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Vista Nutrition Super Garlic

Garlic is an antioxidant that has been traditionally recognized for its cardiovascular support, helping to promote healthy cholesterol and blood pressure. Garlic may support immune function and promote healthy flora in the colon. Garlic is known universally as the a stinking rose. Garlic cloves themselves have a neutral smell, but when the cells are ruptured by cutting or pressing, they release an enzyme called allinaise, chemically changing the inherent alliin into allicin, a sulfur-containing molecule. That results in the familiar heady, pungent garlic smell that is a mainstay in kitchens around the world. These sulphur molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream and lungs, escaping through exhaled air and perspiration, ultimately producing garlic breath. Marked by its paper-like skin, there are over 300 varieties of garlic grown worldwide. One of the most common varieties is American garlic, with white, papery skin and strong flavor. Italian and Mexican garlic have a pinkish-purple skin and slightly milder-flavored varieties.

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Vista Nutrition Super Garlic

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  1. Vista Nutrition’sSuper Garlic • Garlic is an antioxidant that has been traditionally recognized for its cardiovascular support, helping to promote healthy cholesterol and blood pressure. Garlic may support immune function and promote healthy flora in the colon. Garlic is one of the most valuable and versatile foods on the planet. Garlic belongs to the Allium family of vegetables which also includes onions and chives.

  2. How does Super Garlic work? • Garlic has been used throughout recorded history for both medicinal and culinary purposes. • Garlic acts as an Anti-oxidant. • Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. • Garlic is an invaluable medicine for asthma, hoarseness, coughs, difficulty of breathing, and most other disorders of the lungs, being of particular virtue in chronic bronchitis.

  3. Benefits of Super Garlic • Garlic helps to promote Weight Control. • Due to the presence of Anti-oxidants, Garlic helps to improve the immune system of the body. • Garlic helps to reduce and prevent tumor growth. • Garlic has been proved to lower blood pressure, decrease platelet aggregation, increase HDL cholesterol and decrease LDL cholesterol. • Garlic helps to improve our body’s defenses against Allergies.

  4. Variants of Super Garlic • Vista Nutritions Super Garlic 1000- 90 capsules • Vista Nutritions Super Garlic 1000-180 capsules • Vista Nutritions Super Garlic 1000-360 capsules

  5. Facts about Super Garlic 1000 • Garlic is a good source of protein; minerals like calcium, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and selenium; as well as vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Garlic also contains good levels of antioxidants. Supplement Facts for Super Garlic 1000 - 180 Capsules • Serving Size: 2 Capsule | Servings per Container: 180

  6. Who is benefitted by Super Garlic 1000 • Garlic is good for people with High Blood Pressure. • It helps people suffering from cholesterol to reduce their LDL and increase their HDL. • 2 or 3 cloves a day helps the heart patients to minimize the risks of Heart attacks. • It helps block cancer causing agents from entering the body. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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