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La technologie laitière à GxABT : de la recherche de base à l’innovation. C.Blecker - S.Danthine Ulg -GxABT Unité de Valorisation des Bioressources Laboratoire de Science des Aliments et Formulation. Dairy & Gembloux:. A long story : why? Dairy industry : “mature” food industry Model.
La technologie laitière à GxABT :de la recherche de base à l’innovation. C.Blecker - S.Danthine Ulg-GxABT Unité de Valorisation des Bioressources Laboratoire de Science des Aliments et Formulation
Dairy & Gembloux: A long story : why? Dairy industry : “mature” food industry Model Research Teaching Collaborations withindustrialpartners
Short overview of the involvment of the lab in the dairy field: Several interconnected aspects: Transformations Cracking Formulation …
Differentlevels • Academicresearch (papers & communications) • Industrial collaborations (papers, patents, productsdevelopments,…) • ….
Short overview of the involvment of the lab in the dairy field: 1. Transformations • Monitoring of the coagulation using physicochemical techniques coupled with chemiometry(recent development of a methodology) • Use of new types of enzymes (vegetal origin)
Transformations • Some examples of related papers • Blecker C., Paquot M., Deroanne C. (2000). Gelling properties of whey proteins after enzymic fat hydrolysis. J. Food Sci., 65(4), 561-563. • Besbes S., Blecker C., Attia H., Massaux C., Deroanne C. (2002). Comparison of Ricotta cheese made by high pressure treatment whith that produced by heat treatment of sweet whey. Sciences des Aliments, 22, 601-615. • HammamiM., Hamadi R., Salah N., Selmi H., Al-Otaibi M., Blecker C., Karoui R.(2010) Fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with factorial discriminant analysis technique to identify sheep milk from different feeding systems. Food Chem., 122, 1344-1350. • Karoui R., Hammami M., Rouissi H., Blecker C. (2011). Mid infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies coupled with factorial discriminant analysis technique to identify sheep milk from different feeding systems. Food Chem., 127, 743-748. • HammamiM., Hamadi R., Blecker C., Karoui R. (2011). The Use of Front-face Fluorescence Spectroscopy For Differentiating between the Quality of Sheep Milks From Different Genotypes and Feeding Systems. SubmittedJ. Food Bioprocess Technol. • Karoui R., Jiwan J.,Blecker C. (2011). Effect of heat treatment of rennet skim milk on the rheological properties and molecular structure determined by synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. SubmittedInt. Dairy J.
Short overview of the involvment of the lab in the dairy field: 2. Cracking • Cracking of agricultural raw materials allows us to produce new ingredients • Cracking can lead to clean label ingredients and provide added values to agricultural productions
Cracking : what does it mean? A long tradition of by-product valorization exists in Gembloux : more than 20 years! (different fields)
2. Cracking at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech Dairy : • Milk fat globule membrane • Buttermilk • Whey • Proteins • - Proteose-peptone fraction • Lipids • - Anhydrous milk fat - Polar lipids
Cracking • Some examples of related papers • InnocenteN., Blecker C., Deroanne C., Paquot M. (1997). Langmuir film balance study of the surface properties of milk fat globules membrane. J. Agricultural Food Chem., 45(5), 1559-1563. • Innocente N., Corradini C., Blecker C., Paquot M. (1998). Dynamic surface properties of bovine milk proteose peptone fraction. J. Dairy Sci., 81, 1833-1839 • Innocente N., Corradini C., Blecker C., Paquot M. (1999). Emulsifying properties of the total fraction and the hydrophobic fraction of bovine milk protéose-peptones. International Dairy J., 8 (12), 981-985. • Danthine S., Blecker C., Paquot M., Innocente N., Deroanne C. (2000) Evolution des connaissances sur la membrane du globule gras du lait : synthèse bibliographique. Lait, 80, 209-222 • Danthine S., Blecker C., Paquot M., Deroanne C. (2003). Crèmes laitières reconstituées. European Patent, EP 03009220.9 • LaadharKarray N., Danthine S., Blecker C., Attia H. (2006). Contribution to the study of camel milk fat globule membrane. Int. J. Food Sci. Nut., 57(5/6), 382-390 • Vanderghem C., Blecker C., Danthine S., Deroanne C. (2007). Effect of the addition of the total proteose-peptone fraction on some physico-chemical characteristics of recombined dairy creams. Int. Dairy J., 17,889-895 • Vanderghem C., Blecker C., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Haubruge E., Guillonneau F., De Pauw E., Francis F. (2008). Proteome analysis of the bovine milk fat globule : enhancement of membrane purification. Int. Dairy J.,18(9), 885-893. • DalemansD., Blecker C., Bodson P., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Paquot M. (2008). Milk ingredient enriched in polar lipids and uses thereof. International Patent,WO/2008/009636 • Vanderghem C., Bodson P., Danthine S., Paquot M., Deroanne C., Blecker C.(2010) Milk Fat globule membrane and buttermilks: from composition to valorization. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement 14 (3), 485-500. • Vanderghem C., Francis F., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Paquot M., De Pauw E., Blecker C. (2011). Study on the susceptibility of the bovine milk fat globule membrane proteins to enzymatic hydrolysis and organization of some of the proteins. Int. Dairy J.,. • InnocenteN., Biasutti M., Blecker C. (2011). HPLC profile and dynamic surface properties of the proteose-peptone fraction from bovine milk and from whey protein concentrate. Int. Dairy J,.21, 222-228.
Short overview of the involvment of the lab in the dairy field: 3. Formulation • Spreadable butter • Mixed shortenings • New types of creams • Other techno-functionalities • ...
Ceci n’est pas un œuf Illustration of techno-functionality concept :
Formulation • Some examples of related papers • Danthine S., Blecker C., Paquot M., Deroanne C. (2003). Crèmes laitières reconstituées. European Patent, EP 03009220.9 • Vanderghem C., Blecker C., Danthine S., Deroanne C. (2007). Effect of the addition of the total proteose-peptone fraction on some physico-chemical characteristics of recombined dairy creams. Int. Dairy J., 17,889-895 • DalemansD., Blecker C., Bodson P., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Paquot M. (2008). Milk ingredient enriched in polar lipids and uses thereof. International Patent,WO/2008/009636 • Milk Fat relatedpapers: • Braipson-Danthine S., Gibon V., Deroanne C.(2005) Physicochemical Characteristics of Ternary Fat Blends involving Low-erucic Acid Rapeseed Oil. Eur. J. LipidSci. Technol. 107, 627-633. • Braipson-Danthine S., Deroanne C. (2006) Determination of Solid Fat Content (SFC) of Binary Fat Blends and Use of These Data to Predict SFC of Selected Ternary Fat Blends containing Low-Erucic Rapeseed Oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 83 (7) 571-581. • AguedoM., Hanon E., Danthine S., Paquot M., Lognay G., Thomas A., Vandenbol M., Thonart P., Wathelet J-P., Blecker C. (2008). Enrichment of Anhydrous Milk Fat in Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Residues from Linseed and Rapeseed Oils through Enzymatic Interesterification. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 1757-1765. • Aguedo M., Giet J.-M., Hanon E., Lognay G., Wathelet B., Destain J., Brasseur R., Vandenbol M., Danthine S., Blecker C., Wathelet J.-P. (2009). Calorimetric study of milk fat/rapeseed oil blends and their interesterification products. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 111(4), 376-385. • Giet J.-M., Aguedo M., Danthine S., Paquot M., Thomas A., Vandenbol M., Thonart P., Wathelet J.-P., Blecker C., Lognay G. (2009). Enzymatic esterification of anhydrous milk fat with rapeseed and/or linseed oil: oxidative stability. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57(15), 6787-6794.
A lot of master & Ph-D thesis Examples (Ph-D thesis) : Whey: « Etude de la modification des propriétés fonctionnelles du lactosérum par hydrolyse enzymatique de sa matière grasse résiduelle. » C.Blecker, 1998. Milk fat: « Caractérisation des phénomènes dynamiques liés à la cristallisation de systèmes lipidiques alimentaires en vue de leur formulation. » S.Danthine, 2007. MFGM: « Etude des propriétés physico-chimiques de la membrane du globule gras du lait. » C.Vanderghem, 2009. ….
Some communications directlyderivedfromour basis research (1): • Danthine S., Blecker C., Deroanne C. (2003). Comparative study of different lipases acting on milk fat globule membrane monolayers. Communication affichée lors du « Pre-summit Symposium on InnovativeResearch in Dairy Science and Technology » organisé dans le cadre du « IDF World DairySummit & Centenary », FIL-IDF, Bruges, Belgique, septembre 2003. • Danthine S., Deroanne C. Blending of low erucic rapeseed oil, hydrogenated low erucic rapeseed oil and anhydrous milk fat in the preparation of shortenings. Communication affichée lors du « Pre-summit Symposium on InnovativeResearch in Dairy Science and Technology » organisé dans le cadre du « IDF World DairySummit & Centenary », FIL-IDF, Bruges, Belgique, septembre 2003. • Danthine S., Blecker C., Deroanne C. (2004). Interfacial study of lipolysis inhibition by proteins. Communication affichée lors du séminaire « Surfactants self assembly and surfactants at interfaces » par BelgianParticle, Colloid & Interface Society. Gembloux, Belgique, février 2004. • Danthine S., Blecker C., Paquot M., Deroanne C. (2004). Mechanism of lipolysis in milk: a modelistic approach using a Langmuir film balance. Communication affichée lors du séminaire « Surfactants self assembly and surfactants at interfaces » par BelgianParticle, Colloid & Interface Society. Gembloux, Belgique, février 2004. • Danthine S., Blecker C., Deroanne C. (2004). Lipolysis inhibition by proteose-peptone: an interfacial study. Communication affichée lors du séminaire « Surfactants self assembly and surfactants at interfaces » par BelgianParticle, Colloid & Interface Society. Gembloux, Belgique, février 2004. • Bodson P., Danthine S., Blecker C. (2004). Lipids composition of milk fat globule membrane extracted from cream. Communication affichée lors du « 3rd Euro Fed LipidCongress », Edimbourg, Ecosse, septembre 2004. • Braipson-Danthine S., Gibon V., Norberg B., Wouters J., Deroanne C. Physicochemical Characteristics of some ternary Fat Blends. Communication affichée lors du séminaire « 2d Lipid Structural Properties Symposium » Symposium, Unilever R&D, Colworth, UK, novembre 2004. • Bodson P., Danthine S., Blecker C. (2006). Analysis of polar lipids from milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) by SPE and HPLC-ELSD. Communication affichée lors du « 4th Euro Fed LipidCongress », Madrid, Espagne, octobre 2006. • Bodson P., Danthine S., Deroanne C. (2007). Les lipides polaires du lait: des composés mineurs aux propriétés majeures, Communication orale présentée lors de la Journée Thématique ITERG avec le soutien d’ARILAIT / CNIEL, Bordeaux, France, mai 2007. • Bodson P., Danthine S., Blecker C., Lognay G., Marlier M., Deroanne C., Paquot M. (2007). Phospholipid and sphingolipid composition of the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) ; determination by SPE and HPLC-ELSD : Communication oraleprésentéelors du « 98th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo 2007» , Québec City, Canada, mai 2007. • Vanderghem C., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Blecker C. (2007). Rheological properties of microfluidized oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by dairy components. Communication affichée lors du « 98th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo 2007» , Québec City, Canada, mai 2007. • Braipson-Danthine S., Gibon V., Deroanne C. (2007). Thermal and structural behavior of blends made of palm oil, anhydrous milk fat or their fractions. Communication orale présentée lors du « 98th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo 2007» , Québec City, Canada, mai 2007.
Some communications directlyderivedfromour basis research (2): • Vanderghem C., Blecker C., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Haubruge E., De Pauw E., Francis F. (2007). Proteome analysis of the bovine milk fat globule: enhancement in the membrane purification. Communication affichéelors du 195th Meeting of the Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and FNRS Contact Group Proteomics (GCProt). • Aguedo M., Hanon E., Danthine S., Paquot M., Lognay G., Thomas A., Vandenbol M., Thonart P., Blecker C., Wathelet JP. (2007). Enrichment of anhydrous milk fat in polyunsaturated fatty acid residues from linseed and rapeseed oil through enzymatic interesterification. Communication affichéelors du 11th Bioforum 2007, Liège, Belgique, 2007. • Hanon E., Aguedo M., Danthine S., Wathelet B., Lognay G., Destain J., Brasseur R.., Portetelle D., Wathelet JP., Blecker C. (2007). Lipase-catalysed interesterification of butterfat with rapeseed oil: towards a monitoring of the reaction by DSC. Communication affichéelors du 11th Bioforum 2007, Liège, Belgique, 2007. • Vanderghem C., Blecker C., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Haubruge E., Guillonneau F, De Pauw E., Francis F. (2007). Proteome analysis of the bovine milk fat globule: enhancement in the membrane purification. Communication affichée lors du 11th Bioforum 2007, Liège, Belgique, 2007. • Vanderghem C., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Blecker C. (2007). Rheological properties of microfluidized oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by dairy components. Communication affichéelors du 11th Bioforum 2007, Liège, Belgique, 2007. • Bodson P., Vanderghem C., Danthine S., Blecker C., Francis F., Paquot M., Deroanne C. (2008). La membrane du globule gras du lait (MFGM) : une composition et une structure originale. Communication affichée (et Proceedings) lors du 13ème Carrefour des productions animales janvier 2008, Gembloux, Belgique. • Vanderghem C., Danthine S., Blecker C., Deroanne C. (2008). Propriétés technofonctionnelles de la membrane du globule gras du lait dans les crèmes recombinées. Communication affichée (et Proceedings) lors du 13ème Carrefour des productions animales, janvier 2008, Gembloux, Belgique. • Aguedo M., Hanon E., Danthine S., Paquot M., Lognay G., Thomas A., Vandenbol M., Thonart Ph., Wathelet JP, Blecker C. (2009). Enrichment of Anhydrous Milk Fat in Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Residues from Linseed and Rapeseed Oils through Enzymatic Interesterification. Communication affichée lors du « 100th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo 2009», Orlando, Floride, USA, mai 2009. • Giet JM., Aguedo M., Danthine S., Paquot M., Thomas A., Vandenbol M., Thonart Ph., Wathelet JP., Blecker C., Lognay G. (2009). Interesterification of Anhydrous Milk Fat with Rapeseed and/or Linseed Oil: Oxidative Stability. Communication affichéelors du « 100th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo 2009», Orlando, Floride, USA, mai 2009. • Danthine S., De Greyt W., Gibon V. (2010). Dry fractionation and enzymatic interesterification, green and healthy technologies for modifying edible oils and tailoring specialty food products. Communication affichée lors de la journée Société Royale de Chimie, Gembloux, octobre 2010. • Danthine S. (2011) Physicochemical properties of fat blends based on anhydrous milk fat and palm oil. Communication affichée lors du « 9th Euro Fed LipidCongress », Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, Septembre 2011. • Lefébure E., Danthine S. (2011) Influence of palm oil enzymatic interesterification on physicochemical properties of ternary fat blends involving anhydrous milk fat. Communication affichée lors du « 9th Euro Fed LipidCongress », Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, Septembre 2011.
Fromfundamentalresearch to applications: 2 examplesrelated to dairy. • Proteose-peptone • MFGM
Applications Fundamentalresearch From To • Scaling-up (industriallevel) • By-productvalorization (whey) • Formulation of new products(Danthine S., Blecker C., Paquot M., Deroanne C. (2003). Crèmes laitières reconstituées. European Patent, EP 03009220.9) • Fundamentalunderstanding of physcicochemicalproperties (foaming and emulsifyingabilities, lipolysis inhibition, caries, …) • Specificresearchtowards purification & fractionation to gettargetedproperties Example 1 : Proteose-peptone Someresearchprojects & Ph-D thesis (ex : « Etude des propriétés physico-chimiques et technofonctionnelles de fractions de protéose-peptone » G.Karamoko)
Applications Fundamentalresearch From To Example 2 : MFGM • Fundamentalunderstanding : last MFGM models (2000 & 2010) • Specificresearchtowards purification & fractionation to get new productswithadded value • Scaling-up (industriallevel) • By-productvalorization (buttermilk) • Formulation of new products • Patent : Dalemans D., Blecker C., Bodson P., Danthine S., Deroanne C., Paquot M. (2008). Milk ingredient enriched in polar lipids and uses thereof. International Patent, WO/2008/009636 Someresearchprojects & Ph-D thesis
Other types of industrial collaborations: Pilot trials in order to reply to specific requests (confidentiality!) Somme recent examples : -removal of lactose from buttermilk -cold temperature spreadable butters -heat treatment (pasteurization) combined with natural preservative agents -…
Material (example) Foam scan Turbiscan Spinning drop Hanging drop Langmuir film balance Bubble pressure
Material (example) Master sizer Rheometer Beckmancoulter-Delsa Nano Texturometer
Material (example) XRD MDSC Q1000 TGA MDSC TA2920
Some examples of national & international current collaborations: • Groupeinterdisciplinaire de génoprotéomiqueappliquée (GIGA) (E.DePauw) • Laboratoire CarMeN (Laboratoire Lyonnais de Recherche en Cardiovasculaire, Métabolisme, Diabétologie et Nutrition), Unité Mixte de Recherche : INSERM U.1060/Université Lyon-1, Associée à l'INRA / INSA de Lyon / Hospices Civils Lyon, France (M-C Michalski) • EcoleNationaled’Ingénieurs de Sfax - ENIS (Tunisie) • Universitéd’Artois (Lens, France) • Universitéd’Udine (Italie) • …
We are open to national & international collaborations to meet new challenges christophe.blecker@ulg.ac.be sabine.danthine@ulg.ac.be