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Family Learning. Widen Cultural Horizons. The Key Priorities. Social & Economic Regeneration. Strengthen Delivery of Extended Services. Promoting Wellbeing. Extended Services Work Plan. Our Vision
Family Learning Widen Cultural Horizons The Key Priorities Social & Economic Regeneration Strengthen Delivery of Extended Services Promoting Wellbeing Extended Services Work Plan
Our Vision to ensure the Academy, in partnership with our cluster of schools and community centres, offers a range of activities that ‘enrich, educate and enable children and the communities to live healthier, happier and fulfilling lives’
Integrating Extended Services • We have developed an Extended Services plan to be delivered by all of the schools • Embed the plan into our schools curriculum and for staff to take ownership • Involving the headteachers and identifying key staff and coordinators to implement the key priorities to actually support delivery the components How we evaluate Summary of impact from activity leaders Individual impact evaluation forms from attendees 3. Feedback each fortnight on the progress of the activities
How our vision will impact on our community • For All Groups • Provide coordinated provision • Remove barriers to learning for all learners from different cultures • Devise and develop learning programmes to include skills for employment and community life • Link non-engaged learners into basic education classes • Improve achievement and attainment in literacy, Numeracy and ICT • Provide basic skills support whilst undertaking other courses • Expand provision and access for delivery of basic skills strategy • For Families • Provide Skills for Life learning opportunities for parents and carers through family learning, family literacy, Numeracy and ICT • For Carers • Learning activities and opportunities to be offered to a Carers group • Carers to be made aware of the basic skills needs of their dependant
How our vision will impact on our community • For Older People • Develop self confidence of learners to be able to learn new skills through either directed or self directed study • For People with Disabilities • Develop a varied programme for students with learning difficulties, mental health needs or those with sensory impairment. • For People in Employment • Raise levels of literacy and numeracy in the workplace • Improve the number of people achieving qualifications • Instil ethos of lifelong learning into employees • For Unemployed • Remove barriers and enable people to 'move on' into training, education and employment • Develop new recruitment practices • Provide services that support the ethos of local people into local jobs
Integrating the Framework How the staff can make a difference Mapping the impact How the key priorities impact
1 Family Learning To engage parents in their children’s learning and to provide enrichment activities for families Supporting the Newly Arrived Families Support the newly arrived and ‘hard to reach’ by employing a Family Support Adviser for Newly Arrived Families. The Adviser will set up a range of classes and courses to support lone parents, unemployed and BME groups as per the requirements identified by the Academy and Local Authority 20 hours a week – term time + 4 weeks from January 2012
1 Family Learning To engage parents in their children’s learning so that they can support them through offering a wide range of workshops and enrichment activities Curriculum Awareness Courses for Families Literacy4Life awareness activities each term Skills for Life classes within the L4L suite of classrooms linked to above programme for parents / families Helping with Homework Classes Weekly drop in advice sessions to support families The classes will be for parents to help their children
1 Family Learning To engage parents in their children’s learning so that they can support them through offering a wide range of workshops and enrichment activities Provide Family Enrichment Activities A variety of workshops and family enrichment activities to involve all family members e.g. extracurricular sporting activities such as climbing walls, ice skating and snowboarding, street surfing,
1 Family Learning To engage parents in their children’s learning so that they can support them through offering a wide range of workshops and enrichment activities Promote road safety for Post 16 students / families. Provide training and information prior to applying for a provisional driving licence. Gardening Project Work with contractors to maintain and landscape gardens at the Academy, primary schools and local community Centres. Students forum to decide how best to support a community project Survey parents regarding how the area might be landscaped. Science Department to assist students in the identification of suitable plants. etc.
1 Engage in Children’s Learning To engage parents in their children’s learning so that they can support them through offering a wide range of workshops and enrichment activities. Holiday clubs To run a series of clubs for families over the Easter / Summer period to include ICT, English, Mathematics, Science and Art 2 day activity 1 day classroom based The day will focus on Numeracy / Literacy and Science Summer School at the Academy for Y7 Save the World Theme Include visit to Dudley Zoo for families Family Residential Courses Plas Gwynant Field Centre, Frank Chapman Centre, Ingestre Hall includes 2 activities during the weekend + full board facilities.
1 Support for families in the home and at the Academy Parenting Classes Children’s Centre staff / community groups help identify parents who are willing to be referred onto the Triple P/ Changes behaviour management programme How to cope with adolescence Triple P Programme Family SEAL 6 week course. Social and emotional learning run in partnership with Academies
1 Support for families in the home and at the Academy Family Learning Networks Support parents in developing their own forums. Provides a forum for consultation and allow for parent / student e.g. ‘Tea and talk’ programmes Weekly family groups linked to helping children to learn programmes / workshops. ‘One Stop Shop’ advice Information put onto Family Portal of the Learning Gateway. Give external access to the Learning Gateway across the community
1 Improved family communications A range of communication services to be put in place The Family Portal, email access and text messaging. Continually update and support the Family Portal Introduce on-line Parents Booking Form
2 Widening Cultural Horizons The Arts - Understanding of diverse cultures in Smethwick Summer Event – ‘Olympic Torch through Smethwick’ Theme Showcase the Arts and Culture in the community A Multicultural music and sporting event Encourage people to share in and celebrate differences by enjoying sports arts music and dancing, together. Faith trail and procession Cultural diversity workshops via sports / arts / music / drama / dance in preparation for the show
2 Widening Cultural Horizons The Arts - Understanding of diverse cultures in Smethwick Multi-faith Celebrations .Organise events to celebrate festivals for countries in the world Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish Muslim Sikh. Black History Month, Chinese Community Performances Arrange for the Academy dance / music students to perform regularly at community events in Sandwell and the wider area.
2 Arts Performances The Arts specialism at SCA will be used to enhance teaching and learning and raising achievement across the curriculum Arts / sport / music / drama / dance workshops in preparation for the show e.g. Wrap Poetry, street dance, steel pans, Bhangra, music & drama workshops to support summer event
2 Wider Opportunities through after school clubs Film / theatre Club After school clubs / visits for students to theatre / cinema Set the scene Popcorn counter style machine; Candyfloss machine; variety of framed posters Book Clubs Set up ‘book clubs’ for students and families. Set up a new library system on the Learning Platform so families can borrow books Purchase ‘e-books’ i.e. Kindles for lunchtime and after school group reading Links with primary schools and community groups participating in film club
2 Wider Opportunities through after school clubs Games clubs A variety of board games available – safe, secure environment – before and after school Chess sets, Monopoly, Cluedo, Card games (bridge) for older students Dominoes (volunteers from local Church of Living God) teach students at lunchtimes
2 Provide a number of Arts Activities Media Workshops Video Production Provide Media Workshops in the community e.g. video production 3 day workshop - script and film The aim is to provide pupils with the fundamental skills and knowledge of each production stage before making a short film. Radio Station Establish on-line radio station across the cluster and wider community Train staff and students. incorporating – preparation skills, scripting, delivery, practice broadcasting, technical support Work with students on week days and Saturdays
2 Provide a number of Arts Activities Graffiti Artist to work with students Give the students an opportunity to develop their skills in a different media . A skilled graffiti artist will be used to develop the ideas that a group has designed and developed over the series of creative workshops in preparation for the fashion show. Back cloth and stage design. We would like to negotiate locally to establish that some of the final work features prominently in the local community. We envisage a sort of “Banksy” meets Smethwick effect. Fashion Show Workshops on fashion design, street clothing and other techniques – business links – Screen printing and making fabrics into garments for fashion show Organise a Fashion show at the Bullring Centre.
2 Use outreach facilities to provide a different learning environment to help raise academic attainment. Provide a number of arts, environment and sports based evening / weekend holiday schemes. Classes led by qualified instructors and teachers in the specialist studios
3 Promotion of social and economic regeneration Enterprise Days. Careers-focussed workshops for work experience or university interviews for year 10/11 and post sixteen. Gifted and Talented Enterprise Day. Event to be held in February half term Year groups taking part in the event 9, 10 and 11. Sixth form students to be used to support the activity and to act as mentors to the students. Delivery of day supported by Business Consultants from Time2Resources and James McQuillan a former contestant on the TV programme The Apprentice. The day will be based around the Olympic values and in particular inspiration.
3 Offer a range of support for adults who need to improve their skills (BME and lone parents) Adult Learning through Variety of Experiences e.g. Numeracy and Literacy through art workshops Art and Numeracy – a series of practical workshops to develop students’ knowledge of the links between art and numeracy and to further understanding of shape, form and geometry.
3 Offer a range of support for adults who need to improve their skills (BME and lone parents) To provide opportunities for parents to improve own qualifications and access employment Enterprise Related Workshops Community centres to provide training in Food Hygiene for their staff to allow the work of the centres to provide finger buffets for meetings at their centres. This will generate a demand from service users / clients who attend the centres for ESOL Numeracy / literacy to obtain qualifications in this course. Short taster ‘soft skills’ courses e.g. Hair and Beauty, Nail Art , Mendhi Art Card making, art and craft activities, jewellery making, sewing and pattern making
3 Set up a Bursary Fund To give those without power a voice and access to resources and decision-making • The fund will be divided into 3 parts: • Gifted and Talented Bursary £5,000 • Enterprise Fund £5,000 • Community engagement / Family Learning £5,000
3 To establish a Student Council - A Smethwick Forum for young people and parents. Establish a community board Student Council role established to administer the funding To ensure new and desired activities are being commissioned in the Smethwick community - both children and parents consulted
4 Promoting Wellbeing Children and parents will be better informed about healthy choices Workshops to Promote Healthy Lifestyles To include health advice, healthy eating, first aid for the home, smoking cessation classes, free health checks in the community. To work in partnership with Sandwell Leisure Trust and Children Centres. Use community centres to help deliver e.g. Healthy eating workshops at Dorothy Parkes Cafe.
4 Promoting Wellbeing Children and parents will be better informed about healthy choices Healthy Eating Research Families involved (in and after school) with the research / production of a Healthy Eating Recipe book from around the world. Local Chef from restaurant to launch the Recipe Book at demonstration and tasting evening. Lads and Dads classes e.g. 10 week cooking course Management of Obesity Classes for students A range of activities to counter declining fitness levels – information and advices fitness activities dance - trampolining.
4 Promoting Wellbeing Children and parents will be better informed about healthy choices Living Skills classes Provide classes for adults and Looked After Children offering a “Living Skills Program” dedicated to assisting each resident to continue to develop the necessary skills for independent living e.g. Healthy hygiene; Compiling a grocery list; Preparing a meal
4 Supporting Learning Study Support Homework clubs and study support sessions to be provided at weekends and holiday periods for families to work together. Summer Play schemes for children aged 3 – 11 Study Support GCSE Booster Classes Each Department organise their own classes and these are co-ordinated by the person with overall responsibility, Classes consist of general revision sessions as well as exam techniques and past paper practice. Coursework clinics Invite parents to work with students
4 Youth Activities To quickly identify and resolve students issues. Youth clubs Youth Club at the Academy offer social support or open young people’s minds to new experiences or ideas 4pm – 6pm Youth Clubs in the Community To assist with induction of new students in schools Deliver cultural sensitive and cultural centred therapy and support to BME young people provide weekly mentoring support Provide wider access to resources for the community
4 Youth Activities Volunteering Increase the opportunity for young people to participate in own learning and in volunteering opportunities Vinspired Schools National Young Volunteers’ Service. Children taking part in different kinds of voluntary community / fund raising work Help students engage with V & C sector and partner agencies in a range of activities that explore cultural diversity and tackles crime, anti-social behaviour, bullying and exposes children to positive role models.
4 Youth Activities Promote sporting activities at the Academy and across the cluster. Coaching outside the Academy for Gifted and Talented Work with SCA to promote and manage primary / secondary / local sporting clubs links to provide sporting activities within local community and business links to Olympics 2012 Sporting Activities in the Community Promote the Smethwick football League and annual football festival – athletics, hockey, basketball netball volleyball and other sports. Our Post 16 students to be involved in the organisation and managing of programmes National Karate Tournament event to be held at the Academy
4 Community sector to support delivery of core offer. Set up classes for community learning Community Languages Community Art classes Islamic Classes, Albanian classes, Parent and Toddler groups Transition Out of hours citizenship programmes
4 Develop whole school awareness on anti-bullying. Anti-Bullying Work with primary schools to deliver drama presentations. The theme will be focussed on tackling verbal bullying. Workshop 0n Verbal Abuse (1 day workshop) Encourage adults to consider how they model the use of language with children and young people Workshops (Help Your Child Handle a School Bully) Breakfast clubs Provide a safe and secure environment Students take part in Physical activities e.g. Wakey Shakey programme to start the day
4 Cyber Bullying Cyber Bullying Awareness Courses Advice and guidance given to parents on safe use of the internet and related devises. Courses will be delivered at the Academy and across our community centres Joint training for Academy staff and community groups Focus will be child protection, monitoring of PC’s and chatroom’s accessed
5 Strengthen Delivery of Extended Services Aim of Extended Services to bring together a range of services from statutory and voluntary sectors to promote positive acclivities for young people, safe places to play and interesting and exciting things to do. Employ a Fund Raising Coordinator Main duties to include; soliciting major donors; fund raising events; grant / bid writing. Finding ways to sustain extended school activities Employ a Community Arts Officer Work with the Academy and local community delivering new and innovative Arts Projects