Festival attending, food law, Torah observant followers of the Jewish Messiah, YESHUA. • The next problem has to do with the immutability of God, His unchanging nature. These verses spell that out loud and clear ..Nbrs 23:19, Mal 3:6 and Heb 13:8.The Torah is The Eternal Word of God. Eternal means from everlasting to everlasting, an eternal decree throughout your generations. • A very important link to YHWH’s unchanging nature is inDt 4:2where God says“You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of YHWH your Elohim which I command you.”This command is repeated in Dt 12:32, Josh 12:32, Prov 30:6 and Rev 22:18-19. • FACT!Judaism has been guilty of adding to the Torah with man made oral traditions, and Christianity has been guilty by taking away from the Torah by changing Sabbath to Sunday, and observing non Biblical days such as Christmas and Easter instead of the Festivals of YHWH. The Jews criticize Christianity for not observing Torah, and the Christians criticize Judaism for not recognizing Yeshua. Prophecy will not be fulfilled until Judaism and Christianity both recognize Yeshua and Torah as one. Continued
ALLEGORIZING “Why did people have to keep the Law (Torah) before the resurrection, but not after the resurrection ?” The next reason for this notion is allegory or what we call spiritualizing. It is a method of a reading of the text where the obvious meaning is to be presumed to be less valuable than a deeper spiritual meaning of the text. Example : Bible Bingo could be a way to spiritualize the text. Let’s take this example that is in Dt 17:17 Neither shall he (the king) multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: Now the King might say “why does the Scriptures say “not to multiply wives to himself ?” Yes, I have it; It is so my heart be not turned away. So now that I know this deeper meaning, I can multiply wives to myself. continued
Another example is “The letter kills but the Spirit gives life” • The thinking is that following the law is death but doing what I want to do, that is life. • Is that what Paul is saying? • NO,what Paul is saying is the letter of the law condemns us because it defines sin, so when you break it you sin and enter into God’s condemnation. But the Holy Spirit is writing the law on our hearts so we won’t sin. In Judaism the letter of the law and the spirit of the law are also contrasted frequently. There is a Talmudic axiom that says –it is possible to be a reprobate with the permission of Torah. • WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ??It means there is a minimum level of the keeping of God’s commandments. Judaism calls this following the letter of the law. The minimum amount, the literal commandment.Math 15:5 continued
Following the spirit of the law in Judaism is following the intention of the law, which is the more stringent. It is the opposite of allegorizing, because in allegory when we see the deeper meaning or the intention of the law, we set aside the literal. In Judaism when you see the deeper meaning you Raise The Bar. EXAMPLES: The Letter Of The Law Says…Do not commit adultery. The Spirit Of The Law Says….Don’t lust after another mans wife The Letter Of The Law Says…Don’t murder The Spirit Of The Law Says….Don’t even harbor hatred in your heart. The spirit of the law in this sense does not cancel the letter. It is the higher standard. It is the internalization of the commandment, where we take the external and bring it to bear on the heart continued
There are three Torah’s in the Church’s Torah. They are… • Moral Laws… Don’t murder, don’t steal etc… • Civil Laws… If you dig a pit and an ox falls into it…. • Ceremonial Laws… Bringing sacrifices to Passover etc. DIVIDING Based on these three domains of applications, theologians split the Torah into three Torah’s. By this we are able to proceed by saying that the Gospel made the Civil and Ceremonial laws obsolete, or another way to spin it is to say that the Civil and Ceremonial laws were just for the Jewish people and the Moral laws are for all people. Here is what the Torah (YHWH’s) teaching and instructions) says about all of this…………………………………….continued
There is to be one Torah, and one ordinance for you and for the alien (non Jew-gentile-stranger) who sojourns with you. Lev 24:22, Nbrs 15:16, Acts 10:34. How can we know if a particular law is moral, civil or ceremonial, the Bible doesn’t seem to make any distinction. What is the answer ? The distinction between the Moral, Civil and Ceremonial laws is artificial and arbitrary, it is a contrivance for the convenience of a theology that holds YHWH’s laws in contempt.At no point does the Torah give any distinction of a separation between the Moral, Civil and Ceremonial.The ceremonial laws of the prohibition of idolatry, and the laws of the Sabbath are both ceremonial. These laws are listed right along with moral statutes, such as murder and theft.Torah lists eating unclean animals as an abomination, the same word as it uses to describe homosexuality. CONTINUED
Which is Ceremonial and which one is Moral? • It does not matter because both are abominable according to the Scriptures. • YHWH has not distinguished between ritual laws and ethical laws.WE HAVE, and because we have done this, it is possible for theologians and seminarians in today’s world to condone homosexuality, even in the clergy of the church. This because any Scriptures condemning such behavior can be readily dismissed as antiquated ceremonial law, not part of the central morality of the Bible. • Following this kind of reasoning, nothing can be said to be essentially and absolutely wrong or right. We created this mess when we started pulling at the threads, and by wrongly dividing the word of YHWH into arbitrary categories, some which we have declared no longer valid. By this we have dug our own theological grave and handed the shovel to the opponents of the Gospel. continued
There is another voice coming out of Messianic Judaism that says, “the ceremonial laws have not been done away with, but they are only for Jews.” • How is this possible when the Torah never differentiates…? This is a moral law… this is a law for Israel… and these are laws for everyone. • It does not ! Instead we are right back to picking and choosing. So, is the implication here that YHWH just didn’t foresee the gentile problem coming, so He just didn’t give us any laws ? • If we remove the Torah, there comes in its place an incredible vacuum. We are human beings and we need laws, standards etc. Those are the big three. There are other variations off of dispensationalism, allegorizing or wrongly dividing the word of YHWH. All of them are attempts to answer this basic question, this seeming contradiction of the Bible between O.T. and N.T.“Why do people have to keep the Law before the resurrection, but do not after the resurrection ?” • This question in and of itself is in question because the question is seriously flawed, it is a wrong question! Who said it was so? Who changed it ? When did it happen? continued
Come clean, who did it ? Did Jesus Do it ? It NEVER Occurred God didn’t do it I didn’t do it NO WAY JOSE Didn’t happen How about the Apostles ? The Answer was given on Slides 5 & 6…
DON’T STONE ANYONE • Did you know that the Torah Commandments have not been done away with ? • Did you know that you would be violating the Commandments of Torah if you were to stone someone ? • Did you know that many of the 613 mitzvot (Commands of Torah) are not applicable in the normal life of the believer ? • Did you know that the Torah actually forbids us to do sacrifices ? According to the books of Lev. and Deut. Sacrifices can only be made in the Temple in Jerusalem, and there has not been a Temple in Jerusalem since the days of the Apostles. Therefore it would be a sin to offer animal sacrifices in your back yard. THE BIBLE SAYS SO !
So everyday that you do not offer up animal sacrifices in your back yard, you are keeping a commandment of Torah. • In the same way the purity laws of contracting ritual uncleanness do not apply without a Temple; not because the purity laws have been done away with, but because they have a specific application. In the absence of the Temple the purity laws are only vestiges of a very, very different world. It doesn’t mean that the purity laws are obsolete. If a Temple was built tomorrow in Jerusalem, every worshiper that was going up to that Temple would be bound by the laws of clean and unclean. But, it does mean that they do not have a practical application outside of that province. • Similarly, the strict measures of Torah justice, stoning and the like, are not applicable unless one is in the land of Israel, under the authority of a duly ordained Torah court of law like the Sanhedrin.
Since there has not been a functional Sanhedrin wielding civil authority in almost 2000 years, there has not been a capital case tried in just as long. • So what this means is, as much as one would like to stone someone, the Torah actually forbids us in engaging in such vigilante type tactics. • Most laws of Torah that Christians do not keep are laws that do not apply to us in the modern world because of the absence of a temple, a Sanhedrin, a King, and a functional priesthood ; these are things that have been caused by the Diaspora, the exile. So, what happens is… Christianity is inadvertently keeping most of the Torah.It’s true! • There are a few things, but none insurmountable. Sabbath, Holidays, dietary things, just a few… so the gap is not as wide as you may think, unless of course your fear of men causes you to exceed the fear of YHWH.
SHALOM Scattered Seed Ministries…. THE BELIEVING FAITH OF YESHUA Slides advance on time: Or, click mouse or Page UP-Down Keys