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Graphic illustration of the Backbone. The Summary of the Backbone. ANNEX II: THE MOZAMBIQUE REGIONAL BACKBONE.
GraphicillustrationoftheBackbone TheSummaryoftheBackbone ANNEX II: THE MOZAMBIQUE REGIONAL BACKBONE • This transmission project would enable the development of a number of least cost power projects, and allow this power to reach other countries in the SADC, particularly South Africa, the largest regional power consumer; • The Backbone will consist of a system of ±500 kV HVDC lines, and a system of 400 kV HVAC lines, with an investment amount of USD1.8 billion for initial phase, to evacuate about 3100 MW, with potential for future expansion up to 9200 MW. • The project will be implemented by a consortium consisting of Electricidade de Moçambique, Eskom (South Africa), REN (Portugal), Eletrobras (Brasil) and EDF (France). The Joint Development Agreement has been signed and the SPV has been established: SociedadeNacional de Transporte de Energia - STE, S.A..