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EuroSPI’99 Workshop on Data Analysis Popular Pitfalls of Data Analysis. Tore Dybå, M.Sc. Research Scientist, SINTEF Telecom & Informatics Research Fellow, Norwegian University of Science and Technology E-mail: Tore.Dyba@informatics.sintef.no. The Problem with Statistics.
EuroSPI’99Workshop on Data AnalysisPopular Pitfalls of Data Analysis Tore Dybå, M.Sc. Research Scientist, SINTEF Telecom & Informatics Research Fellow, Norwegian University of Science and Technology E-mail: Tore.Dyba@informatics.sintef.no
The Problem with Statistics There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.-Benjamin Disraeli • Statistics requires the ability to consider things from a probabilistic perspective, employing concepts such as: “confidence”, “reliability”, and “significance”. • It is not a mathematical method for finding “the right answer”. • We consider three broad classes of statistical pitfalls: • Sources of bias, which affect the external validity of our results • Errors in methodology, which can lead to inaccurate results • Problems with interpretation, or how the results are (mis)applied
Sources of Bias • Statistical methods assist us in making inferences about a large group based on observations of a smaller subset of that group. • To make legitimate conclusions about the population, two characteristics must be present within the sample: • Representative sampling: While this might be feasible for manufacturing processes, it is much more problematic for software processes. • Statistical assumptions: The validity of a statistical procedure depends on certain assumptions about the problem, and the robustness of the applied techniques to violations in these assumptions.
Errors in Methodology • There are numerous ways of misapplying statistical techniques to real world problems. This can lead to invalid or inaccurate results. • Three of the most common hazards are: • Statistical power: If there is little statistical power, you risk overlooking the effect you are attempting to discover. • Multiple comparisons: You need to consider the complexity and the number of factor combinations that need to be examined. • Measurement error: Most statistical models assume error free measurement. However, software processes are complex, making it difficult to measure precisely.
Problems with Interpretation (1) • Generally, the reason for analyzing process data is to draw inferences that can guide decisions and actions. • Drawing such inferences from data depends not only on using appropriate analytical methods and tools. • Equally important is the understanding of the underlying nature of the data and the appropriateness of assump-tions about the conditions and environments in which the data were obtained. Data Analysis Interpretation
Problems with Interpretation (2) • Confusion over significance: “Significance” in the statistical sense is not the same as “significance” in the practical sense. • Precision and accuracy: Precision refers to how finely an estimate is specified, whereas accuracy refers to how close an estimate is to the true value. • Causality: Assessing causality is the reason of most statistical analysis. Evidence of causality involves: • Concomitant variation. • Time order of occurrence. • Absence of other casual factors.
How Do We Make Inferences? • We live in a world of self-generating beliefs which remain largely untested. • We adopt those beliefs because they are based on conclusions, which are inferred from what we observe, plus our past experiences. • Our ability to make “valid” inferences and achieve results is eroded by our feelings that: • Our beliefs are the truth. • The truth is obvious. • Our beliefs are based on real data. • The data we select are the real data.
The Ladder of Inference I takeactions Your beliefs arethe basis for actions. I adoptbeliefsabout the world I draw conclusions The reflexive loop (Our beliefs affect what data we select next time) I make assumptions I add meanings(cultural and personal) I select “data”from what I observe Observable “data” and experiences
Choosing a Model • Choosing a model - that is, how we believe the data to be related - will influence all later analyses. • The decision to categorize one or more observations as “wrong” - or as “outliers” - is a relationship between data and model which cannot be decided upon without some form of confidence (belief) about the data and the model. • Expert opinion can be used as a method of triangulation to get subjective data to further guide the decision on choosing the “right” model.
Is the Model Correct? (1) 1 2 3 Alt 1: Point 1 has high confidence, points 2 and 3 have low confidence. Alt 2: Point 1 has low confidence, points 2 and 3 have high confidence.
Is the Model Correct? (2) a b Alt 1: Model a has high confidence, model b has low confidence. Alt 2: Model a has low confidence, model b has high confidence.
Summary Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all.-Charles Babbage • Be sure your sample is representative of the population in which you're interested. • Be sure you understand the assumptions of your statistical procedures, and be sure they are satisfied. • Be sure you have the right amount of statistical power. • Be sure to use the best measurement tools available. • Beware of multiple comparisons. • Keep clear in your mind what you're trying to discover - look at magnitudes rather than p-values. • Don't confuse precision with accuracy. • Be sure you understand the conditions for causal inference. • Be sure your models are accurate and reflect the data variation clearly.