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Educating Students to Serve Multilingual-Multicultural Populations. José G. Centeno , Ph.D., CCC-SLP St John's University Raquel T. Anderson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Indiana University. Demographic Information. Linguistic and cultural diversity are frequent in today’s world.
Educating Students to Serve Multilingual-Multicultural Populations José G. Centeno, Ph.D., CCC-SLP St John's University Raquel T. Anderson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Indiana University
Demographic Information • Linguistic and cultural diversity are frequent in today’s world. • Globalization coupled with new media and communication technologies (internet and mobile phones) has intensified social, cultural and linguistic diversity all over the world (Blommaert, & Rampton, 2011)
Demographic Information • Bilingualism and multilingualism are common outcomes of multicultural-multilingual diversity. • Many languages co-exist in a large number of countries because there are about 6,912 languages and 200 sovereign states. • Thus, many individuals must necessarily be bilingual (speakers of two languages) or multilingual or polyglots (speakers of more than 2 languages) for daily interaction in many societies. (Centeno & Ansaldo, 2013; Gordon, 2005).
Demographic Information The United States: An illustrative case of cultural and linguistic diversity • Ethnic/racial minorities Presently about 34% (102.5 million) of the total population (301. 6 million) Expected to be the majority by 2042 and reach 54% (235.7 million) by 2050 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2002, 2008b).
Currently… Hispanics - the largest minority - 15 % (45.5 MM) Blacks 13.4% (40.7 MM) Asians 5% (15.2 MM) American Indians-Alaska Natives 1.5 % (4.5 MM) Native Hawaiians-Other Pacific Islanders 0.33% (1 MM) White majority 66% (199.1 MM)
Currently… • Many of these individuals may be bilingual About47 million (17.9%) persons are estimated to speak a language other than English at home, an increase of 15 million people since 1990. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006; 2008b).
Spanish-English Bilingualism in the U.S.: An Extensive Case of Bilingualism. • Spanish (used by about 34 million of the total U.S. population 5 years old and over) - the second most frequently used language in the country after English (used by 283 million individuals) (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008a). • 11 million (46%) of the Hispanic adults in the U.S. consider themselves to be Spanish-English bilinguals (Pew Hispanic Center, 2004).
Serving Bilingual Clients • Clinical Goals Like in monolingual contexts, experiential background and research evidence must be systematically considered for clinical decisions. Yet, in the case of bilingual persons…
Clinical Goals • Accurate assessment • Language difference vs. Language disorder • Personalized intervention • Effective linguistic/communicative contexts and realistic cultural norms (Centeno, 2009, 2010, in press; Centeno & Eng, 2005; Centeno & Ansaldo, 2013; Martin, 2009). Fig. 1 – see attachment
Professional Needs • SLPs serving children and adults from multicultural/ multilingual backgrounds continue to experience limitations in the competencies to serve these individuals. Realistic training and post-graduate resources needed! (ASHA, 2004; Centeno, 2009; Kohnert et al., 2003; Roseberry- Mckibbin et al., 2005).
Serving Bilingual Spanish-English Clients Linking Research with Professional Training A. Children B. Adults with Aphasia
Some facts about ELL/dual language children in the United States • 2009 – 55% of all schools enrolled children who were ELL. • dual language background Source: nce.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=96
Focus on Latino Children • Latino children make up 22% of all children under 18 years of age. • Poverty rates highest for Latino children • 37% of all children living in poverty (2011) • Most Latino children are second generation • 52% children of first generation immigrants (2007) • 10% first generation foreign born Pew Hispanic Center (2009, 2011)
Implications • Probability is high that clinicians working with children will have in their caseloads dual language learners. • Important • knowledge base • language learning among diverse learners • socio-cultural factors that impact clinical services
Model 1: Specific Course • Sample content (Goldstein, 2011; Paradis et al., 2011) • patterns of dual language acquisition • BFLA • SLA • dual language learning phenomena • educational issues • cultural issues • assessment • Intervention • working with families • collaboration with other professionals
Model 2: Integration of Content • Two approaches • course content • case – based • (both incorporated into the course)
Model 3 • Integration: • specific course • integration of content + activities throughout the curriculum • Best practice • validation of need to acquire the necessary knowledge • presents multilingualism not as an exception, but as an integral component of academic content.
Clinical Experience • Provide opportunities for clinical practica with linguistically diverse children • in house (departmental clinic) • externships/outside placements
In House • Remove linguistic and cultural barriers for target clientele • examples • language line • trained interpreters • marketing within the community • visibility • clinic hours • Collaboration of academic and clinical faculty • faculty training • information exchange
Externships • Identify agencies/clinics/schools that serve dual language learners • Establish collaborations
Essential • Integration • within the curriculum • academic + clinical experience • target community + academic program
Adults with Aphasia • Hispanic adults are the most frequently encountered minority group in many neurorehabilitation programs in the U.S. (Centeno, 2009; in press)
Teaching Strategies • Approaches for content coverage I. Section in Aphasia course II. Section in Bilingualism/Diversity course III. Section in Clinical Assessment course (ASHA, 2012; Lubinski & Matteliano, 2008)
Content to cover Adapt to teaching strategies I, II, or III • Demographic Info: Bilingualism as a local and worldwide phenomenon • General overview of aphasia • General principles of aphasia in bilingual individuals (Centeno & Ansaldo, 2013; Fabbro, 1999; Gitterman et al., in press; Goral et al., 2002; Roberts, 2008; Paradis, 2004)
Content to cover • Impact of pre-morbid linguistic, communicative, cognitive, and social background on post-stroke profile (Fig. 1) Significance of research on Spanish-English bilinguals with aphasia: Factors - Language dominance, expressive routines, educational background, etc. (Centeno, in press; Centeno & Ansaldo, 2013; Juncos-Rabadán, 1994; Muñoz et al., 1999)
Content to cover • Clinical procedures: Assessment & diagnosis Intervention (Brozgold & Centeno, 2007; Centeno, 2007a, 2007b; 2010; Centeno & Ansaldo, 2013; Juncos-Rabadán, 1994; Kiran & Edmonds, 2004; Kohnert, 2008, 2009; Muñoz & Marquardt, 2008; Paradis, 2004, 2012; Roberts, 2008) • Sociocultural and administrative factors: attitudes, motivations, and healthcare issues (Centeno, 2007b; Salas-Provance et al., 2002; Zunker & Cummins, 2004)
Clinical Experiences • Direct clinical practice In-house practicum External practica • Indirect experience: videos, observations of other clinicians
Conclusions • Linking of research to clinical training to serve minority groups is important • Implementation of training models to accurately and sensitively work with minority individuals may only be possible with both professional and institutional support.