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The effect of credit risk transfer on financial stability Elisabeth Joossens European Commission Joint Research Centre of Ispra elisabeth.joossens@jrc.it Dirk Baur Trinity College Dublin INQUIRE Spring Conference Hamburg, 26-28 March 2006. Summary of the talk.
The effect of credit risk transfer on financial stability Elisabeth Joossens European Commission Joint Research Centre of Ispra elisabeth.joossens@jrc.it Dirk Baur Trinity College Dublin INQUIRE Spring Conference Hamburg, 26-28 March 2006
Summary of the talk AIM: The paper shows under which conditions debt securitization of banks can increase the systemic risk in the banking sector • Literature • CDO’s and CDS • Risk transfer through securitization • Effect of increased linkages • Empirical analysis • Conclusions and outlook
Literature • papers on systemic risk in banking sector and about debt securitization • differences with other financial products are studied by Bank of International Settlements and European Central Bank • credit risk transfer (BIS, 2005 and Bank of England, 2002) • reaction of bank’s beta on CDO issuance (Franke and Krahnen, 2005) • This paper : relation between securitizations and systemic risk
CDO’s and CDS CDO : collateralized debt obligations • true-sale securitizations CDS : credit default swaps • synthetic or contractual risk transfer • a party (A) buys a security/insurance from another party (B) against losses of a certain asset
Principal and Interest Loan/Bond Portfolio (Collateral) Senior Class AAA Asset Manager Trustee Issuer (SPV) Loan Assets Mezzanine Class(es) A/BB Cash Proceeds Cash Proceeds Equity (First loss Position retained The sponsor) Swap Counterparty Losses Collateral Debt Obligations (CDO) • CDO’s
Collateral Debt Obligations (CDO) CDO : banks can transfer risk to other banks or to the market by debt securitizations (credit transfer) • a pool of assets is transferred to an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) • this SPV issues notes to investors with different risk appetite • original bank invest itself in most risky part (or first loss piece FLP) hence is convert for extreme losses
Credit Default Swaps (CDS) CDS : offer insurance against loss but do not lower economic capital • Party A buys a security/insurance from B against loss of an asset • Buyer gives continuous payments in return • In case of default the seller pays the asset face value in return for the asset Counterparty A Counterparty B Bond + Fixed Payment Par value of Bond + Interest
Risk transfer through securitization • Using CDO Using the constraint of equity piece A and senior pieces grouped in B the following inequality will hold Or extreme risk will not be reduced
Risk transfer through securitization • Loss distribution using CDO’s applying Monte Carlo simulations total value = 100 equity piece = 30 7 years maturity LGD = 100% 99% quantiles
Effect of risk transfer 2 cases of risk transfer: • sold to unregulated market participants (e.g. hedge funds) • banks invest in the same underlying pool (CDO) or cover each others risk (CDS) → increase interbank linkages
Empirical analysis AIM: visualize impact of credit risk transfer on systemic risk in the financial sector MEASURES USED : credit risk transfer = CDO issuance in Europe systemic risk = coexceedances DEFINITION: COEXCEEDANCES Coexceedances are joint exceedances of asset returns above a given threshold
Empirical analysis: the data CDO issuance • Quarterly data of European CDO issuance from ESF • From Jan 2000 till June 2005
Empirical analysis: the data Monthly equity returns of 10 European banks and insurance companies
Empirical analysis: the data Standardized monthly returns of European banks and insurance companies
Empirical analysis: the data Coexceedances of monthly standardized bank and insurance company returns
Econometric specification • Aim: analyze the effect of CRT on systemic risk • The model • Parameter of interest: β • Regression techniques • OLS • multinomial logit model • probit model
Emiprical results • OLS from restricted version to extended version • βis never significant • problem: OLS does not account for categorical nature of dependent variable • Multinomial logit model to estimate the impact of exogenous variables on the categories • β > 0 but again not significant • coexceedances with more then 4 or 5 in one category • Unordered probit model (again more then 4 or 5 coexceedances all as one category) • β > 0 and significant • Logit model does not qualitative change results
Conclusion and Outlook • How banks can reduce their capital requirements by transfering risk • Risks are transferred to other banks increasing the interlinkages and augment extreme risks • Empirical analysis shows that European CDO issuance is positively correlated with extreme movements extreme risks increase • Check using larger period of time and more assets • Compare syntetic vs true sale CDOs • Relation systemic and systematic risk