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Presentation to Select Committee on Social Services. Performance of the Department of Home Affairs: 2010- 2011 1 NOVEMBER 2011. 1. CONTENT. Purpose of the presentation Outcomes of Government Performance Agreement of the Department Outcomes and Measurable Objectives of the Department
Presentation to Select Committee on Social Services Performance of the Department of Home Affairs: 2010- 2011 1 NOVEMBER 2011 1
CONTENT • Purpose of the presentation • Outcomes of Government • Performance Agreement of the Department • Outcomes and Measurable Objectives of the Department • Strategic overview of achievements • Strategic priorities going forward • Progress against targets • Questions and Comments
PURPOSE OF THE PRESENTATION • To provide the Select Committee with a strategic view of the performance of the Department against Government priorities and its strategic priorities as well as its budget • To report on progress in terms of the achievement of the planned targets set by the Department • To indicate the Strategic Priorities of the Department going forward
The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) of government has twelve priority outcomes. The DHA contributes directly to three of the twelve outcomes: • Improved quality of basic education • A long and healthy life for all South Africans • All people in South Africa are and feel safe • Decent employment through inclusive economic growth • A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path • An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network • Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all • Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life • A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system • Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced • Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World • An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship
Summary of the Department of Home Affairs’ Performance Agreement with the President • Completion of all strategic information and identification projects within already defined budgets and time frames • The registration of every child birth within 30 days of delivery. • The issuing of identity documents to every South African 16 years and above. • Improving the turnaround times for all services, queuing times and unit costs per service. • Determining and improving the maximum distance for a citizen to travel to access Home Affairs services. • Effective and efficient refugee management strategies and systems • Contributing to the level of skills and general economic development in South Africa targets by realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50,000 migrants annually . The focus should be on critical skills shortages, supportive of the medium term strategies and government’s outcomes. .
The Strategic Plan is grounded on three Outcomes Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Each Outcome will be achieved through strategies that require a number of Measurable Objectives to be met. • Outcome 1: • Secured South African citizenship and identity • Measurable Objectives • To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register (NPR) • To review the regulatory framework to manage Births, Deaths and Citizenship • To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to all citizens 16 years and above • To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption • To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity
Each Outcome will be achieved through strategies that require a number of Measurable Objectives to be met. • Outcome 2: • Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development • Measurable Objectives • DHA effectively contributing to the successful hosting of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup (SWC) • To implement an integrated immigration management system • To review the policy and regulatory framework to manage economic migration and asylum seekers • To participate in and contribute towards the establishment and functioning of a Border Management Agency (BMA) • To develop a Framework for a Risk Based Management Approach
Each Outcome will be achieved through strategies that require a number of Measurable Objectives to be met. • Outcome 3: • A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free • Measurable Objectives • To improve leadership capacity and capability • To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption • To obtain a clean audit report • To increase capacity to contribute to the fight against cyber crime • To develop and implement service delivery standards to improve operational efficiency • To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients
Mobilising to defend identity, citizenship and the NPR The National Population Registration Campaign was launched by the President and Minister of Home Affairs (March 2010). In 2010 – 2011 Home Affairs mobilised its officials, communities and its government partners at local and provincial level and among the many achievements were the following: • 500, 524 babies were registered within 30 days of birth, and 445, 507 between 31 days and 12 months; and therefore 946, 031 were registered within a year. • A large number of undocumented citizens were registered on the NPR; including 190, 091 late registrations of birth. • A total of 724, 533 IDs were issued , 425, 774 to applicants 16 years and above ; and 228, 759 to applicants turning 16 years. • Local and provincial outreach programmes were combined with innovative communication that included: • Appearance of Minister in two episodes of Generation • Public support from the Chiefs and Pirates Captains in a Telkom Challenge final • Minister in a Pampers advert to encourage early birth registration; and Deputy Minister Gigaba promoted the NPR campaign in a National Lottery broadcast.
The launch of Stakeholder Forums across the country • Stakeholder Forums were launched in 254 out of 282 municipalities. • Stakeholder Forums include community leaders, organizations, local government and relevant Departments. • The purpose of the Forums is to: • Monitor and improve the delivery of DHA services • Combat corruption related to the DHA • Coordinate efforts and communicate with communities to identify needs and assist DHA in meeting those needs. • The Stakeholder Forums have extended the reach of Home Affairs into the most remote areas and to the poorest of the poor • The forums have enabled people to get involved in government on their own terms. Government listens, engages and responds to real needs.
Who Am I Online (WAIO) was a project to provide an integrated platform of information systems that would greatly enhance security and efficient delivery of services. Key elements included automation of processes and live capture of biometrics which could not be rolled out because of the dispute. • The resolution of the WAIO dispute paved the way for the implementation of critical projects to modernise the information technology and systems of the Department and avoided a lengthy court process. Resolution of the dispute with the WAIO service provider Online verification of identity to 3rd parties • Online fingerprint verification to 3rd parties enhances security and detects and reduces fraud. It can also potentially generate substantial revenue. • The Department signed MOUs with SABRIC and SASSA. • SABRIC connectivity to Bankserve was implemented. • Stress tests for Commercial Verification was performed.
Making Civics legislation more secure and effective • The Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Bill was assented to and signed by the President. The amendments will: • Improve service delivery by streamlining processes, such as the registration of children by persons other than biological parents; the registration of orphans and abandoned children; and the changing of details. • Improve security, for example by enabling more stringent measures for late registration of birth; and requiring the registration of funeral undertakers. • Discourage fraud by Increasing the maximum penalty for fraudulent birth and death registration from five to fifteen years. • Amendment of the South African Citizenship Act • The amendment clarifies issues that relate to citizenship by birth, descent, naturalisation as well as the loss of South African citizenship. An example is that dual citizenship will be allowed only if the other country allows it. • Acquisition of South African citizenship by birth was more clearly defined, as in the case of children born abroad to South African parents.
Expanding and improving access to services • Hospital connectivity • 46 additional hospitals were connected to enable online registration of birth, making a total of 192 hospitals connected. • Footprint expansion • The Department opened ten new service delivery points during the review period. The expansion of the footprint is part of a larger strategy aimed at providing citizens in all communities with adequate access to services. • New ‘look and feel’ concept • The Department also successfully refurbished 24 offices in terms of the new “look and feel” concept adopted by the Department during 2008. Improvements include better management of space, queues, better seating and signage. • Queue-management system • A state of the art queue management system was implemented in 12 offices.
A safe, secure and efficient FIFA World Cup • Systems and facilities were improved and other measures taken to ensure that the following FIFA World Cup commitments could be met: • Visas were issued to designated persons. • Work permits were issued to designated persons • Priority treatment was provided for the FIFA delegation, teams and other persons • Improvement of telecommunications and information technology in the Department • Roll out of the enhanced Movement Control System (MCS) to 34 priority ports of entry and the clearing of 2,387,524 travellers – over a million more than usual. • Facilities at key ports on entry improved, such as dedicated lanes, signage and branding. Joint border clearance was introduced at six ports of entry. • A unique Event Visa was issued to fans from a number of countries. • Advance Passenger Processing (APP) introduced; and Airline Liaison Officers deployed at critical foreign airports during the World Cup. • An operations centre established to receive, to analyse and to respond quickly.
Steps to ensure the secure management of immigration • Stabilising and improving permitting • Establishment of a Centralised Adjudication Hub for processing of Permanent and Temporary Residence Permits applications (80 053 received & adjudicated). • A new information system was introduced with track and trace and SMS notification. • Introducing a Case Management System • The Case Management System within the Inspectorate was rolled out to all Inspectorate offices and provides data on the activities such as arrests, investigations, prosecutions and deportations. (55 825 illegal foreigners were deported) • Documenting Zimbabwean citizens without valid documentation • The Documentation of Zimbabweans Project resulted in 275 762 applying for permits by 31 Dec. 2010; reducing the number of undocumented and fraudulent foreigners and asylum seekers; and normalising migration flows between SA and Zimbabwe.
The Immigration Bill of 2010 was voted on and passed by the National Assembly at its second reading and referred to the NCOP for concurrence. • Amendments to the Refugees Act, 1998 (Act No. 130 of 1998) were passed by the NCOP; and draft Refugee Regulations were developed. • The provisions in the Immigration Act amendments include: • Restricting the change of status that a visitor can apply for while in South Africa; repealing provisions according a special status to immigration practitioners; and revising provisions relating to visas and permits and the making of regulations. • In general, a shift away from a compliance approach to proactive management. • The provisions in the Refugees Act amendments include: • Improving the capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of status determination , such as establishing a decentralized Refugee Appeals Authority. • Closing a number of loopholes and correcting technical errors. Closing loopholes and improving laws
Ensuring ethical conduct and combatting corruption • A baseline study conducted on causes and scope of corruption in DHA, forming the basis for the development of strategy and for planning. • Birth, marriage and death (BMD) and Permit processes were assessed and security certified and verified. • 68% of misconduct cases were finalised within an average of 60 days. • 130 comprehensive risk and threat assessments of facilities were conducted in terms of Minimum Information Security Standard (MISS) and Minimum Physical Security Standards (MPSS). • 251 cases of suspected corruption were identified and 108 of these cases were finalised.
Transformation Matters of DHA • Implementation of Working Time Arrangement reduced overtime payments • Decrease in overtime claims from R20 million in 09/10 to R10 million in 10/11 • Decrease in acting allowances claims from R5.8 million in 09/10 to R1.4 million in 10/11 • Filled 42% (178 of 417) of newly created posts for 10/11 • Contract Conversions of 1029 Staff to permanent staff • Increased workforce resulted in a significantly reduced utilization of consultants in areas where they are not necessary. • In its quest to drive a performance culture and enhance organisational performance. Performance agreements have been aligned to the Department’s strategy
Transformation Matters of DHA • The Department’s Leadership Forum was launched on 14 July 2010, pioneered by the Minister, thus kick-starting a dynamic process of transformational change amongst leadership. • In focusing on its future leaders, and supporting governments call to invest in our Youth, the department also launched a Youth Forum in March 2011, supported by the Director General.
Transformation Matters of DHA • Human Resources: Organisational Vacancies 2010/11 • Priority Posts 2010/11: 417 identified and funded. Over 42% filled as at year end • Other posts : 155 100% filled • Equity Status in relation to placement of priority posts: 24
Transformation Matters of DHA • Human Resources: Organisational Vacancies 2010/11 Progress as at September 2011 • Priority Posts 2010/11 : 417 identified and funded. Over 79% filled to date • Equity Status in relation to placement of priority posts: 25
Transformation Matters of DHA • Human Resources • Priority Posts 2011/12 : 1076 Identified and funded • Positions distribution organisationally : These priority positions have been allocated to support the need for the department to deliver our services to the public. 26
Transformation Matters of DHA Human Resources: Employment Equity Status @ March 2011 as: 27
The Learning Academy • Customer Care Pilot Project • The Learning Academy piloted Customer Care Programme with Managers being trained in Management of Customer Service and 75 front office officials, trained in Customer Service Programme. • Operational Excellence Programme • The Learning Academy’s target was to train 1000 officials from Civic Services and Immigration on standard processes. The Academy was able to train 1007, and the breakdown of that was 657 officials were from Civic Services and 350 officials were from Immigration. • Need Based Intervention • In addition to that, 1000 Officials were trained in Need based Training Interventions.
Improved governance and management • The new operating model • Previously, the Department was organised into four zones, with immigration services reporting to a central management. • The new structure is integrated and aligned to all three tiers of government, with civic and immigration functions organised under nine provincial managers. Home Affairs structures will correspond with local and provincial structures so that cooperation at local level is assured • Decentralisation of procurement and payment functionswill enhanced service delivery and efficient operations in the Provinces. • The model is designed to enable managers to take charge and manage at all levels, while ensuring accountability and oversight.
Strategic priorities going forward • Ensuring that the Department performs a central role in national security by: • Developing a cadre of disciplined, professional officials who are security conscious and caring and responsive to the needs of all South Africans. • Developing leadership with the capacity to drive transformation. • Building a platform of processes and systems that are secure and integrated to enable the Department to secure the identity and status of all who live in S. Africa. • Implementing an operating model that is appropriate to a security Department that must deliver services effectively to every citizen and to other clients and sectors. • Developing effective partnerships with communities and across all spheres of government to enhance national security and effective service delivery while transforming the department. • Having the capacity to work strategically and effectively within the state, civil society and internationally. • Contributing significantly to the fight against corruption.