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Software Development. Unit 6. What is Procedural Programmes. Procedural programming languages are used to solve a lots of problems. These types of programmes are often used for solving mathematical scientific problems.
Software Development Unit 6
What is Procedural Programmes • Procedural programming languages are used to solve a lots of problems. These types of programmes are often used for solving mathematical scientific problems. • Procedural programming is always specific to orders of instructions to solve a problem by running a script. This happens in steps like mechanical scripts. This language can use functions and procedure to help reuse code; by producing loops, however variables can be changed which may lead to problems. This is a problem for procedural programming, it makes it hard to modify/improve. Procedural programmes can’t be changed very easily. • Although the procedural languages like C++ are high level languages which makes them easily to script in. The coder also has a good level of control over the programme.
Limits of Procedural Programmes • Procedural programming is extremely powerful, how it does have limitations and one of the more serious limits is “spaghetti-code”. Spaghetti code is a programme that has been modified too many times so that the logical flow will become unusable to a new programming coming onto the project. The new programmer will then have to take a prep-course which will enable to begin to understand the software innards. This is caused because the code will constantly have to be modified in order to meet the user demands which mean introducing things like sub loops and new methods altogether. However there is no good tool which is for abstraction, which is something that only exists as an idea, and modularization in procedural languages. This means that it’s hard to add new functionality or change the work flow without going back and modifying all other parts of the program
Object Oriented • Object oriented languages (OOL) OOL is a type of programming that is kept in a single unit that is the object. This means that the only way a user can access the data is through objects methods. This means the user incapable corrupting the file when its fully working and running. Also it means that the internal workings can be changed without corrupting the code using the object. • Because it is based on objects. OOL’s do not base their actions on the logic that manipulate the object but on the object.
Influences For Languages • Organisation: One big factor that will influence the choice of programming languages for a company will be organisational policies. For most companies in the computing business that have polices for what equipment they will use. The policy that is more regular and used the most is the Microsoft software, this is mainly due to the fact that they are so well know which means the support available is vast and varied. They are many other examples of software packages such as apple Macintosh and linux, but what is also available for the organisation to do if they want they can create their own and have a programmer come in and make a system that will be made to meet all of the needs of the business which can be more efficient. It’s very unlikely that a programmer will come into a company and make their own system because of the amount of time it would take.
Influences For Languages • The suitability of a programming language will be chosen with two main areas that are taken into consideration when choosing it. The first area is that the platform that is being used, this means that it should be common platform like a Microsoft platform which are well known platforms. So for example visual basic will only be able to work on a computer that is running Microsoft software such as windows OS. Another would be Java which is a programming language which can suit many platforms like Linux and Mac OS. The second area is that the programming language will actually have the correct features which will allow for the application to be written. For example Visual basic programming language has certain controls that will allow the users to code specific tasks, this is more important for the company because it allows them to make the software or programme as they planned to make it. A very suitable language would be C++ which is an extremely widely used language by programmers because of its simplicity and usability. As well as the fact it runs on all most ever common platform.
Influences For Languages • Reliability is a factor that will influence a choice in programming language because some things will not have as reliable as others, such an aircraft is one of the more reliable systems. They need a powerful and well made software and coding language to secure maximum reliability. C# is a high level programming language which had been extended from various languages, this language is a mix of Microsoft Visual Basic language and the widely used games design language C++. This would C# a suitable language to code an aircrafts software in.
Influences For Langueges • The costs that come from developing a programming can vary depending on the size of the program. From the programming languages that have come in have managed to cut those costs from them being quick and simple to develop and maintain and the cost of the software programmed in if used. However if the size of the project is very large then the costs will be big from the team of programmers. However sometimes the costs can come more from maintaining the program not made properly, this is because of the bugs and errors that need to be fixed by programmers.
Sequence • Sequences within a programming environment are the order of executions in a programme. It will normally be in reference to the order of which the code will be executed. The code will be scripted line by line.
Selection • Selection is used to control the execution in a sequence. It can be used to switch statements that evaluate a variable. This is used in most languages in the way an event happens.
Iteration • Iteration is used for referring to the collections and arrays of data. It means to visit each item in a particular collection. Each item can only be visited onceand in a certain order it will become an irregular order. • It can also be known for repetition, for some codes they can be executed many times or not at all. They can be executed to a fixed number of times or indefinitely for it to reach a condition. • A good example of iteration is loops in C#, where the loops repeat the code instead of having to type the code out again and again but still having the same effect.
Benefits of Varied Data • Having different types of data is efficient. It makes it easier for the programmer to sort the data they have used in different sections. Every variable has different data type. It would define how the data would be formatted when displayed. Choosing the accurate data type for a variable would be really important.
Biblography • https://justclicktech.wordpress.com/2011/08/05/application-and-limits-of-procedural-object-oriented-and-event-driven-programming-paradigms/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event-driven_programming • rosenden.wikispaces.com/file/view/P3+and+P4.pdf
Sorry due to lateness • Sorry due to the lateness, I tried to purchase office 2010 but it didn’t get dispatched and wordpress wouldn’t accept my office 365 until now.