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Science Website Resources Digital Oasis 2010. NPST 5: Construct learning experiences that connect with the world beyond school. تصميم خبرات تعلم تربط الطلبة بالعالم خارج المدرسة NPST 6: Apply ICT in managing student learning. توظيف تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الاتصالات في ادارةعملية تتعلم الطلبة.
Science Website ResourcesDigital Oasis2010 NPST 5: Construct learning experiences that connect with the world beyond school. تصميم خبرات تعلم تربط الطلبة بالعالم خارج المدرسة NPST 6: Apply ICT in managing student learning. توظيف تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الاتصالات في ادارةعملية تتعلم الطلبة
Three Questions • Are you redesigning lessons so that they are enhanced by current, up-to-date online ICT? • Are you taking advantage of chances to strengthen your teaching expertise with educational websites? • Are you providing reliable ICT access for students? • هل تقوم باعادة تصميم وتحديث الدروس وتعزيزها بأحدث وسائل التكنولوجيا المتاحة؟ • هل تقوم بالاستفادة من الفرص المتاحة لتطوير خبراتك التدريسية من خلالالمواقع التعليمية؟ • هل تقوم بتقديم وسائل تكنولوجيا يمكن للطلاب الاعتماد عليها؟
http://www.talkscience.org.uk/ • Carbon Footprint Calculators • Cloning Quiz • Fun PowerPoint quiz • Powerful Question generator : • Generate powerful questions and statements • Superbugs PowerPoint Quiz • Wellcome Trust – Animations
Teacher Favorite: Doc Brown’s Science Quizzes for All Secondary Stages • KS3 Science Revision Quiz Index • http://www.docbrown.info/ks3science.htm • Chemistry, Earth Science and RadioActivity - Quizzes and Worksheets • http://www.docbrown.info/page05/page05.htm NOTE: Music ad header
http://www.1001inventions.com/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/1001inventions Teachers Pack: http://www.1001inventions.com/media/teachers-pack-download
LEARNING OBJECTS for All Levels of Science: http://www.wisc-online.com/ListObjects.aspx • Use learning objects when: • teaching a basic concept • applying concepts in "real world" applications • checking and testing mastery • providing simulation • giving remedial instruction.
Science Education in 5 Languages including English and Arabic • Each SEEDKIT contains directions needed for students to run a project with a teacher. • SEEDKITS include • workshop overview and presentation • experiment instructions • training videos, in some cases.
Virtual Labs/Online Simulations** **Online simulations should not replace hands-on versions since there is a lot to be learned through trial and error with a hands-on lab. Simulations should be used to strengthen learning.
Blog of the Year: Extreme Biology • This site is maintained by Ms. Baker and her biology students. • “We live in the Northeast U.S. and blog about anything biology-related. If you have any content requests or would like to be a guest blogger, please contact us at <extremebiology@gmail.com>”
Free Tech for Teachers Science Recommendations • Biology Place • BioCoach activities allow students to visualize and apply their understanding of biological concepts. s. • LabBench provides students with pre- and post-lab reviews. Animations and interactive questions connect laboratory procedures to biological principles. • The Glossary is a comprehensive, online, easily accessible listing of definitions of the key biological concepts. • Biointeractive • Animations : Excellent! Example - Development of the human embronic brain • Interactive Resources: Example – Click & Learn • Virtual Labs: Cardiology Lab • Classroom Activities: Example – Mirror Tracing Activity • Videos: Taser and the nervous system • Ask a Scientist
OBK Prep Recommends http://www.technologystudent.com/index.htm
TechnologyStudent: Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metalshttp://www.technologystudent.com/designpro/metals1.htm QUESTIONS: 1. What is the advantage of tube compared to solid sections? 2. With the aid of simple diagrams explain how metals could be used as part of your project. 3. Sketch in 3D each of the sections shown above.4. List metals that are produced as tubes and sections.5. What is the difference between a ferrous metal and a non-ferrous metal?
What’s This? Take Your Students on a Walk to Study the Sun and Light • Each pair of students will need: • a "Spots and Streaks" card each student can make himself • a sheet of white posterboard measuring about 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches • a sunny day
OBK Prep Recommends these Earth and Space Science Sites • POLLUTION • http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/waterpollution.htm • http://www.lbl.gov/Education/ELSI/pollution-main.html • Stars & Galaxies • Animations • Visualizations • http://www.telescope.org/btl/sg.html
Earth Science Mystery Class • http://www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/mclass/How.html • Every Monday between February 1 and April 12 students will record their local sunrise and sunset times on their Data Sheets. • Using this information they will calculate daylength (photoperiod) in their hometown. On the same days, students at ten secret Mystery Class locations around the world will also record their own local sunrise and sunset data.
Earth Science Blog: A Year of Documented Learning (6 May, 2009) • Review your blog entries and your table of contents in your Science notebook for the entire year. • For your final blog assignment, you will tell me about your favorite topic from each unit: • Astronomy • Earth's Atmosphere • Geology • Weathering and Erosion • Earth's Waters • Label each unit of study and identify your favorite topic. • Provide a detailed explanation (evidence) as to why this was your favorite topic. • Include a picture for each topic. • This is due May 15th. * Your last blog post should be to sign off from your 8th Grade Earth Science blog or to redefine the blog's purpose. Your choice.*
Another Great Earth Science Blog with Questions: http://jpiniat.wordpress.com/ • “In Death Valley national Park there are huge rocks with mysterious trails behind them. The truth is that nobody really knows how they move but people have come up with many theories.”
Science Games • Science Games • Science Mysteries • Land the Lunar Lander • Tours of Planets • Science Pirates: The Curse of Brownbeardis a 3D scientific exploration game. • Conservation Games • Journey to the Bottom of the Sea • Livin' in the SeaWhat lives at what depth and why? Test your know-how in this interactive game.
More Science Games • Tuning In What does the world sound like with a cochlear implant? Try one on for size. • Map of the MindTake a tour of the human brain. • Sailing Simulator • Windward Game • Jefferson Labs Games & Puzzles
Science Education Organizations • Association for Science Education (United Kingdom) • Australian Science Teachers Association • Earth Science Teachers Association (United Kingdom) • The National Science Teachers Association (USA) • New Zealand Association of Science Educators
Citations & Resources • Critical Evaluation Information: http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/eval.html • http://jc-schools.net/bag-o-tricks.pdf