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Mars. Now: ~ opposition (rises when?) magnitude -2.2. Popular Interest. Past and present…. 1938: Radio broadcast of War of the Worlds panics US 2000: “Red Planet” 2005 (and 1953) “War of the Worlds”. First Observations. First observed by Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, 1659 He noted….
Mars Now: ~ opposition (rises when?) magnitude -2.2
Past and present… • 1938: Radio broadcast of War of the Worlds panics US • 2000: “Red Planet” • 2005 (and 1953) “War of the Worlds”
First Observations • First observed by Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, 1659 • He noted…
Rotation Motion of the feature Syrtis Major and concluded P=24h
Giovanni Cassini • Determined to be 24:37 who also saw the polar caps…
Polar Ice Caps • Ice cap seen in this ground based photo • Similar to view in scope
Seasons and eccentricity • Seasons are affected (made more extreme) because perihelion occurs at Southern Hemisphere summer • This is unlike Earth seasons, since Earth’s orbital eccentricity is small
Eccentricity and Oppositions • Causes some oppositions to be “favorable” • September 2003’s was especially favorable • Note angular size of Mars
Giovanni Schiaparelli • First proposed that the caps made of ice • Became famous when he drew his sketch of Mars in 1877 …
Percival Lowell • Wealth “Boston Brahman” (social and cultural elite) • Became interested in the Mars canals and established an observatory in Flagstaff, AZ
Lowell at the scope • Drew on 6-inch globes to accommodate perspective
Edward Barnard • In 1894 Edward Barnard and others could not convince himself the canals existed
Mariner probes would resolve • dust storm here frustrated first photos in 1971 Mariner 9
When cleared… • Many features but none lined up with canals drawn by Schiaparelli or Lowell
Possible explanation based on Lowell’s Venus “spokes” • Doctors noted that Lowell had stopped his scope down to a few inches, effectively creating a pinhole camera at eye, which displays veins in retina • Similar to ophthalmoscope, an instrument used to examine the interior of the eye
Craters discovered • Not evenly distributed…
Mostly in southern hemisphere • Dust has eroded rays and ejecta
Volcanoes found • Volcanoes such as Arsia Mons shown above and...
The volcano Olympus Mons • rises 24 km (15 miles) above plains! (3x Mt Everest). • Great size of volcanoes on both Venus and Mars suggests no current plate tectonics ... same surface sits above hot spot.
Tharsis Rise • Olympus Mons and other volcanos comprise the Tharsis Rise • Shown compared to eastern US here • Is an average of 5 - 6 km above most of surface
Valley Marineris • 4000 km long • Would span USA as shown • It is a huge crust fracture • not formed by water, but…
These channels were formed by massive water flow But where is the water now?...
Some water locked up in polar ice caps • South pole shown here • During summer CO2 portion sublimates, leaving H2O. (Temperature rises above sublimation point)
color view of cap • shows ice melted off of sun-facing slopes, revealing strange terraced slopes
North pole • this is almost all residual water ice shown here
Broken terrain from outflow • in the Capri plateau, suggests water violently outgassed when heated by volcanic activity below • Like similar event in eastern Washington state 14,000 years ago that created the Channeled Scablands
Some water seen in fog Early morning fog in canyons
Approaching Mars • dawn view reveals clouds along volcano Olympus Mons, Valley Marineris • CO2 snow in Argyre Basin
Viking I Lander View • Landed in Chryse Planitia (Golden Plains) • Shows edge of crater on horizon, probably responsible for jagged rocks in scene. • Foreground shows regolith covered with other rocks that under closer examination ...
…appear pocked (vesicular) Suggests outgassing during igneous formation
Other Results • 95% CO2, 2% N2, 1.6% Argon • 6-8 mBar pressure (Earth: 1000 mB) • no ozone layer • no magnetic field (therefore no iron core, also supported by low avg density 3.9) • large temp swings ... -80OC to -20O C in warmer areas! • seasonal pressure variationss as CO2 freezes out/sublimates
Geological Results • surface rich in iron (magnet) --> rust red! • silicon --> 2/3 of Mars.. • little interior info since one seismometer failed... • Biological…
gas-exchange Sensed respiration of samples (used gas-chromatograph/mass spectrometer)
labeled release Used radioactive carbon nutrients -- checked for metabolism...
pyrolytic-release Checked for photosynthesis with radioactive CO2 and artificial sunlight
Biological Results • no life found • active chemical reactions believed due to release of peroxides & superoxides • surface is literally antiseptic!
Magnetosphere • almost no magnetic field • Thus, core, if iron, not liquid, since Prot ~ PEarth • Thus solar wind and cosmic rays hit surface
Mars Global Surveyor • Imaging Mars from an orbit around it • Recent image of delta-like fans
Other probes… • Mars Exploration Rover Spirit and Opportunity landed in January, 2004 Mars Odyssey continues to map Mars in infrared
Rover Assignment • Write up, in < 1 typed page… • Current mission status (a paragraph) • 5 interesting things about the mission • Use the link on our WebCT Class Links page • Due next time (make a copy for yourself so we can discuss it)
Asaph Hall Discovered two moons in 1877 favorable opposition using the 26-inch refractor at the USNO, in Washington, DC
150 years before the were “predicted” in Gulliver’s Travels “They have likewise discovered two lesser Stars, or Satellites, which revolve about Mars; whereof the innermost is distant from the Center of the primary Planet exactly three of his Diameters, and the outermost five; the former revolves in the space of ten Hours, and the latter in Twenty-one and an Half; so that the Squares of their periodical Times, are very near in the same Proportion with the Cubes of their Distance from the Center of Mars; which evidently shews them to be governed by the same Law of Gravitation, that influences the other heavenly Bodies. “
Phobos Phobos is nearer and larger, P = 7:39! – rise to set in 5h! Not spherical – why not?