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Developing the Fall 07-08 Educational Plan for Success (EPSS)

Developing the Fall 07-08 Educational Plan for Success (EPSS). New Mexico Public Education Department Regional Trainings April 2007 Priority School Bureau. Goals for Today. Provide overview of Plan Do Study Act Process for the of Educational Plan for Student Success

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Developing the Fall 07-08 Educational Plan for Success (EPSS)

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  1. Developing the Fall 07-08 Educational Plan for Success (EPSS) New Mexico Public Education Department Regional Trainings April 2007 Priority School Bureau

  2. Goals for Today • Provide overview of Plan Do Study Act Process for the of Educational Plan for Student Success • Responded to Feedback from Users • Streamline Process • Add action to the plan • Provide Rationale for changes • Link Diagnostic Assessment (DAR and DAPR) to Education Plan for Student Success • Provide overview of Educational Plan forStudent Process • Technical Assistance & Technical Assistance Teams • How to Develop the Educational Plan for Student Success • Timelines and Responsibilities

  3. Definition • The Educational Plan for Student Success is a long range plan each district is required to develop, implement, assess and evaluate for the purpose of student achievement and continuous school improvement (6NMAC3.2.9.1)

  4. Complete a PDSA of the EPSS Process- What worked ? What didn’t ? What did the users say about the process? What were the original goals for the process? Need to document action; Need to show results; Need to have a plan that provided a “roadmap” for student success Request from the users of the process- you, principals, teachers; Request from the EPSS Coordinators to connect the assessment with the Improvement Plan Why Change?“Walk the Talk”

  5. We had lots of parts and pieces- all good, but not necessarily connected! Do we have enough money to travel? Where do we put the action steps? Problems with alignment When do we get our data? How will we know if we are better ?

  6. Linkages not clear

  7. EPSS Alignment Committee • Participants met 4 times- December,2006 to March, 2007 • Included all PED Departments; representation from Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Federal Program Directors, Principals, JSA, and Education Partners • Made recommendations regarding format and content

  8. Changes in EPSS Form • Includes PDSA Cycle • References to Standards for Effective Schools • A set of standards to help analyze the school’s total structure • Includes a rubric to describe what the indicators look like. • Review of Action Steps and Strategies

  9. Districts must designate a person responsible for Reform who will serve as PED Liaison Districts report to PED for S1 & S2 Districts provide Technical Assistance to S1 & S2 schools Principal/Supt invited to attend Leadership Training in School Reform Technical Assistance Plan written instead of DAR Data reported on Quarterly Basis; Action Plans added to EPSS through the PDSA Format Mandates ! What will change?

  10. Annual Goals will be set at AMO level Districts will provide Technical Assistance for S1 & S2 schools Districts will appoint a person in charge of school reform to be PED Liaison Districts will report results to PED on a regular basis for S1 & S2 Principals and Superintendents will be invited to attend Leadership Training in School Reform What will Change For S1 & S2 Schools ?

  11. PED will focus intensive service at this level; A Technical Assistance Plan will occur at the CA level that will include requirements for the Alternative Governance Plan; Principals and Superintendents (or designee) will be required to attend Leadership Training in School Reform. CA,R1 & R2 schools must have intensive interventions in place that involve additional classes, after school, extended year and research based core programs in place; Teachers in CA,R1 & R2 schools must participate in training and coaching activities provided at the school level. What will change for CA,R1 & R2 Schools

  12. DAR or DAPR Systems Assessment Data Analysis Instructional Programs & Practices Student Support Services Student Learning Environment Ratings and Action Steps Needs Assessment : School Profile with demographics Data Analysis Systems Assessment Peer or Diagnostic Team Observation and Interviews Instructional Programs & Practices Student Support Services Student Learning Environment From DAR to Tech Assistance

  13. Technical Assistance Plan will include: • Needs Assessment to identify Target populations • Development of Goals and Measures focused on increasing student achievement • Recommendations and Selection of Research Based Instructional Strategies and Intensive Interventions • EPSS site monitoring on a quarterly basis • Coaching provided by Educational Partners/PED

  14. Technical Assistance Plan will be used to …. • Develop the Educational Plan for Student Success that includes a PDSA cycle • Identify resource availability and needs • Establish Responsibilities &Timelines for service • Report ongoing progress (quarterly in CA,R1 & R2 schools)

  15. New format for goals with data tables

  16. Action Plan with PDSA , Responsibilities, Resources

  17. Continue through DO each quarter; completing the STUDY And ACT/PLAN at the end of the time period (quarter)

  18. This spring, if you have an EPSS visit, we will… • Review Action Steps from the DAR & EPSS • Start the paradigm shift • Focus on results

  19. Help you and your building leadership teams …. • Shift from a teaching to learning cycle • Emphasize action- • Who • How • When • How Much • Plan the Fall EPSS

  20. In fall 07-08 • Anticipate 196+ CA,R1 & R2 Schools • Anticipate 200+ S1 & S2 Schools • Less Resources to provide services • Build capacity in Local Educational Agency (District) to support schools • Must rely on District to provide early Technical Assistance

  21. In summary, • The requirements are still the same; • How we work the requirements has changed! • We must be able to accommodate more schools that need improvement and we must be successful in changing the outcomes of our work!

  22. Setting the Stage…. • In the Spring schools should gather data in three ways: • Open-ended reflection on the school year • Review of action steps of DAR/DAPR and EPSS strategies • Data Review

  23. Reflecting on the Year – Step 1 • Consider three things you did this year that had the most positive effect on student achievement? • What results made you choose these three things? • Why were they so successful?

  24. Reflecting on the Year – Step 2 • What do you consider to be the three most significant challenges or issues related to student achievement facing the school in the coming year?

  25. Review of Action Steps Step 3 • To what extent do the strategies and action steps on the “Review of Action Steps” form align with the top three successes and challenges you identified earlier?

  26. Review of Action Steps and Strategies Using the templates provided, work at your tables to: • Choose 2 or 3 action steps and/or EPSS strategies; • Answer the questions provided in the columns; • Be ready to report out about what you discovered.

  27. Action Steps ReviewReports

  28. School Data Review and DiscussionStep 4 • Review School Data Sheets • Ask: “What sense do you make of this data? What are successes? What are areas that need to be addressed?”

  29. Using Data to Drive Instruction • You must start with information about the performance of the students – • Disaggregated by ethnicity • Disaggregated by Special Populations • Disaggregated by content standards

  30. Effective Schools Review and DiscussionStep 5 • Review Sample Indicators and Rubrics for Quality Teaching and Learning; • “How can you use these indicators and rubrics to paint a picture of quality instruction?”

  31. EPSS Revision Committee’s“Standards of Effective Schools” • Standard 1: Effective Leadership • Dynamic and Distributed Leadership • Focus on Student Learning • Sustained Improvement Efforts • Standard 2: Quality Teaching and Learning • Quality Classroom Instruction • Coordinated and Embedded Professional Development Focused on Classroom Instruction • Coordinated and Aligned Curriculum and Assessments • High Expectations for Teachers and Students • Standard 3: Collaborative Relationships • Family and Community Involvement • Professional Culture and Collaborative Relationships • Standard 4: Support for System-wide Improvement • Effective Use of Data • Strategic Allocation of Resources

  32. Using the EPSS Template- • Using the AMO charts for SY 2008; • Choose an overall Goal with a measure for the 1st box; • Choose a math target for the Target Goal- • Make a statement based on the data about why you chose that Target Goal and measure;

  33. New format for goals with data tables

  34. Next - • Who are you going to target with the 1st Strategy ? Hint- What is you plan? Choose after school tutoring or extra period of math…. • What intervention will you choose to assure that students will be successful ?Hint- What are your program, practices or materials? Choose Navigator Math. • Remember- what does it look like when good instruction is occurring?

  35. Action Plan with PDSA , Responsibilities, Resources

  36. And then complete the sheet ….! • Ending with the study component for the beginning of 1st quarter; • At the end of 1st quarter, report results of intervention; • What were the results of your efforts? • What do you need to do differently-refine, revise, rework- or not change?

  37. Continue through DO each quarter; completing the STUDY And ACT/PLAN at the end of the time period (quarter)

  38. Next Steps for Spring • CA,R1, R2 drafts due by June 15 • R1 & R2 ( with an Alternative Governance Plan) will be done with PED team • S1, S2 will be done with EPSS Coordinators (if Priority School) or District • Use new EPSS Plan in your Budget Review • Send Drafts to PSB • Final reports due September 14,2007

  39. For Rural Districts with Waivers (no Status Schools) • Send in the District EPSS • Reference Groups with Gaps as special education and free and reduced lunch –if gaps exist.

  40. For Districts with S1 & S2 Status Schools • District provides Technical Assistance and Monitors Schools on Status; • Sends or Gives data to PED at Semester Report; • Send in EPSS to PED

  41. Districts with CA, R1 or R2 Schools • PED does Technical Assistance with District; • District and School EPSS, with data submitted on a quarterly basis; • Quarterly PED TA visits

  42. Thank You! • Questions? • Evaluations

  43. Dr. Karen K Harvey Assistant Secretary, Quality Assurance and Systems Integration http://www.KarenK.Harvey@state.nm.us Dr. Beverly Johnson Director, Priority Schools http://www.Beverly.Johnson@state.nm.us Larry Bemesderfer Assistant Director Priority Schools http://www.Larry.Bemesderfer@state.nm.us Brenda Gray Educational Administrator http://www.Brenda.Gray@state.nm.us David Johnson, Assistant Director, Priority Schools http://www.David.Johnson,PED@state.nm.us Diana Jaramillo Educational Administrator http://www.Diana.Jaramillo@state.nm.us Tom Lewis Educational Administrator http://www.Tom.Lewis,PED@state.nm.us Dr. Russ Romans Educational Administrator http://www.Russ.Romans@state.nm.us To contact us!

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