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Free from Sin, Enslaved to God

Dive into Romans, exploring God's righteousness in judgment, justification, and sanctification. Discover why indulging sin is unnecessary, inappropriate, and destructive. Find freedom through obedience and grow in salvation with fear and trembling. Embrace eternal life in knowing God and Jesus Christ. Take heed of the consequences of sin and seek accountability and help when needed. Celebrate Recovery and pursue God earnestly to walk the path of righteousness.

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Free from Sin, Enslaved to God

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Free from Sin, Enslaved to God Romans 6:12-23

  2. Romans: God is RIGHTEOUS • in JUDGMENT (1:18-3:20) • in JUSTIFICATION (3:21-5:21) • in SANCTIFICATION (6:1-8:39) • making believers righteous through the Spirit

  3. Question (6:15) • “If I’m free of the Law, then why not indulge sin?!” 6:1 - Why not let sin rule in our lives? ...in order to get more grace (5:20) 6:15 - Why not commit sins? ...since we’re under grace instead of law (6:14)

  4. Answer (6:15b) May it NEVER be! Why not? 6:16-23 “because sin is falsely advertised!”

  5. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) Sin is Unnecessary(v17-18a)

  6. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) • Sin is Unnecessary(v17-18a) • v11: “consider” – believe it! • v12: “do not let sin reign” – don’t give it authority!

  7. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) • Sin is Unnecessary(v17-18a) • Sin is Inappropriate (v18b) • you are a slave of God (v22) • absolute freedom not in our nature

  8. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) Sin is Unnecessary (v17-18a) Sin is Inappropriate (v18b) Sin is Destructive (v16,19-23)

  9. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23)

  10. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) obedience begets obedience sin begets sin

  11. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) Philippians 2:12–13 So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

  12. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23)

  13. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) John 6:47 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life.”

  14. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) John 17:3 “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

  15. Why not indulge sin? (6:16-23) • “Death” • broken relationships • absence of joy, peace, power • physical death • eternal death

  16. Application • Find regular accountability • Get help when needed • Celebrate Recovery (Tues @ SW) • Pursue God; don’t just avoid sin (6:13)

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