My family Yunlintay lee lama 10mo gamma
My father • My fatheris a goodperson he alwayshelp me when I needhim .wealwaysallthesundaysgotoplaytennisweenjoy so much ,I lovehim so much. Sometimes I discusswithhimbecause i dontbehavebutthatisnot a problemfor me becauseafter i go and askforgiveness .he is a good doctor .
My mom • My momisthebestmom in theworld :shecooks ,she do crafts ,and all in thehouse and apart of all of thatthingsthatshe do shehave time for me when I arrive home sheistherefor me tosay me ``howwastheschool ?`` shealways lean me and say me that ``you can `` i loveher so much .
My brother • My brotheris my favoriteif i havetochoosebetween my sister and my brother ,i alwaysenjoywithhim and wealways are laughingsometimes i discusswithhimbecause i disturb so much he always lean me when i wanttogotoanother place weseem so much in theform of ourattitud i playwithhimpaintballweenjoytogether so much i lovedhim
My sister • My sister … i am notreallyveryclosewithshebut i lovedher i likeher in theapparencewe are onlytogether in themomentthatwehavetoleandclothes ,thepeoplesaythatwe are liketwinbutnotbecausewe are agedifferenceshealways lead me in themoemntthat i havetogoto a party o when i donthave a personthathaveto pick me in anyplace
Finally me • I loved so mouch my familybecauseisunique i dontlike so muchtostudy i liketobecreative