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Mohammed & Political Islam -- Is It Something We Should Worry About?. Prepared by Lyle B ., Ph.D. (Rev. 2). 10/13/2014. 1. 1.1 Some Introductory Definitions. Caliphate – political unity of all Muslims (the Ummah). Islamist – adherent of p-Islam ideology against Kafirs.
Mohammed & Political Islam --Is It Something We Should Worry About? Prepared by Lyle B., Ph.D. (Rev. 2) 10/13/2014 1 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
1.1 Some Introductory Definitions Caliphate – political unity of all Muslims (the Ummah). Islamist – adherent of p-Islam ideology against Kafirs. Jihad – Holy War. Also a “personal struggle.” Kafir – non-believer of Islam; hated by Allah/Islamists. Sharia – Islamic law from Allah (Koran, Sira & Hadith). Terrorism -- politically motivated violence against civilian targets by non-traditional fighters. Ummah – collective of all 1.3 b Muslims worldwide. Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
1.2. We see what they do; but WHY? Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
1.3. WHY? because we are Kafirs… Kafir = Infidel = unbeliever = us. Allah hates us because we aren’t Muslim. Islamists hate us because Allah does, as spelled out in sharia. In sharia, Allah points out that we Kafirs are ignorant, blind, arrogant, evil, liars, a disgrace, a partner of Satan; doomed, detested, unclean and cursed; non-human. And, Allah gives Islamists a blessed mandate to kill or subjugate Kafirs. They can mock, torture, punish, behead, confuse, plot against, terrorize, destroy, deceive, hurt, cut down, cheat, insult, war against, and humiliate us any time or place they choose. 10/13/2014 4 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
1.4. Why do Islamists Hate Us? They hate Western civilization. They hate our culture, our laws, our decadence; especially USA & Israel. They see U.S. as a “weak” Christian protector of hated corrupt Islamic regimes; they want us out of these countries so they can purify them to true Islam. OBL hated U.S. forces on Saudi land, the birth place of Islam. Allah gives him/Islamists a sacred right to attack Kafir countries, and to purify rogue counties. [Friedman, George, America’s Secret War, pp. 21-35] 10/13/2014 5 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
1.5. How Did OBL “Pull It Off? Afghani warriors from Russian war learned U.S. methods & secrets. After war, they formed the Taliban to rule Afghanistan, and al-Qaeda to re-gain glory of past Caliphate, and dominate all Kafir countries by any means, such as 9/11. OBL’s 9/11 attack was designed to shock USA into a counter attack on a “rogue” Islam country and to show world that a “weak” USA could be played. He knew our methods & pulled it off! [Friedman, George, America’s Secret War, pp. 21-35] 10/13/2014 6 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
2.1. A Historical Wakeup Call (a) America’s 1st encounter with political Islam began in early 1800s when Ottoman Empire (Caliphate) pirates hijacked U.S. commercial ships along Barbary Coast (Barbary Wars). The Koran gave them the right to attack non-Muslim ships, steal booty, extort ransoms, capture slaves & gain power. Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
2.2. A Historical Wakeup Call (b) Jefferson to Muslim Ambassador: Why do you attack our ships with no provocation? Jefferson’s note of Ambassador: “…(Islam) was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners…” Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
2.3. Was Caliphate Dangerous Then? The Ottoman Empire Caliphate used the sword to conquer lands from southeastern Europe, south-western Asia, to North Africa, from 13th century to 1923. (The Muslim Brotherhood started in 1926). Non-Muslims living in these lands were forced into the Empire under Islamic rule as oppressed semi-slave Kafirs with heavy taxation (see dhimmi). [Source: http://www.theottomans.org/english/history/index.asp] Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
2.4. Is Caliphate Dangerous Now? Islamists aim to re-establish the Ottoman caliphate; believing lands are rightfully theirs. A jihad-waging, sharia-enforcing caliphate will be a permanent on-going enemy to us. Once established, their next objective is to subjugate entire world under Islam. This must be stopped – otherwise it’s simply a matter of time before they succeed. [Raymond Ibrahim, author] 10/13/2014 10 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
2.5. Do Islamists Seek a Caliphate Now? Islamists believe Islam is supreme.Will Islam rule the world? Whose side is time on? 10/13/2014 10/13/2014 11 11 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.1. What about MohammadThe Founder of Islam? Chronology of Mohammad’s life: 570 Born 4/20/570 in Mecca; stayed until 622. 610 - 621 He begins receiving revelations from Allah via Angel Gabriel; his religious Islam was a failure, about 150 converts. Jews didn’t accept him as a prophet and drove him & followers off. 622 -- 623 Mohammed & followers flee to Medina. He starts using political Islam to gain converts. Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.2. Mohammed’s Chronology, cont. 624 - 629 He continues using force and violence to promote his new Islam; forced conversions helped Islam increase rapidly in size & strength. 630 He conquers Mecca and the Ka’bah. He goes on to become the master of Arabia. 631 He was involved in an event of violence about every 6 weeks of the last 9 years of his life. 632 Mohammed died in Medina on June 8th. Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.3. Mohammed -- Islam’s Ideal Man Islam regards Mohammed as the ideal man. His life and teachings guide Islam’s moral universe. Every-thing he said or did is “moral.” Muslims seek to emulate and imitate him in all aspects of life; similar to Christians emulating and imitating Jesus. K 33:21 “Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah [Mohammed] an excellent exampler for him who hopes in Allah and the final day, and who remember Allah much.” K 68:4. And surely thou [Mohammed] hast sublime morals. Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.4. Mohammed -- Political Leader Mohammed was a ruler, conqueror, enslaver, bandit, murderer, rapist, polygamist, pedophile and self-proclaimed prophet; He created the Koran & Allah. He killed anyone who left Islam (apostacy). He used man’s unbound lust for women, power, and money to woo converts to his religion & Allah. Allah -- the only god who woos followers by sin. He massacred all the Jews in Arabia and instigated hatred between his followers and other Jews that has lasted for over 1400 years and has cost millions of lives. And is still doing so! [PerfectMan] Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.5. Mohammed – Developed Jihad Jihad = holy war, a mix of religion & politics. Jihad was created and used by Mohammed. Mohammed, Allah and Jihadists hate Kafirs and are at war with them always. Allah gives Jihadists sacred right to berate, kill, enslave Kafirs & take their property -- any time, any place. (Physical jihad assumed.) Submitting to Islam is one way to stop jihad… 10/13/2014 16 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.6. Mohammed -- Treaties & Taqiyya Mohammed broke treaties when it suited him (He broke the Treaty at Al Hudaybiya in Mecca with the Jews). Islamists can break treaties today as well. Taqiyya – sacred deceit. Since war with Kafirs is on-going, Allah gives Islamists right to deceive and/or lie to Kafirs at any time or place to advance Islam. [Sultan, Wafa. A God Who Hates, p. 243.] 10/13/2014 17 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.7. Mohammed -- Booty/Rape/Slaves Mohammed stole Kafir property as booty. Islamists can do so today. Mohammed used rape as a standard jihad tactic to subdue Kafirs. It’s still okay today. Mohammed enslavedKafir women and children. It’s still okay today. 10/13/2014 18 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.8. Mohammed -- Assassins & Terrorism Mohammed used assassins to silence his critics. Many poets and authors were assassinated. Still okay today. [Source, Wikipedia] Mohammed used terrorism against civilians to effect political change; still in use today. [www.aifdemocracy.org/news/php?id=6…] 10/13/2014 19 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.9. Mohammed -- Beheadings Mohammed used beheadings to instill fear in his enemies and “help” force them to submit to his demands. K 8:12. “…I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.10. Mohammed -- Child Marriages Mohammed believed in child marriages. Islam endorses child marriages today. Mohammed wrote his marriage contract with Aisha while she was six years old. He consummated the marriage when she was nine years old; he was 54. (V7, Book 62, Number 88, Narrated Ursa) Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.11. Mohammed’s Stealth Jihad Besides the sword, Mohammed used stealth (soft) jihad such as culture, ethics, politics, language, money, slavery, destiny, family, immigration, government, power, deceit, racial pride, tribalism, community, fear, propaganda, diplomacy, spy-craft, philosophy, psychology -- anything to win. Stealth/soft/cultural jihad used effectively today by Islamists to infiltrate and take over Kafir societies. 10/13/2014 22 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.12. Mohammed’s -- Three Options (a) Mohammed always gave losers three options: 1. convert to Islam, 2. submit to Islam as dhimmi (a demeaning, slave-like status with heavy poll taxes) 3. or death. Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
3.13. Mohammed’s -- Three Options (b) Islamists’ message today is the same! On 5/8/06, Iranian Pres. Ahmadinejad sent a letter to Pres. George W. Bush with the traditional ending used by Muhammad in his Da'wa messages to enemy leaders before attacking them: "peace only unto those who follow the true path", interpreted as a threat of violence. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad's_letter_to_George_W._Bush] 10/13/2014 24 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
4.1. What are Islam’s Sacred Books? Koran: The perfect, eternal, universal, & final word of Allah for all people and all time. Sira: Mohammad’s biography (his life story). Hadith: a collection of hadiths (stories) about Mohammed. (capital H=many stories, h=one story.) ========================================= Sunna: Mohammed’s words & actions from Hadith & Sira; Sunna is Allah’s divine pattern for all humanity. 10/13/2014 25 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
4.2. More About the Koran Koran (K) = “recitation” in Arabic. Mohammed recited god’s divine words from angel Gabriel from 610 AD until his death in 632.The “book” was compiled after his death. It’s contents believed to be perfect words of Allah; cannot be changed in any way. Compiled Islam is about 1400 years old. Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
4.3. What’s the “Verse of the Sword?” K 9:5. “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and pay Zakat [tithe] then open the way for them(…)” Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
4.4. Other Verses of Violence in Koran K 3:151 (…) We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers (…) K 8:12 (…) I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. K 2:193 (…) fight them [until] there is no more persecution and the religion becomes Allah’s (…) 10/13/2014 28 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
4.5. What is “Abrogation?” Abrogation– the process of replacing earlier “nice” verses in Koran with later “violent” ones; with both remaining “true,” as needed (dualism). The “verse of abrogation” is: K 2:106 Whatever of Our revelations We repeal or cause to be forgotten, We will replace with something superior or comparable. (226 verses are abrograted) 10/13/2014 29 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
4.6. An Example of Abrogation… President Bush may have referred to Koran verse 5:32 when he said: “Islam is a religion of peace.” K 5:32 (…) Whoever saves a life, it will be as though he had saved all mankind (…) [a “nice” verse] K 5:33 The only reward for those who war against Allah and his messengers (…) will be slain or crucified, have their alternate hands and feet cut off, or be banished from the land(…) [violent verse] V. 5:33 abrogates 5:32 -- violence to all Kafirs. 10/13/2014 30 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
5.1. Does Islam Have Special Ethics? Most cultures and religions around the world believe in some form of the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule: Do unto others (and everyone else) as you would have them do unto you. Unitary ethics: same rules for everyone; no exceptions. Not so in Islam. Islam’s “ethics” are based upon dualism. 10/13/2014 31 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
5.2. What is Dualistic Ethics? Dualism = two sets of rules at same time: one set of rules for Muslims – They are to be nice and respectful to each other. another set of rules for kafirs – Kafirs are hated, inferior to Muslims, demean them. There is no Golden Rule in Islam… 10/13/2014 32 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
5.3. Is Islam Itself Dualistic? Religious – how Muslims get to heaven. We’re not concerned about this part. Political – how Muslims treat Kafirs. This part we care a lot about. It involves their on-going war against Kafirs. Allah mandates Jihadists to subdueKafirs to Islam, any time or place; such as 9/11… 10/13/2014 33 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
5.4. More About Islamic Dualism Islam is a fully developed ideology for both politics and religion, divine from sharia. Islam’s political & religious principles believed to be sacred, perfect, eternal, and universal. Islam’s dualism gives Islamists power over Kafirs not obtainable by religion alone. Its success is from its politics, not its religion. 10/13/2014 34 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.0 Political Islam(P-Islam) Is American Islam our future? Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.1. Is P-Islam a Danger? P-Islam is about the destruction of all Kafir civilizations. P-Islam is at war with Kafirs because Allah says so, whether we like it or not, or want to believe it. We cannot “nice” our way from destruction, the Islamists’ dream will come true while we sleep. To halt impending annihilation of our culture, P-Islam must be stopped. [Bill Warner] Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.2. The Five Principles of P-Islam 1. Islam -- all from Triology (Koran, Sira, & Hadith). 2. Most Islamic doctrine is political, and supremist. 3. Islam has a common enemy, the Kafir. 4. Islamic ethics is dualistic; two sets of laws: one for Muslims, and another for Kafirs. 5. Submission: all Kafirs must submit to Islam. 10/13/2014 37 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.3. How Does P-Islam Take Over? 1. Immigration w/soft jihad. Muslims seem nice and peaceful at first; work to fit in; Kafirs are accepting. 2. Sharia demands w/segregation; more Mosques. 3. Jihad & killings start. Kafirs cower; culture loss. 4. Islamists take control of dhimmi government and use taxation to fund more jihad and control of Kafirs. 5. Sharia complete; Islam only; old Kafir culture gone. 10/13/2014 38 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.4. What is Demographic Jihad? Demographic Jihad is the act of helping a minority ethnic population increase itself within a country to alter the social and/or political norms of that country. Three typical methods: High minority-group immigration rates. Higher-than-normal minority-group birth rates. Lower-than-normal host-group birthrates. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_threat] 10/13/2014 39 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.5. What About Halal Food? Halal food -- clean by Islamic standards, prepared and blessed by Muslims only in name of Allah, while butcher faces Mecca, no Kafirs allowed; a form of soft jihad… Sharia pressures supermarket chains to feature Halal on shelves, with threats for non-compliance. Some Halal food income must go to Islamic charity with some funds required to jihad activity; another challenge in our fight against creeping sharia. [http://www.rightsidenews.com/2011062813931/world/terrorism/global-jihad-marches-halal-the-new-stealth-jihad.html] 10/13/2014 40 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.6. What is Dhimmitude? By definition, dhimmitude has two general forms: 1. Historical dhimmi – “People of the Book” Kafirs living under abusive Muslim rule as semi-slaves w/heavy poll taxes. 2. “Modern” dhimmi – anyone who supports the Islamist movement by word, mouth, or deed. 10/13/2014 41 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.7. Modern Dhimmi Examples Saying “Islam is religion of peace” is dhimmi. Claiming US law & Sharia are equal is dhimmi. Donating to Islamic charity is dhimmi (some percentage must go to jihad per Sharia law.) Kafir women marrying Muslim men is dhimmi; kids are Muslim at birth; helps demographics. 10/13/2014 42 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.8. Are Jihad Training Camps in USA? Yes. Home-grown (h-g) jihadists are trained in USA: Thirty five jihad training camps are scattered throughout USA, known as “Muslims of America,” lead by a radical cleric, Sheikh MubaraGilani. Thousands of h-g jihadi “Soldiers of Allah” islamists have been trained to use explosives, weapons, kidnapping, and guerilla warfare to kill Kafirs(…). [Homegrown Jihad, The Terrorist Camps Around U.S, Christian Action Network, A PRB Film Production] 10/13/2014 43 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
6.9. P-Islam and Prison Inmates P-Islam seeks out “violent” inmates. Why? Inmates with violent backgrounds fit right in with the radicalized objectives of militant Islam. Those comfortable with rape and murder etc. make effective home-grown jihadists; fit right in! Saudia Arabia supports radicalized Imams to work in prisons, in addition to funding Mosques & madrassas to promote Wahabbism (a rigid form of radical Islam, e.g., women can’t drive). Examples: Jose Padilla (dirty bomb), Richard Reid (shoe bomb). [http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/jihad-jailhouses/ ] 10/13/2014 44 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
7.1. What is Sharia? Sharia (Islamic Law): Allah’s sacred perfect law from Koran, Sira, & Hadith; ideal as is, can’t be changed. Absolute control of everything including: dress, family law, religion, politics, legal, banking, insurance, criminal law, etc. (Sharia rule book: Reliance of the Traveller) Freedom of expression, art, & press curtailed. No democracy, constitution, or golden rule. Sharia in conflict w/U.S. laws & Constitution! 10/13/2014 45 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
7.2. How do Kafirs Fare Under Sharia? Kafirs have three choices under Islam -- submit, convert, become a dhimmi (be a semi-slave under Muslim rule), or death. Kafirs can be murdered, robbed, and raped. Kafir women & children can be enslaved. Kafirs can be lied to and deceived (taqiyya). Kafir-Muslim treaties can be broken any time. Kafir critics of Islam can be assassinated any time, any place. 10/13/2014 46 46 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
7.3. How do Women Fare Under Sharia? 1. Women inferior to men in intelligence and religion. 2. Disobedient wives can be beaten by husbands. 3. Wives must get husband’s ok to leave home. 4. Wives are husband’s toys, to tilth as desired. 5. Women are equal to camels, and slaves. 6. Women can be caned/stoned for adultery/rape. 7. Disrespectful daughters can be killed by family. 8. Girls can be married at young ages (6 or so). [Source: Warner, Bill, Sharia Law for the Non-Muslims, CSPI] 10/13/2014 47 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
7.4. Example of Creeping Sharia Dearborn’s Mayor, Police Chief, & 17 police officers sued for illegal police action at a June 2010 Arab Festival for enforcing sharia. Why? On public land at the festival, four Christians were arrested & two missionaries forced to stop handing out Gospel of John. [Source: E-mail report from Thomas More Law Center, 2/22/2011] 10/13/2014 48 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
8.1. What is Sharia-Compliant Finance? Many Middle-Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia, have tons of oil money to invest – money that came from us! Unbeknown to most, we buy oil from them, and they turn around and use our money against us. How so? 10/13/2014 49 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt
8.2. More About Sharia-Compliant Finance Western financiers get large profits by helping these countries put their funds to work. This requires Sharia-Compliant Finance (SCF) with oversight by selected Islamic leaders. To be compliant, a percentage of each transaction must go to Islamic charity with some funds designated for jihad; a critical hidden risk! 10/13/2014 50 Mohammed-and-Political-Islam-is-it-something-we-should-worry-about-Rev2.ppt