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Finding a Career

Finding a Career. NORTH DAKOTA PERSONAL FINANCE EDUCATION. Job vs. Career. Relationship of Career and Earning Power. I Need Years to Prepare. Doing what I love to do. I Want a Family. I Want to Make Lots of Money. I Want to Be Happy. 7-A. Reasons Employees Are Rewarded.

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Finding a Career

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  2. Job vs. Career

  3. Relationship of Career and Earning Power I Need Years to Prepare Doing what I love to do I Want a Family I Want to Make Lots of Money I Want to Be Happy 7-A

  4. Reasons Employees Are Rewarded • They add value with their ideas. • They learn new skills. • They help the business grow. • They take on additional responsibility. • Can you think of others? 7-B

  5. Take an evening-shift job Decide to stay in current position Going to college and starting work later Give up time with family and friends Instead of relocating to take a better job Getting a better-paying job as a result The Opportunity Cost of Working Can you think of some other examples?

  6. Key Employee Skills Start Here Thinking Skills Basic Skills Resource Management Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Information Management Skills Systems Skills Technology Skills

  7. Key Employee Skills Menu Basic Skills Basic Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Organizational Skills Able to read, write, perform basic math computations; listens well; speaks clearly Thinking Skills Resource Management Skills Information Management Skills Technology Skills 7-D-2

  8. Key Employee Skills Menu Basic Skills Personal Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Goal driven, positive self-image, sociable, realistic self-assessment, demonstrates honesty Organizational Skills Thinking Skills Resource Management Skills Information Management Skills Technology Skills

  9. Key Employee Skills Menu Basic Skills Interpersonal Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Organizational Skills Thinking Skills Team player, able to teach and lead other employees with diverse backgrounds, meets customer expectations, negotiates well Resource Management Skills Information Management Skills Technology Skills

  10. Key Employee Skills Menu Basic Skills Organizational Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Organizational Skills Thinking Skills Works well in an organization, can monitor and correct performance, suggests improvements to the organization Resource Management Skills Information Management Skills Technology Skills

  11. Key Employee Skills Menu Basic Skills Thinking Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Organizational Skills Creates new ideas, makes decisions, solves problems, organizes information, learns efficiently, can reason things out Thinking Skills Resource Management Skills Information Management Skills Technology Skills

  12. Key Employee Skills Menu Basic Skills Resource Management Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Organizational Skills Thinking Skills Makes good use of time, money, materials and employee resources; thinks of more efficient ways of doing things Resource Management Skills Information Management Skills Technology Skills

  13. Key Employee Skills Menu Basic Skills Information Management Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Organizational Skills Thinking Skills Acquires, assimilates and organizes information; has solid analytical and problem-solving skills Resource Management Skills Information Management Skills Technology Skills

  14. Key Employee Skills Menu Basic Skills Technology Skills Personal Skills Interpersonal Skills Organizational Skills Solid skills in various electronic media (computers); can operate various types of equipment with ease, can maintain and repair equipment Thinking Skills Resource Management Skills Information Management Skills Technology Skills

  15. 5 1 9 10 6 2 7 12 8 11 13 4 3 Ranking Order of Key Employee Skills Click Here to Find Out What Employers Want Source: Job Outlook 2006, National Association of Colleges and Employers

  16. Career Pathway Explore career in high school years Internship/part-time job in related field Receive formal education/training Take first job Promoted to higher-paying position Go back to school to study more in chosen field Take next job at higher pay School at night On-the-job training Promotion Take new, better job

  17. ReadySetGo ReadySetGo

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