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中美图书馆之间合作的过去、现在和未来 Sino-U.S. Library Cooperation: Past, Present and Future

中美图书馆之间合作的过去、现在和未来 Sino-U.S. Library Cooperation: Past, Present and Future. 周欣平 美国柏克莱加州大学 University of California, Berkeley 第四届信息技术与教育国际学术研讨会,兰州, June 2010. 韦棣华 Mary Elizabeth Wood 文华公书林和文华图专创始人. Mary Elizabeth Wood (August 22, 1861 – May 1, 1931) ,

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中美图书馆之间合作的过去、现在和未来 Sino-U.S. Library Cooperation: Past, Present and Future

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  1. 中美图书馆之间合作的过去、现在和未来Sino-U.S. Library Cooperation: Past, Present and Future 周欣平 美国柏克莱加州大学 University of California, Berkeley 第四届信息技术与教育国际学术研讨会,兰州,June 2010

  2. 韦棣华 Mary Elizabeth Wood 文华公书林和文华图专创始人 Mary Elizabeth Wood(August 22, 1861 – May 1, 1931) , founder of the first public library and first library school in China

  3. 安德鲁·卡内基 (Andrew Carnegie 1835-1919)

  4. 卡内基的名言 Quotation of Andrew Carnegie • “ 地球上没有任何事物能象免费的公共图书馆那样作为民主的摇篮,在这一个有着受过良好教育国民的共和国里,地位、权力和财富都不重要” • There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration.

  5. 提纲 Outline • 1. 数字时代的图书馆 Libraries in the Digital Age • 2. 填补数字鸿沟 Bridging the Digital Divide • 3. 图书馆服务新理念 New Concepts of Library Services • 4. 数字时代图书馆的评估 Measuring Libraries in the Digital Age • 5. 中美图书馆的合作交流与展望 Future Cooperation between Chinese and American Libraries

  6. 1. 数字时代的图书馆 Libraries in the Digital Age

  7. 过去三十年是图书馆发展的震荡时期,图书馆的变化速度超过了它们在过去几百年乃至上千年的总和The pace of change in libraries in the past three decades surpasses that in the past one thousand years

  8. 发展趋势 General Trends • 新的知识和信息每分钟都在全球范围内产生和传播;人类创造知识的能力得到了极大的提高 • New knowledge and information is created and disseminated rapidly worldwide; our ability to create knowledge has been greatly enhanced

  9. 发展趋势 General Trends • 知识和信息资源管理的集成化是发展最显著的特点。图书馆从单一的信息储存机构变为大规模的知识体系,而这个知识体系是不断变化的和全球性的 • The most striking characteristics of this transformation is that knowledge and information are increasingly aggregated. Libraries are becoming knowledge networks that are constantly changing and becoming global

  10. 信息的集成化Aggregation of Information • 信息链造成大规模知识和信息的集成 Aggregation generates large quantity of knowledge and information • 开放的空间成为信息传播的主要途径 Open access is the norm • 纸本与数字信息共存,而后者是前者的许多倍 Print and digital content co-exist, but the latter is many times larger than the former

  11. 信息的集成化-续Aggregation of Information (cont’d) • 信息储存的实体空间与虚拟空间并存Physical vs. cyber spaces • 图书馆之间的合作产生了全球知识信息网 Cooperation among libraries leads to the formation of a global knowledge network

  12. 知识信息系统的特点Characteristics • 信息的产生与发布是随时的,并可以不断修改更新 Knowledge and information is fluid and changeable • 维基经济学:大规模的共创、共享和社会互动给知识的产生带来了飞跃 Wikinomics: mass collaboration and sharing changes everything

  13. 2. 填补鸿沟 Bridging the digital divide

  14. 信息化程度的飞速提高造成了地区之间的不平衡,即数字鸿沟 Rapid advancement of an information society has led to a digital divide • 我们必须多关注中国农村和欠发达地区图书馆事业的发展 We need to pay more attention to library development in China’s poor and less developed regions

  15. 文献传递 Document Delivery

  16. 图书交流范例

  17. 3. 图书馆服务新理念 New Concepts of Library Services

  18. 第二代互联网和第二代图书馆:网络时代 的图书馆 Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 in the Age of Networking

  19. 新一代知识网 Networked Digital Libraries • 将图书馆的馆藏放在一个手提电脑上 Collections on a computer • 计算机信息处理速度以光学速度计算 Computing speed at that of the light • 虚拟的资讯服务 Virtual information service • “云端计算”让无数的服务器共同工作,把信息的收集和储存变为社会行为和共享的基础 Cloud computing and shared cyber infrastructure)

  20. 台湾数位典藏与数位学习成果入口网Taiwan’s National Digital Archive and Digital Learning Net

  21. 4. 数字时代图书馆的评估 Measuring Libraries in the Digital Age

  22. 新的考量New Considerations • 收集知识的规模与能力 Ability to acquire knowledge and information resources on a large scale • 知识产生过程中的参与和核心地位 Critical role in the creation of knowledge • 优良的信息组织、储存与发布 Ability to organize, store and disseminate information • 良好的创新能力 Creativity • 综合知识信息资源 Combination of print and non-print publications and data

  23. 新的图书馆评估标准New Measurements • ①馆藏资源的数量和质量;②网络及数字化程度;③多元化的信息管理和服务;④全球范围内信息资源的获取和利用;⑤提供远距离学习和教 育之环境;⑥馆员素质 • 1. Quality and quantity of collection resources; 2. Network and digital capacities; 3. Diverse information resources and services; 4. Global information gathering and utilization; 5. environment for distance and digital learning; 6. Quality of the staff

  24. 5. 中美图书馆合作交流展望 Future Cooperation between Chinese and American Libraries

  25. 正在进行的中美图书馆合作Current and on-going Library Cooperation between Chinese and American Libraries • 中美图书馆高层论坛 Strategic forum and discussions • 文献传递 Document delivery • 图书馆员培训 Librarian training

  26. 正在进行的中美图书馆合作– 续Current and on-going Library Cooperation between Chinese and American Libraries (Cont’d) • 文献整理和研究 Cooperative research of classical Chinese publications • 双边组织合作, 如环太平洋地区数字图书馆联盟 PRDLA,太平洋邻里联盟PNC等 Cooperative consortia such as PRDLA, PNC • 人员交流 Personnel exchange

  27. 未来的合作展望Future Cooperation • 资源交流和共享 Resource sharing • 图书馆战略发展规划 Strategic planning • 大型数字文献建设 Mass digitization • 共建图书馆服务新模式 Joint development of new library service models

  28. Questions? 谢谢!

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