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Computational Geometry Seminar Lecture 1. Drawing Planar Graphs. Graph. Definition: A Simple Undirected Graph G consists of: A finite set of vertices V( G ). A set E( G ) of sets of 2 vertices, called edges .
Computational Geometry Seminar Lecture 1 Drawing Planar Graphs
Graph • Definition: A Simple Undirected Graph G consists of: A finite set of vertices V(G). A set E(G) of sets of 2 vertices, called edges. • Note: From now on we will call this type of graphs by the general name Graph.
Degree • Definition:In a graph G,the vertices u, v are adjacent iff the edge uv belongs to E(G). • The number of adjacent vertices to a vertex u is called the degree of u, denoted d(u).
Subgraph • Definition: A graph H is a subgraph G (written H G)iff V(H) V(G) and E(H) E(G). • We say that a graph H is the subgraph of G induced by a set of vertices U V(G) if V(H) = U and E(H) is the set of all the edges of G connecting vertices of U.
Paths and Cycles • Definition: A sequence of k distinct vertices, in which every consecutive vertices are adjacent, is called a path of length k-1. • Definition: A path of length k-1 with the addition of an edge from the last vertex to the first vertex of the path is called a cycle of length k.
Connectivity • Definition: A maximal set of vertices, for which there exists a path from every vertex in the set to another, is called a connected component. • A graph composed of only one connected component is called connected.
K4 Graphs in the plane • Can represent graphs in the plane by assigning distinct points to vertices and drawing continuous non-self-intersecting curves (Jordan arcs) between adjacent vertices.
K4 Graphs in the plane • But sometimes we want the drawing to be simple or satisfy other requirements, such as: straight line segments as arcs or avoiding crossing arcs. Can we always achieve that?
Planar Graphs • Definition: A graph that can be represented in the plane so that no two arcs meet at a point other than their endpoints is called a Planar graph. • Such representation of a planar graph is called a Plane graph or Planar embedding of the graph.
Nonplanar Graphs K5 and K3,3 are not planar K5 K3,3
K3,3 is not planar u1 v3 v2 u2 u3 v1
Subdivision • A subdivision of a graph is obtained by repeating the operation of removing an edge and introducing a new vertex connected to the endpoints of the edge removed.
Kuratowski’s Theorem • The theorem states that a graph is not planar iff it has a subgraph which is a subdivision of K5orK3,3.
Straight Line Embedding • Deleting any edge from K5 will result in a planar graph. Moreover this graph can be embedded in the plane by using straight line segments. • Does every planar graph have a straight line embedding???
Faces • Definition: A plane graph divides (with its arcs) the plane into connected regions called faces. • Exactly one of these faces is unbounded and is called the exterior face. • We denote the number of faces of a plane graph G by f(G). Exterior Face
Dual Graph • Definition: For a plane graph G we construct G*, the dual of G as follows. A vertex is placed in each face of G. These are the vertices of G*. For each edge e of G we draw an edge e*, called the dual edge of e, which crosses e (and no other edge of G) and joins the vertices corresponding to the faces, whose boundary consists of e.
Euler’s Formula • For a connected plane graph G: v = 5 e = 7 f = 4
Euler’s Formula (Proof) • Proof: By induction on f. • If f(G) = 1 then G has no cycles (a tree), thus e(G) = v(G) – 1. • Assume for f(G) ≥ 2 that the theorem is correct for connected plane graphs with fewer than f(G) faces.
Euler’s Formula (Proof) • Delete an edge e that belongs to a cycle in G. For the resulting connected plane graph G-e we get f(G-e) = f(G) – 1. Therefore, using the induction hypothesis on G-e we obtain: v(G) – (e(G) – 1) + (f(G) – 1) = 2. ☺
Euler’s Formula • Note: When dealing with disconnected graphs we can add edges between connected components without adding more faces, eventually creating a connected graph. Thus, the formula becomes: (C is the number of connected components)
Bridges Bridges • Definition: An edge which is a boundary to only one face is called a bridge. • Same bridges as in graph theory (edges not contained in cycles).
7 5 Sides • Definition: For a face f of G, the number of sides of f is the number of edges belonging to the boundary of f, where bridges are counted twice. Denoted s(f).
Sides • Every non-bridge is in a boundary of exactly two faces. Therefore:
Euler’s Formula • Note: According to Euler’s formula the number of faces is independent of the embedding we choose for the graph. However, the number of sides of the faces is not.
Triangulation • Definition: A face f for which s(f) = 3 is called a triangle. If all faces of G are triangles, G is called a Triangulation. Triangle Triangulation
Triangulation • Every graph can be extended to a triangulation by the addition of new edges between existing vertices. • A triangulation is maximal in the sense that no more edges can be added without violating its planarity.
Euler’s Formula • Corollary 1:For a plane graph G with at least 3 vertices: e(G) ≤ 3v(G) – 6 f(G) ≤ 2v(G) – 4 • The equalities hold iff G is a triangulation.
Corollary 1 • Proof: Sufficient to prove for connected plane graphs since otherwise number of edges and faces only decreases. • For every face f of G, s(f) ≥ 3. • Thus: • By Euler’s formula we obtain v(G) – e(G) + e(G) ≥ 2 v(G) – f(G) + f(G) ≥ 2 ☺
Chromatic Number • Definition: The chromatic number χ(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of colors required to color the vertices of G so that no adjacent vertices are of the same color.
The Four-Color Theorem • According to the four-color-theorem of Appel and Haken the chromatic number of a planar graph is at most 4. • This bound cannot be improved. • Proof is quite complicated. We’ll prove a weaker statement deduced from Corollary 1.
Corollary 2 • Corollary 2:If G is a planar graph, then χ(G) ≤ 5. • Proof: By induction on v(G). • If v(G) ≤ 5, we can assign every vertex a different color. • Assume that for v(G) ≥ 6 we proved the statement for graphs of size smaller than v(G).
Corollary 2 (Proof) • From Corollary 1: G must have a vertex u with d(u) ≤ 5. Otherwise for every vertex u,d(u) ≥ 6. Thus: In contradiction to corollary 1.
Corollary 2 (Proof) • If d(u) ≤ 4 then color the rest of the graph G-u with 5 colors using the induction, and then color u with a color different from its neighbors.
Corollary 2 (Proof) • If u has 5 neighbors wi (1≤ i ≤ 5): Since G is planar it does not contain K5 as a subgraph. Thus, assume WLOG that w1 and w2 are not adjacent. Merge Let G’ be the graph obtained from G-u by merging w1 and w2 to w’, which is adjacent to neighbors of w1 or w2.
Corollary 2 (Proof) G’ is a planar graph, hence we apply the induction to obtain a 5-coloring of G’. If we use the same coloring on G-u, where w1 and w2 are assigned the color of w’, the neighbors of u are colored in at most 4 colors. Therefore, we can assign a color for u different from its neighbors. ☺
K4 Straight Line Drawing • We will now prove that every planar graph has and embedding with straight line segments, called the straight-line embedding.
u1 Straight Line Drawing • Let us start off with the following lemma: • Lemma 1: Let G be a plane graph whose exterior face is bounded by a cycle u1, … , uk. Then exists up(p ≠ 1, k) not adjacent to any ujother than up-1 andup+1. u2 u3 u4 u5
u1 Lemma 1 (Proof) • Proof: If no two non-consecutive vertices in the exterior boundary are adjacent, then the lemma is trivial. Otherwise: • Pick two non-consecutive adjacent vertices ui, uj (j > i+1) for which j-i is minimal. u2 i = 1 j = 3 u3 u4 u5
u1 Lemma 1 (Proof) • ui+1 cannot be adjacent to u1, …, ui-1, …, uj+1 , …, uk by planarity. u2 i = 1 j = 3 u3 crossing u4 u5 • ui+1 cannot be adjacent to any ui, …, uj other than ui and ui+2 because of minimality of j-i. ☺
Canonical Construction of Triangulations • Let G bea triangulation with an exterior face uvw and a labelling u1 = u, u2 = v, u3, …, un = w of the vertices of G. Denote by Gk the subgraph of G induced by u1, …, uk and by Ck the exterior boundary of Gk.
Canonical Construction of Triangulations • There exists a labelling such that for every 4 ≤ k ≤ n: • Gk-1 is internally triangulated. • The edge uv is in Ck-1. • uk is in the exterior face of Gk-1 the neighbors of uk in V(Gk-1) are consecutive on Ck-1. • This kind of labelling is called a canonical labelling.
Canonical Construction of Triangulations (Proof) • Proof: We define un, un-1, …, u3 by reverse induction. • For un = w: w u v
Canonical Construction of Triangulations (Proof) • For 4 ≤ k ≤ n: Assume we defined un, …, uk correctly. Applying Lemma 1 to Gk-1, the subgraph induced by the remaining vertices, we know that there is a vertex on Ck-1, other than u and v, that is only adjacent to its preceding and subsequent vertices on Ck-1. Let uk-1 be that vertex. Proof of I.-III. is the same as with un.☺
Canonical Labelling (Example) w= u7 u2=v u= u1
Canonical Labelling (Example) u6 u2=v u= u1
Canonical Labelling (Example) u5 u2=v u= u1
Canonical Labelling (Example) u4 u2=v u= u1
Canonical Labelling (Example) u3 u2=v u= u1
Straight Line Drawing • Corollary 3: Every planar graph has a straight line embedding in the plane. • Proof: It is sufficient to show that the statement is true for any maximal planar graph, i.e. a graph that can be represented as a triangulation.