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BSHRM LEGISLATIVE UPDATE SPRING 2013. 2012 Electoral College Results. Why Obama Won: Major Factors in Outcome:. Better than expected turnout. Economy improving just enough. Stupid comments from Republican Senate candidates played into Democratic charge of Republican war on women.
Why Obama Won: Major Factors in Outcome: • Better than expected turnout. • Economy improving just enough. • Stupid comments from Republican Senate candidates played into Democratic charge of Republican war on women. • October surprise? Sandy slowed Romney’s momentum. • BUT, none as important as …
Obama’s Demographics Obama won … 93% African-Americans 73% Asians 71% Latinos 67% Young Women 60% Voters Under Age 30 64% No High School Education 60% Under $50,000 / Year
Unions Produced for Obama • AFL-CIO contacted 800,000 voters in Ohio alone. Part of 10.7 million door knocks and phone calls. • SEIU: 5 million door knocks,3.7 million in battleground states by 100,000 union volunteers. • Union Vote: Union households - 58% for Obama; 40% for Romney.
Unions Claim Credit • As to key battleground states Ohio, Wisconsin & Nevada, for example: • “We did deliver those states. Without organized labor, none of those states would have been in the President’s column.” AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka
Select Union Contributions Members Expenditures Politics • AFL-CIO 11.6m $1.3 billion $282m • SEIU 1.9m 2.07 billion 320m • IBEW 655,621 4.6 billion 35m • Teamsters 1.3m 1.3 billion 54m • AFSCME 1.4m 1.3 billion 316m • UAW 380,000 2 billion 63m • NEA 3.1m 2.5 billion 238m • AFT 873,454 1.4 billion 138m • Change 4.3m 76 m 7m to Win
Union Political Expenditures • “We have always known that much of (unions’) influence comes from their political mobilization, but we have never been able to put a number on it. They are a human force in the political process, but a lot of that falls outside the kind of spending that needs to be disclosed to the FEC.” • Bob Briersack, former FEC official. Currently, Center for Responsive Politics.
Romney’s Demographics Romney won… 53% Males 59% Whites 56% Over age 65 79% Evangelicals
Romney Scored Landslide Among White Voters • Overall: 59% - 39% (more than Reagan) • White Men: 62% - 35% • White Women: 56% - 42% • Whites under 30: 51% - 44% • Whites over 65: 61% – 39%% • White Protestants: 69% – 30% • White Catholics: 59% – 40% • White Evangelicals: 78% - 21%
Romney Won Independents • Independent voters voted Republican by 5 points (50% - 45%) • 13 points higher than 2008
Romney Scored Lowest Among Latino Voters Since Watergate YearDem Rep • 2012: 71% - 27% • 2008: 67% - 31% • 2000: 53% - 44% • 1996: 72% - 21% • 1992: 61% - 25% • 1988: 70% - 30% • 1984: 66% - 34% • 1980: 54% - 36% • 1976: 75% - 24%
Why is Control of White House Important? • Sets agenda. • Cabinet-level and senior-level appointments. • Regulatory agenda. • Vetoes legislation.
Senate Results • Pre-election • Democrats – 51 seats (2 Independents caucus with Ds) • Republicans – 47 seats • Democrats defending 23 seats; Republicans defending 10 seats. Republicans needed + 4 for majority. • Post election • Democrats – 53 seats (2 Independents caucus with Ds) • Republicans – 45 • Democrats pick up 2 seats; Republicans lose 2 seats
Why is Senate Control Important? • Confirms presidential appointments and nominations, including judges. • Approves treaties (ratification of ILO Conventions). • Filibuster: Need 60 votes to ensure agenda moves forward. In 113th, Democrats (and Independents) only have 55.
House Results • Republicans – 234 seats (loss of 9) • Democrats – 201 seats (gain of 9)
Why is House Control Important? • All tax legislation must originate in House. • Party in control of House tightly controls policy. • Need 2/3 of House to override a presidential veto.
Lessons for 2014 Mid-Term Elections • Whites on inexorable decline as percentage of voters (if 77% rather than 72% of whites had voted for Romney, he would be president). • Republicans have to reach out to minorities. • 2014: Democrats must defend 20 Senate seats (7 in Red states) vs 13 for Republicans (only 1 in Blue state). • BUT candidate selection! Tea Party cost Republicans Senate seats in 2012 & 2008.
Legislative Agenda for Labor and Employment? • None – with divided Congress and margins this tight, little is likely to happen • Maybe immigration reform • Democratic wish list: • Something like the Employee Free Choice Act • RESPECT Act • Union Organizing as a “Civil Right”
Employee Free Choice Act? • AFL-CIO President Trumka: “You'll see it. That’s within the next term.” • How is that possible, without a Democratic House of Representatives or 60 votes in the Senate? • Trumka smiles. His eyes twinkle. “There’s another election between now and then,” he says. “And the AFL-CIO isn’t going anywhere.”
DOL Wage and Hour Enforcement Efforts Will Remain Strong • In its 2013 requested budget, the DOL sought 1,839 full-time investigators • Why? • In the words of Cuba Gooding Jr. in the 1996 movie Jerry McGuire, “show me the money”
Wage and Hour Claims Have Higher Awards Than Other Employment Claims *“Employment Practice Liability: Jury Award Trends and Statistics.” 2011 Edition, Jury Verdict Research (2004-2010 data) ** “Trends in Wage and Hour Settlements: 2011 Update.” NERA Economic Consulting
Wage and Hour Litigation Still on the Rise • Class and collective action mechanism • Less work • Attorney’s Fees • More money • Low barrier to entry • Electronic solicitation
Wage and Hour Litigation Still on the Rise Common claims • Meal and rest breaks • Failure to pay overtime • Misclassification – Exempt Status/Independent Contractor • Off-the-Clock – travel, on-call, training
“Persuader Activity” Reporting • Changes to LMRDA “Persuader Regulations” • Reporting required when a third party has direct contact with employees and encourages them not to unionize – failure to report is a crime • For 50 years, “legal advice” has been excluded • DOL proposal • Any advice on organizing, bargaining or strikes given to an employer would require reporting, even if no direct contact with employees
“Persuader Activity” (cont.) • If a law firm provides advice, must publicly report work for that client and all traditional labor work for all clients. • Failure to report is a criminal violation. • Advice” would be reportable, including: Speeches, written materials, electronic materials, supervisory training, policy reviews, policy development, all communications relating to employee’s organizing, bargaining and strikes.
OFCCP • Directive on Criminal Background Checks • Automatic bars to hiring based on criminal convictions can have a disparate impact on minorities • Conviction must be “job related and consistent with business necessity” Three factors: nature and gravity of offense • time passed • nature of the job held or sought • Tracks EEOC Criminal Background Check Guidance
Executive Orders / White House • Expect “High Road” Government Contracting Regulation from Federal Acquisition Regulatory Agency • Dormant since 2009 • Denies employer eligibility to bid (“responsible bidder”) where violations of labor and employment laws • Favors employers paying higher wages and benefits
Legalization of Personal Use of Marijuana • Medical use legal in 18 states and D.C. • Colorado and Washington allow recreational use • What about federal law? • How does this impact • your drug testing policies?
New State Laws Prohibiting Requests for Social Media Passwords
New State Laws Prohibiting Requests for Social Media Passwords
Comprehensive Immigration Reform? • 2012 results • 10% of voters self-identified as Latino • 71% of Latinos voted for Obama • Particularly critical in Colorado and Nevada • How can Republicans capture some of the Latino vote in 2014 and 2016? • Immigration reform is not the sole solution, but it may help • Incredibly divisive issue and compromises are difficult to identify
Amendment to Title VII? Employment Non-Discrimination Act? • Prohibits discrimination on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identification • Did not mandate benefits to same sex couples • Bipartisan support = best chance of any law in passing
Expansion of Title VII – Victims of Domestic Violence • EEOC seeks to include victims of domestic violence and stalking as protected individuals under Title VII • Example: Employer searches an applicant’s name online and learns that she was a complaining witness in a rape prosecution and received counseling for depression. Employer does not hire her, concerned that she may require future time off for depression.
Expansion of Title VII – The Unemployed • In 2012, 17 states and the District of Columbia considered laws that would prohibit discrimination against the unemployed in either hiring or advertising job openings. • Joining New Jersey, Oregon passed such a law in March and the District of Columbia passed a law in May 2012.