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Access to environmental microdata in Germany

Access to environmental microdata in Germany. IAOS Conference, Chile, 2010 Markus Zwick Federal Statistical Office Germany. Overview. - Access to environmental data - Research Data Centers (RDC) in Germany - Official Firm Data for Germany (AFiD). Research Data Centers in Germany.

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Access to environmental microdata in Germany

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  1. Access to environmental microdata in Germany IAOS Conference, Chile, 2010Markus ZwickFederal Statistical Office Germany

  2. Overview - Access to environmental data - Research Data Centers (RDC) in Germany - Official Firm Data for Germany (AFiD)

  3. Research Data Centers in Germany - interface organization between data producers and empirical science - consulting and service for the use of official microdata - possibility for access to microdata with low anonymisation level

  4. Main Goal of the Research Data Centers - better access for the empirical science to microdata which was created with public funds - this is a part of the ‚freedom of research‘ in the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

  5. Level of Anonymisation Degree of confidentiality stronger anonymisationmethod delete direct identifier anonymisationmethod de-facto anonymised microdata fully anonymised microdata completemicrodata confidential microdata Degree of analysis potential

  6. German Microdata: Information Content and Degree of Anonymisation

  7. Access to microdata of the Statistical Office in Germany http://www.forschungsdatenzentrum.de/en/index.asp

  8. Access to European microdata http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/microdata/introduction

  9. Official Enterprise and Environmental Data for Germany (AFiD)

  10. AFiD Ambitions: • Development of an extensive treasure of data about units and enterprises in Germany • Merging of economic and environmental microdata for longitudinal analyses and • Integration of these datasets using the business register

  11. Environmental Modules Module Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal: • Analyses concerning environmental features like water usage or recycling acitivities in the establishment in connection with economic issues derived from AFiD-Panel Industrial Units • Analyses concerning product-related consumption of water and resources

  12. Environmental Modules Module Environmental Protection Expenditures: • Can be combined with the AFiD-Panels Industrial Units or Industrial Enterprises • Amount, structure and developments of environmentally related investments linked to information from the panel data sets can be examined

  13. Environmental Modules Module Environmental Protection Commodities: • Covers details to goods, construction works and services for environment protection purposes • Can be combined with the AFiD-Panels Industrial Units to analyse a multitude of economic issues

  14. ESSnet project: „Decentralised access to EU microdata sets“ - feasibility Study of setting up a network of Safe-Centres - ways of access to microdata throughout EU-countries international Partners: Office for National Statistics, UK; Statistics Netherlands Institution Nazionale di Statistica Italy; Hungarian Central Statistical Office;German Federal State, NRW Project leading: Federal Statistical Office Germany

  15. Thank you for your attention Markus ZwickFederal Statistical Office Germanymarkus.zwick@destatis.de

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