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Antichrist and the End Times. AET-073 and 74: Rev. 19 and 20 The Wedding Supper of the Lamb and the Millennium. Revelation 19. REVELATION 19
Antichrist and the End Times AET-073 and 74: Rev. 19 and 20 The Wedding Supper of the Lamb and the Millennium
Revelation 19 • REVELATION 19 • 1After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, 2for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants." 3And again they shouted: "Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever. " AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • 4The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: "Amen, Hallelujah!" AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • 19:1–4 John hears the sound of a heavenly multitude offering praise to the divine King, who is seated on his throne. • The chorus includes "Twenty-four elders," who symbolize [?], and "Four living creatures," which symbolize the whole of creation.1 Together they shout "Hallelujah," the Hebrew term for "Praise the Lord!" • Once again, the text highlights the justness of God’s sentence against [Babylon]. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • "Babylon" falls not due to some irrational divine whim, but because she has "Corrupted the earth" with the "Adultery" of idolatry. • Furthermore, she has murdered the saints of God.2 At the final judgment, God has rightly and justly "Avenged on her the blood of his servants."3 • The smoke of Babylon’s destruction "Goes up for ever and ever," signifying that [Her] final condemnation is unending and irreversible.4 AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The [24 Elders?] and the whole of creation voice their approval of what God has done by shouting "Amen," a Hebrew term meaning "So be it!" or "Truly!” • WHO ARE THE 24 ELDERS? • Many theories have been put forth: • The Church • Ruling Angels • Jews • A Whole Bunch of Weirdness Theories AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • From bnaiavraham.net • Who are the “twenty-four elders” in Revelation 4 [and 19]? • Revelation is written in a style that is both vague, yet evocative. This is typical of the language of apocalyptic prophecy, where the use of allusions, motifs, symbols, and metaphors is extensive. I believe Rev. 4:4 is a sampling of this. • Since there is nothing in the book of Revelation itself that defines the 24 Elders for us, we need to look elsewhere in the Scriptures for a definition. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • In the Tanakh [Old Testament], the book of Exodus (19:5,6) we are told that Yahweh’s fundamental design for Israel itself was to be “a kingdom of priest” and “a holy nation.” • A priest (Hebrew: “Cohen”) is one who stands up for another and mediates in his cause. • Additionally, Israel was to be a “holy nation”…a nation reconciled through, brought near to, and kept in fellowship with G-d through the sprinkling of blood. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • While it is true that Yahweh established a separate priesthood in Israel, the nation itself was to be a priestly kingdom. • This then, would make the priesthood only representative of the people. • Yahweh’s underlying ideals for Israel itself were reconciliation and mediation through blood. • The priests were the representatives of these ideals. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Everything connected with the priesthood was intended to be symbolic and typical: the office, its functions, the attire, the outward support, etc.(Hebrews 8:3-5). • The superintendent over the priests was the High Priest. • He was the chief official in charge of mediation and reconciliation. • The officiating attire of the High Priest is quite interesting: AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • His coat was woven of one piece (like that of Yahshua’s cf. John 19:23), he wore a golden girdle around his chest (cf. Rev. 1:13), the garment was white and made of linen (made from byssus a white shining cotton from Egypt) and reached to his feet, he wore a breastplate which was four-square and contained 12 jewels bearing the names of the 12 tribes of Israel (suggestive of Rev.21:16,12-14), and much more. • The common priest also wore a shining white garment (byssus). AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • In order to become a priest one had to pass several tests. The two most important tests were: genealogy, and freedom from physical defects. If all the tests were passed, the candidates would then be given white garments and their names would be inscribed in the archives (cf. Rev. 3:5). • Under David and Solomon, the priesthood was arranged into twenty-four divisions and continued as such right up until the Babylonian Captivity (1 Chron. 24). AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • When the capitivity was over, only four of the original twenty-four divisions returned to Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel): the divisions of Jedaiah, Immer, Pashur, and Harim (Ezra 2:36-39). • That of Jedaiah is mentioned first because it was the High Priest’s family - of the house of Jeshua (“Yeshua”): cf Ezra 3:2. (Interesting. No?) • To restore the original arrangement each of these four families were directed to cast lots for those who had not returned with them - so as to form, once again, 24 divisions. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • These newly formed divisions would then bear the ancient names. • This is witnessed to in the New Covenant: Zechariah, the father of John the Baptizer, did not actually belong to the family of Abijah (which did not return from Babylon) but to the division of Abijah: which had been formed out of another family and ministered in the ancient name of Abijah (1 Chron. 24:10; Luke 1:5,8). • Each division would come on duty for a week at a time (from Sabbath to Sabbath). AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • On Feast Days any priest could come up and join in on the ministry of the Sanctuary. • However, at the Feast of Tabernacles, all twenty-four divisions had to be present and officiate (Selah). • What a sight that must have been! • Oh, I almost forgot something. • Each of these 24 divisions had a division head to represent them…an elder. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Lets put it together: • The Priesthood was arranged into 24 Divisions • Each Division had a Division Head: an Elder • The Elder represented the Division • The Division was a part of the total Priesthood • The Priesthood was representative of the Nation • The Nation was to be “a kingdom of priests” and a “holy nation” • A Nation redeemed by, brought near to, and kept in fellowship with G-d through the “sprinkling of blood” AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The priests wore shining white garments when officiating • In Revelation 4 [and 19] we see 24 elders, with 24 crowns, on 24 thrones, dressed in white • They worship and give praise to G-d: priestly functions • They are representative of the priestly kingdom of Israel in Heaven. • This is the BEST explanation I have heard. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Verses 1 and 2 find a close connection between God’s "Salvation" and his "Judgments." • Salvation "belongs" to God only because he carries out the final judgment. • We have seen that, in reality, redemption and condemnation are two sides of the same event. • The kingdom of God cannot come until the Lord first destroys the kingdom of Satan. • The Lord cannot consummate his own beneficent kingship without eliminating all opposing kingships. He cannot establish the good without destroying evil. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Announcement of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb (19:5–10) • In Revelation 14:1–22:6, John offers a kaleidoscope of images depicting the final judgment and the consummation of God’s kingdom—two facets of a single event. • The early images (14:1–19:4) focus primarily on the condemnation of God’s enemies with an occasional look forward to the salvation of his servants. • However, beginning in 19:5, the prophet shifts his emphasis. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • From this point forward, the majority of images will concern the salvation of God’s servants with only an occasional look back at the destruction of his enemies. • Chapter 19, verses 5–10, includes an announcement of the wedding supper of the Lamb. • Then a voice came from the throne, saying: "Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both small and great!" • 6Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • "Hallelujah! • For our Lord God Almighty reigns. 7Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. 8Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) 9Then the angel said to me, "Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’ " And he added, "These are the true words of God." AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • 19:5–9 (1) The Wedding of the Lamb. With one voice all God’s servants shout: "Hallelujah! (a Hebrew term meaning ‘Praise the Lord!’) For our Lord God Almighty reigns!" • They thus announce the consummation of God’s kingdom rule—the extension of his sovereign reign over the whole universe.6 • In verses 7–9 the Lord’s servants use a different image to proclaim the same truth: "The wedding of the Lamb has come! " Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!" AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The "Lamb" refers to Jesus Christ, whose sacrificial death on the cross destroys the kingdom of Satan and establishes the kingdom of God. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Victory celebrations are usually held after a battle, but so sure is God of His control over His creation, that He invites all the redeemed (His slaves; i.e., those who have subjected themselves to His authority) to attend a celebration before His final battle with the forces of evil. • Heaven’s joyous response makes it clear that they have no doubt about the outcome as they know God is all powerful—the only question is the timing; and excitement erupts as they learn that the time has now come. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The addressees of this summons to praise and adoration are all who reverence God (v.5), an emphasis which includes not only Old Testament saints but also angels (for whom Christ did not die—see v.10 which makes a distinction between the angel speaking and the saints). • God’s triumph over evil is absolutely certain. He does not question it, and neither do those who have placed their faith in Him, yet the unregenerate will hold to their futile hope of victory over God until the very end, as we shall see. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The fact that there will be ‘small and great’ in Heaven (v.5) indicates that status will already have been awarded by this stage; so the ‘bema’ (Judgment Seat of Christ) of II Corinthians 5 occurs after the rapture, and is complete by the end of the tribulation (i.e., it takes place during the tribulation). • Moreover, the awarding of the fine linen garments confirms this, as they represent the righteous deeds of the saints (v.8). AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The sound of many waters combined with thunder (v.6) echoes 14:2, where it, too, has a heavenly context, and where it, too, indicates a swelling, deafening, accolade of praise for the persons of God and His Lamb. • This is the moment for which all creation has been waiting (see Rom 8:18–25 for a biblical explanation of this waiting); at last the long wait is over, Christ will be revealed in all His divine glory, and all creation will be restored to its perfect primordial state. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • No wonder there is this swelling, deafening roar of praise! • As the singers of this song do not include those redeemed by Christ, for the Church (the wife) is addressed by the song (v.7), they must be the angelic host. • This growing cacophony of sound by the heavenly throng of angels addresses God as ‘our God’ and they will thus state their allegiance to God and denounce Satan. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The marriage of the Lamb (v.7) is the union between Christ and His bride (the Church), but in order to understand this event we need first to consider the Jewish marriage custom. • Jewish marriage started with betrothal, as, even though the couple were not living together, a betrothal could only be terminated by formal divorce (Matt 1:18–19). • Normally a betrothal lasted about a year, then the marriage was taken to its next and final stage. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • This stage commenced when ‘the friend of the bridegroom’ was sent to the bride’s home to escort her from her parents to the bridegroom. • He then presented her to the groom at the wedding feast, a celebration that frequently lasted for several days. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • II Corinthians 11:2 uses this simile of a wedding and talks of believers being betrothed to Christ; Eph 5:25–33 promises a great mystery, the permanent union between Christ and the Church; and Revelation 19–20 present the final stage of this wedding, the wedding feast of the Lamb which starts in Heaven and continues on earth, enduring for the period of the millennium. • It is fitting that the marriage should first be celebrated in Heaven; but it is also appropriate that earth be included in the festivities, as God is God of the universe, not only the God of Heaven. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • This earthly celebration will demonstrate that God has forced Satan to release his grip on earth; God will clearly be the victor and Satan, the vanquished. • The heavenly start to these festivities follows the same pattern as the various revelations concerning the judgments, for each new section of Revelation always opens with a clear reminder that anything which happens on earth (the material realm) is but the working out of a heavenly (the spiritual realm) decision. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • In this way, God repeatedly reminds us that spiritual values are more important than material values, and, indeed, that material values are only intended to serve spiritual values. • The bride will be clothed in bright, clean, white garments, which contrast with the purple and scarlet garments of the harlot of chapters 17–18. • This clothing represents the saints’ righteous deeds (v.8). AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Verse 9 speaks of invited guests at this wedding besides the Father, the Groom, and His bride. • Verse 10 provides a clue as to who at least some of these invited guests are: they will be angels who have not rebelled against God (still servants, v.10), who recognize Jesus Christ and worship God. • Some commentators reason that Old Testament saints cannot correctly be classified as the Church, so suggest that they are another group of guests at this wedding of the Church to Christ. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • However, [others believe] that the bride of Christ will be all those He redeemed, and that includes Old Testament saints whose sins are forgiven through His shed blood. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The significance of this wedding is that the bride and Bridegroom will have become one flesh, never to be separated in all the eons of eternity. • What a glorious promise—we believers will have the incomprehensible privilege of being eternally united to Christ; what pure joy that will be, what a perfect peace and relationship await us. • In that relationship we will be forever righteous, for being one flesh with Him, the source of all righteousness, will absolutely assure this. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The angel in v.10 was careful to ascribe the glory of prophecy to Jesus; he, too, was quick to assume the stance of a fellow-slave. • Thus the angel made it crystal clear to John that the prophecy he was revealing was not his own act, but was made in the power of Jesus’ spirit. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The Returning Christ and His Host (19:11–16) • This paragraph describes the triumphant return of Jesus Christ to the earth accompanied by His armies (v.14), but all the attention is focused on His magnificence, for only one verse describes His armies. • So let us first dispense with this last point and then turn our concentration, with John, to our Lord. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The armies (v.14) are described in the same terms as the bride of the Lamb (v.7), so clearly are the same; this episode thus marks the moving of the marriage feast from Heaven to earth. • We believers, then, will accompany Jesus Christ when He returns to set up His Millennial Kingdom; this verse promises us we will be there, with Him. • We will follow behind His charger on chargers of our own, and will witness His victory over evil. • This is the pageant to end all earthly pageants, and we will be participants! AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Matthew 24:30 also describes Christ’s return and tells us that He will appear in the sky and all the people on earth will see Him. • This could suggest that His coming will be relatively gradual in order to allow all the people on earth to see Him. • So His arriving could take over twenty-four hours, and the earth’s rotation would be the mechanics for granting all the earth’s inhabitants a glimpse of their Judge. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Maybe a scene from Star Wars could illustrate the event which, with His armies following, would look like an extra-terrestrial invasion. • The war against mankind will be righteous (v.11) because for seven years the human race will have persisted in its rebellion against God despite the plethora of divine signs and judgments. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Jesus will do two distinct things to the nations of the world: He will judge them with God’s wrath, and those who survive will be shepherded by the strong laws of God. • Notice how Jesus will be proudly arrayed in His garment which is covered in blood; this will be the basis of divine judgment—that the world has spurned His blood. • Jesus wears it proudly; we will be dressed in our white garments—He will be arrayed in His bloody one. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The host that will accompany Jesus is proof positive of the effectiveness of His blood. • There is profound logic in the bride accompanying Christ, for the execution of humanity is punishment of the persecutors (or their descendants) for their persecution of the bride. • This, too, explains why the Church is not involved in the battle of Armageddon, for we are being vindicated by our Lord, the Bridegroom, and are merely present to witness that vindication. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Now, let us turn our attention to the revelation of our Lord. • Consider the descriptions given of Christ; they tabulate thus: • i) He is riding a white horse. • ii) He is called, ‘Faithful and True.’ • iii) He is righteous in judgment and war. • iv) He has eyes like flaming fire. • v) He has many royal crowns on His head. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • vi) He has a unique name known only to Himself. • vii) His clothes are dipped in blood (epitomizing His death and the salvation He procured). • Viii) His name is, ‘The Word of God.’ • ix) He is accompanied by a vast army (which follows Him in love, thus attesting to His sterling qualities). AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • x) He has a sharp sword flicking from His mouth. • xi) He will conquer all the nations of the world. • xii) He will execute the wrath of God. • Xiii) He is proclaimed, ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords.’ AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • Let us consider some of these details. • A white horse was the traditional victor’s mount; so Jesus leaves Heaven for battle already proclaimed the victor! • His confidence is not premature because He is the ‘logos’ the unique name which only Jesus Christ fully understands, for His name is ‘The Word of God.’ AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • ‘Word’ in Greek is ‘logos’ and means the essence of the word, not just its utterance; now, the essence of the Word of God, which has such power that all creation exists purely because of its mystique, is unknowable by man, and, as v.12 explains, is only fully known by Jesus Christ Himself. • The mystique of this Word is again demonstrated in point x), for by an action of Jesus’ mouth the armies of the world will be slain. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • They exist only because He spoke the word that brought them into existence; consequently, He can make them cease to exist by speaking another word. • In the face of such power it is the ultimate futility to resist Him, yet Satan and the Beast will urge humanity on to mass suicide (16:14). • The name Jesus has, ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords,’ is powerful enough to replace the sword a king normally wears on his thigh. AET-073 and 074
Revelation 19 • The titles by which Jesus is described in this passage present Him as: • (i) Savior, • (ii) Warrior, • (iii) Judge, and • (iv) Divine King. AET-073 and 074