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Viral Hepatitis. Clinics, diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis. Asymptomatic form : the specific markers of infectious agent and proper immunological changes are exposed only
Viral Hepatitis Clinics, diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis
Asymptomatic form:the specific markers of infectious agent and proper immunological changes are exposed only Sub-clinical form:immunologic, biochemical and histological changes, however exposed clinical signs of illness are absent Non-jaundice form:appears different clinical symptoms of illness except jaundice Jaundice form:appears jaundice, which is the main sign of hepatitis Fulminant (malignant) form:extremely severe
Duration of hepatitis: Acute – till 3 months; Prolonged – from 3 to 6 months; Chronic – more than 6 months. Periods of viral hepatitis, with jaundice: • Pre jaundice (initial , prodromal); • Jaundice or climax of disease; • Period of recovery.
Pathologic syndromes of liver affection • Cytolytic – ↑ ALT, LDG, Cu; ↓ albumins, protrombin • Mesenchimal-inflammation – ↑α-, γ -globulins, tymol-test • Cholestasis – ↑ bilirubin, bile acids, cholesterine, GGTP, alkaline phosphatase
Variants of initial period: • Asteno-vegetative:general weakness, fatigue, headache, insomnia, and change in behavior; • Dyspeptic:anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea; • Catarrhal:influenza, feeling of scratching in throat, hyperemia of conjunctiva and mucus of soft palate, dry cough, increase of body temperature; • Artharalgic:characterized by pain in joints without local inflammatory changes; • Mixed
Criteria for severity of viral hepatitis: • Stage of intoxication; • Intensity of jaundice; • Liver sizes (mild – enlarged from 1 to 2 cm on right mid-clavicle line, moderate – from 3 to 5 cm, severe – 6 and more or vice versa decreases); • Level of bilirubin (respectively 85 micmol/l, 86 – 170 micmol/l and >170 micmol/l); • Complications; • Index of albumin transport function.
Clinical peculiarities of viral hepatitis A: • Short incubation period (3 – 6 weeks); • Acute beginning; • Mostly catarrhal syndrome in prodromal period; • Short prodromal period (5 – 7 days); • Quick appearance of jaundice (within some days); • Improvement of self feelings with appearance of jaundice; • Mild forms are predominant, severe forms occurs rarely; • Jaundice period persist not more than 1-2 weeks.
Clinical peculiarities if viral hepatitis B: • Long incubation period (more than 45 days, maximum – 6 months); • Progressive beginning of disease; • Often arthralgic syndrome in prodromal period (20 – 30 %); • Prurience of skin and urticaria in prodromal period; • Prodromal period often persist more than 2 weeks; • Progressive appearance of jaundice, sometimes 2 weeks and more; • Self feelings do not improve with appearance of jaundice;
Prolonged and severe jaundice period, less than during hepatitis A; • Often exacerbations, remissions and complications (reason may be hepatitis D infection); • Presence of expressed asthenic syndrome during all clinical periods of disease, prolonged post hepatic asthenia, sometime years and more; • Possible transformation into chronic hepatitis (in 5 – 15% cases) and then into liver cirrhosis (in 15 – 30% patients of chronic hepatitis); • Hepatitis B often run on background of concomitant diseases.
Criteria for without jaundice form of viral hepatitis : • Concrete epidemiological data (contact with patient or parenteral manipulations, which according to time are similar to maximum incubation period); • Typical prodromal period; • Presence of hepatic splenomegaly syndrome; • Brick color of urine (lot of urobilin); • High activity of serum ALT; • Positive data of specific investigation (presence of infectious agent’s markers).
Signs of cholestatic form of viral hepatitis: • Developed pruritis of skin; • Mild intoxication or absent; • Green or grey-green shade of jaundice; • Liver has normal sizes or little enlarged; • Activity of secretary enzymes is elevated in blood (alkaline phosphates, gammaglutamiltranspeptidase), quantity of β-lipoproteins, cholesterol and salts of bile acids; • Don’t present urobilin in urine and stercobilin in stools; • Little elevation or normal activity of liver cell’s enzymes; • Prolonged duration – 3-5 months and more.
Precursors of liver coma: • Quick increase of jaundice and intoxication; • Memory disturbances; • Inversion of sleep; • Complaints about pain in liver region; • Liver smell from mouth; • Elevation in body temperature; • Tremors; • Appearance of hemorrhagic syndrome; • Tachycardia; • Decreasing of liver sizes; • Bilirubin-enzymes dissociation; • Elevation of nitrogen products concentration in blood; • Decreasing of prothrombin index <50%; • Appearance of tyrosine and lucien in urine;
Periods of acute hepatic encephalopathy: Pre-coma 1, 2. • Initial period of precoma (period of precursors); • Finishing period of precoma (partial disorders of consciousness); Coma 1, 2. • Superficial coma (loss of verbal contact with kept reactions on painful irritations); • Deep coma (disappear pain reaction).
Diagnostic • Preliminary diagnosis of viral hepatitis is based on epidemiological anamnesis • finding of the development of the disease, clinical picture, duration of incubation period • character of prejaundice period • presence of typical subjective and objective signs with account of the patients age
Diagnostic • Routine blood test – lymphocytosis, anemia and leucopenia, ESR is slightly decreased • In urine - urobilin and bile pigments • In blood serum - bilirubinemia (direct fraction) increasing activity of ALT, ACT, testifying about the presence of cytolytic processes in the liver
Diagnostic • Revealing of specific antigens and antibodies to antigens in the blood • Discovery of antibodies of class IgM testifies about acute disease • Discovery antibodies of other classes of immunoglobulins testifies about chronic course of viral hepatitis
Differential diagnosis • Influenza • Food born toxic infections • Acute appendicitis • Leptospirosis • Infection mononucleosis • Pseudo-tuberculosis • Malaria • Toxic hepatitis • Pregnancy toxicosis • Hemolytic jaundice • Sub-hepatic mechanical jaundice • Pigmented hepatosis (syndrome Zhielber-Mailengrkht, Krigler-Nayar, Dabin-Jhonsen and Rotor)
Treatment • Bed regime • Diet № 5 • Polyvitamines (A, B, E) • Desensitizing drugs: calcium gluconate, Diazolin, Diprazin or Tavegil • Ferment drugs: Festal, Digestal, Enzystal, Panzinorm, Pancurmen, Allochol, Cholenzym.
Treatment • Plentiful drink • In Vein - 5 % solution of glucose, saline solutions, Ringer’s solution, Trisault, Quartasault, 20 % solution of Sorbit (or. Sorbitoli), donor Albumin • Enterosorbents of different brands: Carbaphosfer, Carbosilan, Sillard P, Enterosgel, Polyphepan • Drugs for improving of metabolism in hepatocytes: ascorbinic acid, Thiamin chlorid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cocarboxylase, potassy Orotat, Riboxin, Citochrom C, Lipamid, Calcy Pangamat
Treatment: Etiotropic: antiviral preparations (lamivudin); natural interferon (velferon, human leukocytes interferon, leukinferon); recombinant interferon (intron A, roferon, reaferon, laferon); inductors of endogenous interferon stimulators (cycloferon, amikain). Pathogenetic: disintoxication therapy; entero-sorbents, immunomodulators methods; glucocorticoids; hepato-protectors (bioflavonoids, analogue of amino acids, essential phospholipids); Symptomatic: regulators of motor function;enzymes preparations; cholekinetics; choleretics; herbal therapy; vitamin therapy.
Prophylaxis • Hepatitis А и Е Medical observation in epidemic spot during 35 days; laboratory examination of contact persons (blood analyses of bilirubin level, alaninaminotrasferase activity, bile pigments in urine) Children under 10 and pregnant women - injection of human immunoglobuline, for others - amizon, mephenamine acid; Current and final desinfection; Sanitary control measures; Active immunization – HAV-Vax; • Parenteral hepatitis (В, С, D) Use of disposable medical instruments, thorough sterilisation of non-expendable instruments Clinical and laboratory examination of blood and organ donors; Specific prophylaxis - vaccination against B hepatitis HB-Vax, Ingerix-B