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Business Process Workshop Session Inventory

Business Process Workshop Session Inventory. Welcome. Introductions Do you currently use Core-CT? If so, what modules do you use?. BPW Introduction, Project Update & Agenda. Project Director. BPW Objectives. Understand the new process flows Identify largest impacts and changes

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Business Process Workshop Session Inventory

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  1. Business Process Workshop SessionInventory

  2. Welcome • Introductions • Do you currently use Core-CT? If so, what modules do you use?

  3. BPW Introduction, Project Update & Agenda Project Director

  4. BPW Objectives • Understand the new process flows • Identify largest impacts and changes • Focus on operations, not the system • Discuss operational issues that include: • Roles and responsibilities; skill impacts • Workload • Forms and documentation • Process and procedure changes • Scope of impact • Develop action items to address operational issues • Map Inventory Personnel to Core-CT Inventory roles

  5. BPWAssumptions • Statewide policies will be updated by the responsible agency • Agency specific policies and procedures will be updated by the individual agency • Participants already know how to manage their inventory and understand the business rules prior to attending Core-CT training

  6. BPW Participant Expectations • Think creatively - this is an opportunity to maximize the performance of your team • Use the Core-CT staff including ARCs and facilitators as resources during the working sessions • Don’t expect to solve all issues/impacts during the session • You will start here today and follow-up work will be done at your agency and coordinated by your ARC

  7. Training Approach • PeopleSoft Navigation Tutorial • Overview Courses • Animated PowerPoint in a Flash format • May be taken at your desktop or in a classroom based on your agency requirements • You complete it when it is convenient for you prior to beginning transactional training • You may take the Overview as frequently as needed • A new approach to classroom training • Exercises are simulations based on the production environment • Instructor-Led • Each exercise may be repeated

  8. Inventory Pre-Training Sessions Pre-Training Sessions give Super Users the opportunity to view the system sooner and ensure agency-specific data is in the Sandbox. • Objectives: • Provide Super Users with Self-Paced training in Sandbox environment • Test Job Aids, WLA documents and other training materials • Collect agency specific training points to be covered by instructors • Participants: • Inventory Super Users • Activities and Timing: • Held 5/2 through 5/13 (TBD); invitations to be sent in April after Super Users are identified by agency sponsors • Full day session: Includes data entry and discussion with training team members. Held on site at Core-CT • Task Reminder • Please submit Tasks 114 and 116 (Inventory Configuration) if you have not done so already • Inventory Conversion Mock File 1 is past due and Mock File 2 was due on 3/1 (Task 106)

  9. BPWActivities • Agency Participant’s Workbook • Includes questions which will drive breakout session discussions • End-User Validation • Complete Inventory Role Spreadsheet (Due by April 15) • Review Inventory Role Handbook • Identify Inventory users and associated roles

  10. BPW Activities • Role Handbook • Inventory has seven roles • Agency Inventory Processor • Agency Inventory MSR Processor • Agency Inventory Express Issuer • Agency Inventory Approver • Agency Inventory Adjuster • Agency Inventory Reviewer • Agency Financial Inventory Processor • EPM role needed for EPM access • Role assignments will be completed during BPWs Roles are NOT intended to reflect job titles

  11. BPW Activities • Role Assignment Steps • Review and understand roles • Review Agency Inventory structure • Determine employee tasks • Complete role assignment spreadsheet for your Agency in conjunction with your ARC • Review agency roles for separation of duties

  12. Inventory Overview

  13. Inventory Overview Inventory Setup Demand Fulfillment Enter Inventory Inventory Accounting Maintain Inventory

  14. Inventory Overview - Impacts • Inventory Online System versus Spreadsheets or Index Cards (for many agencies) to process and keep track of all Inventory related transactions • All Warehouses/Stock Rooms (typically equivalent to one Inventory Business Unit) must have a computer with broadband Internet and Core-CT Access • Core-CT User Access: Monday – Saturday 6am to 7pm; 24x7 access will be available to certain Inventory users on an as needed basis. However, agencies will have to develop a process to capture Inventory transactions in Core-CT that occurred during a non-access time, such as a system-wide outage.

  15. Inventory Setup

  16. Inventory Overview Inventory Setup Demand Fulfillment Enter Inventory Inventory Accounting Maintain Inventory

  17. Inventory Setup – Item Maintenance

  18. Inventory Setup – Structuring Facilities

  19. Inventory Setup - Impacts The following must be complete for new Items in Core-CT: • Buyer is contacted regarding the new item to be stored in inventory. The Buyer determines how the contract is set up. 1. Over the Delegated Purchasing Authority, ($50,000) 2. Under the Delegated Purchasing Authority, ($10,000 - $50,000) 3. Under the Delegated Purchasing Authority, (under $10,000) • Catalog Management (CM) is notified to load the catalog. The agency or DAS or DOIT notifies CM depending on which three steps above were used. • Agency Inventory Processor assigns the item to the Inventory Business Unit. • DO NOT ORDER BY DESCRIPTION. You will need a CM number to put the item away. • For DAS Supplier Kit information, please navigate to: http://www.das.state.ct.us/Purchase/Info/supplier_kit.asp

  20. Enter Inventory

  21. Inventory Overview Inventory Setup Demand Fulfillment Enter Inventory Inventory Accounting Maintain Inventory

  22. Enter Inventory - Purchasing Impacts (New) (New) (New)

  23. Enter Inventory

  24. Enter Inventory/Purchasing - Impacts • The Buyers will need to enter the appropriate Inventory Business Unit information when creating Purchase Orders/Requisitions for Inventory items • Items mustnot be ordered by Description on the Purchase Order (PO). If this is done, the Catalog Management numbers will not display on the PO or Receipt and goods cannot be putaway to Inventory. • Receivers will be responsible for managing the new steps in the Receive Items through Purchasing process (Receivers already manage existing steps) • Putaway Plans cannot be printed until all Load Stage Item errors are corrected • In order for items to be received and putaway into Inventory properly, the Buyer must make sure that the ‘Receiving Required’ checkbox is selected on the Purchase Order

  25. Demand Fulfillment

  26. Inventory Overview Inventory Setup Demand Fulfillment Enter Inventory Inventory Accounting Maintain Inventory

  27. Demand Fulfillment

  28. Demand Fulfillment

  29. Demand Fulfillment

  30. Demand Fulfillment - Impacts • Before a Material Stock Request (MSR) or Express Issue stock request can be created for a new item, a contract must be completed, see Inventory Setup, and the Catalog Management team must enter the catalog into Core-CT. Once Business Unit items are defined by the Agency and stock is putaway, an MSR or Express Issue stock request can be created for the new item. • Stock counts will be updated in Core-CT immediately once an Express Issue request is created and saved. • MSR stock counts will be updated in Core-CT periodically. • Core-CT introduces the concept of ‘Quantity Available’ that includes outstanding supply (from Purchasing) and outstanding demand from MSRs.

  31. Inventory Accounting

  32. Inventory Overview Inventory Setup Demand Fulfillment Enter Inventory Inventory Accounting Maintain Inventory

  33. Inventory Accounting

  34. Inventory Accounting - Impacts • It is recommended that Agencies that will process charge backs do so on a monthly basis. However, Agencies with a large number of issues to process may process charge backs more frequently. All charge backs must be done before the end of a fiscal year to properly value the Inventory. • OSC determination that all Agencies will use the FIFO (First In First Out) Costing method for valuing Inventory. The effect of using the FIFO costing method will be largely transparent to users. • Agency Financial Inventory Processors must check for and correct accounting line errors in addition to extracting relevant Inventory transaction data from EPM (assuming they are given EPM access).

  35. Inventory Accounting – Impacts (Continued) • The personnel in your agency that create and maintain spreadsheet journal entries using Microsoft Excel must communicate to the Agency GL Reviewer when a spreadsheet journal is ready to be uploaded to the Core-CT General Ledger. • An EPM extract will be used to prepare the CO-59. • For FY 2005, you will generate the current CO-59. The revised CO-59 will be available for reporting Inventory FY 2006.

  36. Maintain Inventory

  37. Inventory Overview Inventory Setup Demand Fulfillment Enter Inventory Inventory Accounting Maintain Inventory

  38. Maintain Inventory Review/Update Inventory Status Inventory Adjustments Bin to Bin Transfers Inventory Replenishment Counting Inventory

  39. Maintain Inventory - Counting *The Agency Inventory Processor uses Express Putaway to add to the Inventory count. The Agency Inventory Adjuster uses Adjustments to decrease the Inventory count.

  40. Maintain Inventory - Impacts • The Agency Inventory Processor must communicate with the Buyers in order to replenish Inventory once re-order points have been reached (if this is not done already). • Inventory discrepancy reports do not print automatically. Inventory users must use the Inventory module’s pages and reports in order to determine discrepancies.

  41. Complete Agency Participant Workbook (pages 1-3) Inventory Breakout Session

  42. Inventory Role/User Mapping

  43. Inventory Role/User Mapping • Use the Role Handbook along with the following Inventory Role slide information to assign roles to users • Inventory has seven roles • Agency Inventory Processor • Agency Inventory MSR Processor • Agency Inventory Express Issuer • Agency Inventory Approver • Agency Inventory Adjuster • Agency Inventory Reviewer • Agency Financial Inventory Processor • Although a role may give access to a page, not all users will need to use/transact on every page. This will be defined by your agency’s business process needs. • Various roles have been identified so that checks and balances are in place

  44. Security Overview • Core-CT Security Team allocates page and Business Unit access in the system • Page access is given by assigning role(s) to users in Core-CT Prior to Core-CT Inventory Implementation: • BPW attendees complete Role/User mapping • BPW attendees identify which Business Units users will get access to • Training Team will provide Security Team with the Role/User and Business Unit information in order for Inventory personnel to have the appropriate access in Core-CT for Inventory Go-Live Post Core-CT Inventory Implementation: • Agency Security Liaisons will provide new or modified user access requests to the Core-CT Security Team

  45. Inventory Navigation Menu(Example) *This is not a finalized Inventory menu – this is only an example.

  46. Agency Inventory Processor Day to Day Tasks: • Updates unfulfilled stock requests and cancels/holds stock requests • Reviews fulfillment information: Fulfillment Status, InterUnit Stock Status, and Stock Request information • Monitors Inventory depletion/stock levels • Runs Manual Replenishment Report • Reviews and corrects Inventory item putaway staging information • Completes putaway

  47. Agency Inventory Processor (Continued) Additional Tasks: • Maintains Business Unit item information • Maintains storage locations (including storage areas, levels, default putaway locations and default picking locations) • Prints and reviews putaway plan • Enters stockroom feedback • Enters Express Putaway • Participates in and monitors Inventory reservations, corrects reservation errors • Participates in and monitors Inventory picking; which includes printing and reviewing the picking plan, entering picking feedback, and confirming picking information • Participates in and monitors Inventory shipping (prints packing slip) • Performs bin to bin transfers • Reviews and updates Inventory status • Views items (catalogs) in the Purchasing module

  48. Agency Inventory MSR Processor Task: • Creates Inventory Demand by entering Material Stock Requests

  49. Agency Inventory Approver Task: • Approves Material Stock Requests

  50. Agency Inventory Express Issuer Task: • Creates Express Issue stock requests to fulfill inventory demand

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