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Join MFL London for a chance to win a year's subscription to Vocab Express! Get tips and strategies for the writing exam and learn how to 'unstick' yourself when writing. Discover techniques for planning, cracking the brief, and intelligent guesswork. Explore activities for the classroom and homework, as well as ways to improve your speaking skills. Don't miss out on this opportunity to excel in your exams!
MFL London presents:preparing for the new exam specification @mfllondon #TMMFLLondon
Your chance to win! WIN a year’s subscription to Vocab Express for one course at one key stage by HarperCollins The winner will be the person who does the best tweet using @mfllondon#TMMFLLondon
Welcome from the British Council & MFL London @mfllondon #TMMFLLondon
Yvonne KennedyTips for the writing exam: on your radar? @mfllondon #TMMFLLondon
3 strategies to stop the panic in its tracks • TIPTOP – getting an overview of the task • BITE the bullet – cracking the brief • RADAR – how to ‘unstick’ yourself when writing
TIPTOP planning • Theme? • In-between • Paragraph • Total • Out loud thinking • Plan!
BITE the bullet • Box the brief • Intelligent guesswork (or ignoring) • Trigger words • Expand
Box the briefing words: relevance • por qué son importantes las vacaciones. Justify General not specific Give an opinion
Intelligent guesswork (or ignoring) • was deine Berufspläne in der Zukunft sind. • was deine Berufspläne in der Zukunft sind. - B1 = Teilzeitjob • B2 = Job • B3 = Arbeit • B4 = what would fit the context? • qué vas a hacer el setiembre que viene Plural Future
Trigger words and responses • warum justification - weil • pläne / Zukunft / später future time frame • neulich / letzte(s) past time frame • activité(s) verbs • les aspects positifs et négatifs / préféré(s) I like/I don’t like • récente / mémorable past time frame • à l’avenir / projets / prochain(e) future time frame • attractions il y a • l’importance opinion + justification (general) • rapports jem’entendsbien avec
Expand (extend) You were asked for … • information/description • opinion • an activity that you do • an activity that you did • an activity that you will do • etc. Expand with / by … • opinion • justification of opinion • sequencing 2 or 3 activities • an activity that you will do • an activity that you would like to do
Activities for the classroom / homework Focus on bullet point reading as a separate strategy • Running translations/write on desks • Tweet translations • Booklets of bullets • Pelmanism/snap/tarsia • Multiple choice activities • Mini-whiteboard / plastic pocket wipeable translations
Tips for getting ‘unstuck’ with writing • Reuse • Adapt • Drop/delete • Add • Replace/reorder
RADAR modelling vos rapports avec votre famille J’ai de bons rapports avec ma famille
RADAR modelling pourquoi votre collège est un bon collège Mon collège est un bon collège parce que …
Use RADAR method in the classroom to … • write a sentence opener • write a short sentence • add detail/extend sentence
Kathryn GreenAuthentic Language as a resource @mfllondon #TMMFLLondon
Verity HoworthLessons learnt @mfllondon #TMMFLLondon
Why? • Logistics • Curriculum • Profile of languages in the school community (and the country)
What are we doing differently now? • Logistics • Curriculum • Profile of languages in the school community
David ShanksSpeaking of homework @mfllondon #TMMFLLondon
Speaking of homework David Shanks @HFLanguages David.shanks@harrisfederation.org.uk
The teleportation thought experiment • Chronic underperformance? • F. L. A. = ? • Speaking is stressful • Speaking is physical • Opportunities limited in large groups • Target Language: TS; ST; SS • I-R-F loop • Phonological depth frustration • New GCSE exams. Can you start with spontaneity?
Why not set speaking homework? • Why don’t we? • Artefacts / accountability • RATs? RAHWs for next lesson? • Phonics. Je suis_allé , c’esṭimportanṭ • Professor Twinning OU • Padlet; Showbie; Speakpipe; Duolingo • Simple phone & email? • Read aloud, tongue twisters, familiar texts, dialogues, debates, commentaries • Performance, intonation, pronunciation, understanding & confidence increase • Multiple takes = a safety net & better end product • Vocal Recall?
Speaking of homework www.bit.ly/DavidSpeakingHW Questions? David Shanks @HFLanguages David.shanks@harrisfederation.org.uk
Charlie FootOnline language exchanges with Bili @mfllondon #TMMFLLondon
How does it work? Safe Saves teacher time Real & regular communication
A teacheruploadstheir class list and theirstudents are matchedwithpeersabroad. 1 Studentscompleteweeklytasks set by theirteacher. 2 Students correct eachother’swork and respond in their native language. 3
Tasks Student’s dashboard
Topic Bank Teachers can upload their own tasks, use or edit tasks already in the topic bank.
Join us! 15 countries Spain Argentina México United Kingdom United States New Zealand Australia Ireland Bermuda Ecuador Colombia Canada France Belgium Germany Helen Giller, French Teacher, Montmorency South Primary School, Melbourne, Australia
Further information Have a look at our dashboard tours to see how it all works. Bili teacher School matching Bili student www.bili.uk.com
Dan MacPhersonLost for words: teaching vocabulary to maximise exam success @mfllondon #TMMFLLondon
Chartered College of Teaching Languages Network Text Teaching vocabulary to maximise exam success MFL London 8th February British Council #CCTLangs
Chartered College of Teaching Languages Network How many words do you need to operate at conversational level? 1,500 b. 2,500 c. 3,500 How large is the new spec GCSE glossary? a. 1,000 b. 2,000 c. 3,000 #CCTLangs
Chartered College of Teaching Languages Network What not to ‘learn’: Words ending ‘-al’ (animal, central, final, idéal). Words ending ‘-ance’ (distance, arrogance, importance, tolérance) Words ending ‘-ary’ (anniversiare, dictionnaire, imaginaire) Words ending ‘-ist’ (touriste, dentiste, artiste, cycliste) Words ending ‘-ble’ (adorable, Flexible, impossible) Words ending ‘-tion’ (information, station) Words ending ‘-ct’ (correct, respect) Words ending ‘-ent’ (client, différent) Words ending ‘-ique’ (critique, pratique, typique) Words ending ‘-ence’ (science, violence, patience. #CCTLangs