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Chapter 3 The Constitution

Chapter 3 The Constitution. Constitution- “supreme law of the land” Contains only 7000 words-Page 774-799 “living, breathing document”. Seven Articles to the Constitution. Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII. Page 64-Chapter 3. Jurisdiction

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Chapter 3 The Constitution

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  1. Chapter 3The Constitution • Constitution- “supreme law of the land” • Contains only 7000 words-Page 774-799 • “living, breathing document”

  2. Seven Articles to the Constitution • Article I • Article II • Article III • Article IV • Article V • Article VI • Article VII

  3. Page 64-Chapter 3 • Jurisdiction • Supremacy clause • Amendments

  4. Six Constitutional Principles

  5. People are the only source of governmental power.Government can govern only with the consent of the people. Popular Sovereignty

  6. Limited Government • Government is not all-powerful; it may only do what the people have given it power to do. • Constitutionalism • Rule of law

  7. The Constitution distributes the powers of the National Government into the judicial, legislative, and executive. This is found in Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution. Separation of Powers

  8. Each branch of government is subject to a number of constitutional checks by the other branches. No one branch can ever be more powerful than another. Checks and Balances

  9. The division of power among a central government and several regional governments.This is the compromise between a strict central government and a loose confederation, such as that provided for in the Articles of Confederation. Federalism

  10. It is the power of the court to determine the constitutionality of a government action. Judicial Review

  11. Chapter 3-Section 2 • Legislative Branch-expressed powers-powers directly written in Constitution • Enumerated powers-most of the expressed powers (Article I, Section 8) & numbered 1-18 • Elastic Clause-gives Congress the right to make all laws “necessary and proper”

  12. Section 3-Formally Amending the Constitution 4 Methods of this process

  13. An amendment is proposed by a two-thirds vote in each house of Congress and ratified (approved) by three-fourths of the State Legislatures.How many votes would that be?26 of the Constitution’s 27 amendments have been approved by the 1st method. 1st Method

  14. An amendment may be proposed by Congress and then ratified by conventions in three-fourths of the states.Only 1 amendment has been approved this way. Which one is it? Second Method

  15. Third MethodAmendment is proposed at a national convention when requested by two-thirds of the State legislatures, then ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures.

  16. Amendment is proposed at a national convention called by Congress when requested by two-thirds of the State legislatures, then ratified by special conventions held in three-fourths of the States. Fourth Method

  17. Preamble-Goals and purpose Article I-Legislative Article II-Executive Article III-Judicial Article IV-States and Federal Government Article V-Amending the Constitution Article VI-Supreme Law of the Land Article VII-Ratifying the Constitution Articles to the Constitution

  18. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights.

  19. 1st-RAPPS 2nd-2 bare arms 3rd-3 quarters 4th-Amendment 4, shut the door 5th-I plead the fifth! (Provides for due process, self-incrimination, double jeopardy) 6th-Six speedy 7th-Seven civil 8th-Eight days in jail; ready for bail! 9th-Nine they’re mine! 10th-Reservations for 10! Bill of Rights

  20. 11th-one on one (states can’t be sued by federal government, other states, or foreign governments) 12th-one, two(electoral college casts separate ballots for Pres and VP) 13th-slavery abolished(end of slavery) 14th-citizenship for former slaves 15th-suffrage for former slaves 16th-allows Congress to impose an income tax 17th-seventeen senators 18th-Prohibition 19th-nineteen nannies(women’s suffrage) 20th-Lame Duck Amendment Amendments 11-27

  21. 21st-Repealed Prohibition 22-limits the term of President to two elected terms 23rd-twenty-three DC(allows DC to have 3 electoral votes for voting purposes) 24th-twenty-four poll no more(abolished poll tax) 25th-twenty-five; stay alive(identifies person who fills the positions of Pres and VP if they leave office or become disabled) 21st-27th

  22. 26th –18 year old suffrage

  23. 27th-Congress can’t give itself a pay raise until the next Congressional election

  24. Informally Amending the Constitution

  25. Basic Legislation Executive Action Court Decisions Party Practices Custom 5 Ways to informally amend the Constitution

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