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Vitamix Laboratories is a vitamin supplement manufacturer specializing in private label supplement and vitamin manufacturer.
LabelingADietarySupplement Whencreating alabel for a dietarysupplementmanufacturersand distributorsarerequired bytheFood andDrug Administration(FDA)to provide certain information to the consumer. Five statements in particular are necessaryon containersandpackagesofdietary supplements: Thenameofthesupplement. Thetotal amountofthe dietarysupplement Nutritionlabeling Theingredientlist Companynameandbusiness Location Inmost casesthisinformation must eitherbe onthe principal display panel (the front label panel) or on the information panel (the label panel to therightoftheprimary display panel).The“principal display panel”isthe partofthe packagethat ismost likely to be seenbythe customer when they are purchasing the product.When containers have several surfaces that are acceptable for use as principal display panels, these additional surfaces are classified as alternate principal displaypanels.
Theprincipaldisplay panelmuststatewhattheproductisand the netquantityof theproduct.Ifthe packagehasseveral alternateprincipaldisplaypanels,eachofthesepanelsmustalso havethisinformation. • Ifthereisinsufficient space forthisinformation,some packagescan qualify for speciallabelingprovisionsdesignatedfor“small • packages.”Smallpackagesarethosepackageswithlessthan12square • inches of spacefor labeling.Insteadof a “Supplement Facts” panel, smallpackagesmay substitutea telephone numberor address for customerstouse.However, a telephonenumberoraddress canonly be used in place of a “Supplement Facts” panel if there are no claims or nutritioninformationontheproductlabel. • Whenincludinganaddresson the product label list the streetaddress(if itisn’tincludedinacity directoryortelephone book), thecity,state, and zip code.In lieu of the actual address, you may list the address of the principal place of business.Be careful not to place label information that isnotmandatorybetweenrequired information onthe information panel (suchas abarcode)as itis forbiddenby theFDA. • Ifthenutritional supplementcontainsitemsofforeignorigin thatwere importedintothe UnitedStates, thismustbe conspicuouslyindicatedon the label.Although no expiration date is required on the label, a company canopttoinclude this informationif itissupportedby valid data. • When designing the label, utilize fonts and type sizes that are prominent andeasy toread.The FDArequiresletterstobeatleastone-sixteenth (1/16) ofan inchin heightbasedonthe lower case “o” andnotmore thanthreetimes ashighasthey are wide.Letteringdoesneedtobe in black and white, but it must provide a sufficient contrast with the background. • UPCbarcodescanbeobtainedby visitingtheUniformCodeCounciland clicking“INeedaUPCBar Code.” • Forin-depthinformation ondietarysupplement labeling,be sureto visithttps://www.vitamixlabs.com