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From “Good to Great” High Desert Center for Spiritual Living. Rev. Darlene Dunning info@best-outcome.com. Awakening Magnificence. Practicing the Presence and Principles of the Science of Mind for personal and global transformation. Dr. Ernest Holmes says:
From “Good to Great” High Desert Center for Spiritual Living Rev. Darlene Dunning info@best-outcome.com
Awakening Magnificence • Practicing the Presence and Principles of the Science of Mind for personal and global transformation. • Dr. Ernest Holmes says: • "There is a Divine urge within everyone to know more, to be more, and to express more, and I have found that the thing we are searching for is the thing we are searching with." • "Our time should be devoted to knowing the Truth that sets humanity free from the problem of ignorance; that Truth which alone can bring enlightenment to the world, that war should cease, that people should live together in harmony because they have recognized the Divinity within each other."
What’s Next? From “Good to Great” Center Services Leadership Next Steps Strategy
Relevant for today’s world • What does it mean to love Spirit with all my mind, all my heart and all my soul? • What does it mean to “walk the talk,” to practice and teach spiritual living?
My role, as a student of spiritual living • Love Spirit . . . • Practice & teach spiritual living; • Be a living example of universal principles and practices; • Facilitate and support spiritual development in community; and • “Walk the talk.”
The Creative Process . . . • How to Use the Creative Process: The Divine Ideal • Step 1: Think about things as you would prefer them to be, as though they already were that way. Support your thinking as desired with affirmations, affirmative prayer, visioning, meditation, journaling, artwork, or other ways of building on it. • Step 2: Step into the picture you’ve created in mind and feel what it feels like to be there. • Step 3: Keep doing this until you notice that what you were envisioning has actually built itself out in form all around you. It is now your real life. • Step 4: Relax and enjoy. Then, when you are ready select your next goal. • Dr. Ernest Holmes says, when seeking to heal an issue in our life, turn our thoughts completely away from the situation and look only at the Divine ideal. • The Divine ideal of our life, our finances, our health is a perfect idea of all the good that we can imagine. When we align our thinking and our consciousness with these Divine ideals, we find them beginning to grow in our life. This is the way the creative process works.
Affirmative Prayer • From an article in the January 1929 issue of “Science of Mind Magazine” entitled "Treatment – What, Why and How," • by Dr. Ernest Holmes: • “A treatment (affirmative prayer) is for the purpose of changing one's own consciousness, not to change the attitude of God. Quiet the mind and definitely state that faith and understanding are present. Mentally state and spiritually feel that a conscious and constructive Presence pervades all life. Affirm that the Spirit wills to respond and that It does respond. Sit quietly and believe. • Now state your desire as simply as possible, using only such words as have a real meaning to you. Never try to use other people's thought. You are alone with Cause, see to it that no denial of this thought enters your mind. • As simply as you can, create a definite acceptance in the mind that you are being guided into paths of peace and abundance. Feel a response in your thought, feel that what you state is the truth about yourself. Affirm that you accept and believe and receive.”
Global Vision For Centers for Spiritual Living We envision all people, all beings, and all life as expressions of God. We see a world in which each and every person lives in alignment with his/her highest spiritual principle, emphasizing unity with God and connection with each other; a world in which individually and collectively we are called to a higher state of consciousness and action. We envision humanity awakening to its spiritual magnificence and discovering the creative power of thought; a world where each and every person discovers his/her own personal power and ability to create an individual life that works within a world that works for everyone. We envision a world in which we live and grow as One Global Family that respects and honors the interconnectedness of all life; a world where this kinship with all life prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience. We envision a world where personal responsibility joins with social conscience in every area of the political, corporate, academic, and social sectors, providing sustainable structures to further the emerging global consciousness. We envision a world where each and every person has enough food, a home and a sense of belonging; a world of peace and harmony, enfranchisement and justice. We envision a world in which resources are valued, cared for, and grown, and where there is generous and continuous sharing of these resources. We envision a worldwide culture in which forgiveness (whether for errors, injustices, or debts) is the norm. We envision a world which has renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature, and love through the resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics. We envision a world that works for everyone and for all of creation.
Vision- Example • OUR PURPOSE: - Describes our reason for being __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ • COMMITMENT STATEMENT: - Practical ways we can measure our success It is our commitment to provide the means and environment for mutual caring, personal growth and community support. • GUIDING PRINCIPLES: - Arise from our shared values We honor, notice and value all people. We are committed to respectful and effective communication. We are honorable in word and deed.
Leadership * Ministerial Code, 2004 "Awakening through Spiritual Community" The Centers for Spiritual Living experience and manifest the truth of Oneness through the demonstration and development of Spiritual Community. The "glue" for our Spiritual Community is our shared commitment to spirituality, love, vision, community service, education, integrity, financial health, caring, and compassion. We make our decisions and guide our growth by continuous sensitivity to the unfolding vision of God for our community and by devotion to our shared values and guiding principles. We convey a way of life based on spiritual practices that builds spiritual community globally. Every center or aspect of our Spiritual Community serves as a point of inspiration and dynamic influence for the vision of Global Heart, and we further express our vision through compassionate service to our members and to the world. Our vital and growing Spiritual Community fuels an expanded awareness of our transformative teaching throughout the world. As we communicate "New Thought-Ancient Wisdom" through the teachings of Science of Mind and Spirit, we further the experience of a "universal spirituality" bridging all peoples, cultures, nations and faiths. The richness of our expression of Spiritual Community cultivates leaders, not just followers. We bring forth an enlightened citizenry and generate an abundant flow of spiritual leaders in service to the transformation of our world.
Leadership * Ministerial Code, 2004 Centers for Spiritual Living: Shared Values and Guiding Principles • Shared Values • spirituality • love • vision • community service • education • integrity • financial health • caring compassion • safety • diversity and inclusivity • growth and • prosperity. • Guiding Principles • Treatment, visioning, co-creation • Leaders as vision facilitators • Congruence • Accountability • Teamwork and • Open communication.
Leadership * Ministerial Code, 2004 Guiding Principles to Empower our Shared Values Spiritual Mind Treatment and Visioning:To anchor our expression of spirituality, we value an emphasis upon spiritual mind treatment and meditation for spiritual connection, along with the practices of visioning and co-creation. Leaders as Vision Facilitators: Leadership at all levels is centered on the facilitation of the Vision and the ever unfolding pathway revealed through continued visioning practices. Rather than "Lone Rangers" advancing their personal opinions and preferences, our leaders participate in discerning the pathway for the unfoldment of our vision and facilitate progress along that pathway. Furthermore, our leadership involves as many as possible in service to the vision and continually cultivates more leaders. Congruence: An all-pervading dedication to living out our values and principles and to advancing our Vision and Mission in every way possible and at all levels of our community. Simply put, our community and its members "walk our talk," in dedication to expressing a living embodiment of our Vision/Mission and of our teaching. We are demonstrating and actualizing our Vision and our possibilities. Accountability: By means of rigorous dedication to our values and guiding principles, we manifest a natural accountability for our commitments, actions, and community participation. We are thoroughly principled and constructive. Teamwork: At all levels, we work together to achieve our goals and to develop an ever richer, more involved and impactful Community. Open Communication: Information and insights flow openly and dynamically in this Community, enhancing creativity, engendering a sense of inclusion, and nurturing the efficient resolution of misunderstandings or conflict for spiritual insight to reveal our pathway.
Leadership * Best practices in Nonpofit Organization governance Excerpted from The Source: Twelve Principles of Governance That Power Exceptional Boards. Washington, DC: BoardSource 2005. www.boardsource.org Tactical to Strategic Guiding principles:* • Constructive Partnership • Mission Driven • Strategic Thinking • Culture of Inquiry • Independent-Mindedness • Ethos of Transparency • Compliance with Integrity • Sustaining Resources • Results-Oriented • Intentional Board Practices • Continuous Learning • Revitalization
Forward Momentum – Next Steps Goals for upcoming year 1. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________ Goals and Workplans Ongoing Design and Implementation by Teams 1. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________
Center Services • People • Leadership roles and attributes identified • Development and training program • Processes • Current practices (‘As-Is’) information gathering • Future best practices (‘To-Be’) • Resources • Identification and development of resources and technology to support leadership and volunteers.
Strategic Next Steps • What is the #1 Step? • _________________________ Center Services Definition and Support • Organizational Paradigm – Leadership Agreements • Review/create Role Descriptions for Leadership • Provide coaching support to Leadership for evolution from tactical to strategic, shared values and guiding principles • Explore if there is a good fit to develop a Governance Policy or other guidelines specific to community that define Leadership and key leadership roles; if so, create. • Marketing Guidelines • Communications Strategy and Plan • Stewardship and Fiduciary Oversight • Create or empower a Stewardship Core • Transparency, Good Governance and Oversight • Enhance plan for friendraising, including legacy gifts • Create a business plan for the Gift Shop
Short-Term Goals & Workplans DRAFT for Agreement ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Community • "In my work with nonprofits, I find that they're in desperate need of greater discipline—disciplined planning, disciplined people, disciplined governance, disciplined allocation of resources.”* * Jim Collins More than Surviving, Thriving Current Paradigm, Way of Operating: “grass roots / all hands on deck” • A core group has a hand in everything • _________________________________________________________ New Paradigm Possibilities: • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities • Well-defined choice-making channels • Staff and Volunteers are empowered • in their areas and budget to follow through with choices. Other: _______________________________________________________
Empowerment Best outcomes, for each piece of the garden, supports the Center’s purpose: • Identify stakeholders groups • Community Spiritual Leader • Leadership • Practitioners • Staff and Volunteers • (+ applicable groups per Org Chart) • Engage in reporting requirements gathering w/stakeholders • Develop reporting strategy • Develop Reports • Develop prioritized reports to-do list • On-going reports empowerment • Spiritual and organizational development
Org Chart –Organizational Design Model (ODM) for the Centers for Spiritual Living * ODM page 17, 3-1-11
Strategic Leadership Community Spiritual Leader Leadership Chair • Primary responsibilities: • Generate and serve the • community of members and friends • Support the Leadership team coordinators to effectively and efficiently perform in their roles and responsibilities and develop ideal attitudes and behaviors • Liaison between the Leadership and Leadership teams • Primary responsibilities: • Mission/Vision/Values oversight • Short- and long-term goal setting • with Goals and Workplans • Fundraising / Legacy gifts • Budgeting and financial oversight • Investment planning and oversight • Marketing strategy • Trends analysis
Teams Programs coordinates the programs aspects of the Center, including Sunday Celebration Service, Practitioners, Community Gatherings, Ministry of Prayer, Education, and any other programs duties involved in the Center. Programs Operations the operation and maintenance of the Center facility and all printed or written items of the Center, public relations, outreach and marketing of the Center, the obtaining and maintaining of computer equipment, if any, facilities, and such other duties as may pertain to the day-to-day operation of the Center. Operations Stewardship is of service for fiscal oversight and cultivation, along with basic legal and corporate oversight and development of budgets, as well as financial reports and tracking. It may appoint Teams and prescribe powers and duties for them. Stewardship Visioning Team receives input from Visioning Teams throughout the spiritual community and integrates input into a core vision, for the evolving spiritual pathway. Visioning Team may appoint Teams and prescribe such powers and duties for them. Visioning
Programs Roles & Responsibilities Teams Programs • Center Services • Celebration Services – Production • Education • Music • Groups • Prayer & Care • Community Outreach • Seva (selfless service) Volunteers • Social Events • Women's Connection • Men’s Group • Youth and Family • Programs coordinates of the Center, including Sunday Celebration Service(s), Practitioners, Community Gatherings, Ministry of Prayer, Education, and any other programs. • Programs Coordinator • primary responsibilities: • Service and generate the Center community of members and friends • Enroll and retain volunteers to support Center events and services • Effectively coordinate volunteers and their activities in support of the programs services/events • Recruitment, training and coordination of volunteers in service of their fellowman to realize the vision of Center Services
Operations Roles & Responsibilities Teams Operations • Operations coordinates the operation and maintenance of the Center facility and all printed or written items of the Center, marketing and public relations of the Center, obtaining and maintaining of computer equipment, facilities, and • such other duties as may pertain to the day-to-day operation of the Center. • Operations Coordinator • primary responsibilities: • Best practices of Human Resources • Supporting staff, contractors, and volunteers for performance in alignment with goals and objectives • Facilities / IT • Finance / Accounting • Maintenance / Garden • Marketing • Office / Gift Shop • Seva (selfless service) Volunteers • Website / Database
Community (Example)
Strategy Moving Forward New Paradigm DRAFT for consensus ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact: Rev. Darlene Dunning 928-899-6993, info@best-outcome.com