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Traditional Dances in Umbria: A Cultural Journey Through Time

Explore the rich history of traditional dances in Umbria, Italy, from Etruscan origins to modern interpretations. Discover the significance of these dances in religious ceremonies and banquets. Experience the revival of ancient customs and the evolution of dance forms through the centuries.

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Traditional Dances in Umbria: A Cultural Journey Through Time

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  1. 3T Traditions Through Time 2012-1 GR1-GRU06-10483-3 Traditional Dances in Umbria Sofia 08-12 May 2013 Mara Quadraccia Unitre di Amelia (TR) Italy

  2. Traditional dances in Umbria are very different since the borders of our region have been changed In the course of the centuries; the main distinction is to be made between countrysideand court dances.

  3. Dancing has always played an important role for ritual celebrations either in the course of religious cerimonies or during banquets ever since the Etruscan and the Roman ages as it can be seen from frescoes or at local historical festivals. The figures moving at the sound of tambourines and cymbals do not differ from the people happily dancing the“Saltarello , the modern version of the latin “saltationes”. The Umbrians were more devoted to pastures and agriculture while the Etruscans were more skilled in crafts and commerce.

  4. The “saltarello “ has been recently introduced as an entertainment activity during folk festivals . People like practising in special courses or dancing in the middle the squares at the sound of tambourines and accordions. Special folk groups have been created all over the region to perform traditional dances in various public occasions.

  5. Erotic pantomimes, recalling the courting dances performed in Etruscan banquets ,have been revived in the dances of “tacco e punta” and trescone . The latter one is performed mimicking gestures of sexual avances, a modern form of the orgiastic dancing of the Etruscans.

  6. Since the Renaissance people have danced the “ballo dello schiaffo”, the dance of the slap, and the “ ballo del chiamo”,the dance of the calling or traditional ball room dancing: they were both used to form couples by calling their names. Very often the girls were the ones who called first to choose their dancer.

  7. Group dancing was introduced in the baroque age with the “ballindodici”,dancintwelve. Groups of four tercets of dancers moved forming various figures such as the cross,the ballet and the vis-à-vis. But the most popular dance is the “quadriglia “ Everyone can dance it is conducted by a leader in a macaronic language: ”dansé, all'incontré” recall the French origin of a traditional dance with which a good harvest was always celebrated on the farmyard.

  8. The production of accordions in the nearby region of Marche has favoured the diffusion of amusical instrument easy to carry and to play at every festivaland party , both to accompany the traditional dancing and the popular singing of the “stornelli” Interviews to elderly people who can recollect their memories are a good support to outline a our history of traditional dances. Unfortunately today they are more performed than practised though there is a new wave of revival among the young people especially for the “saltarello”

  9. Today , for those who love tradition it is possible to get more detailed information with a visit to specific museums or factories where to experience the pleasure of making a personal manufact.UMBRIA, WITH ITS TRADITIONS, AND OUR GROUP ARE WATING FOR YOUR NEXT VISIT


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