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Why Should i do this ?

Why Should i do this ?. Traditional Landline : Basic packages run around 10-15$ and don’t include national long distance calling Traditional phone service includes a host of taxes , regulatory fees , and other service charges that can easily add significant money to your bill .

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Why Should i do this ?

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  1. WhyShould i do this? TraditionalLandline : Basicpackagesrunaround 10-15$ anddon’tincludenationallongdistancecalling Traditionalphone service includes a host of taxes,regulatoryfees ,andother service chargesthat can easilyaddsignificantmoneytoyourbill.

  2. WhyShould i do this? Cellphones:Bridgingyourcellphone plan toyourhomesystem-whetherviaspecial device orhomewith a homephonethatsupportsbluetoothlinking is alsoexpensive,yougenerallyneedtopurchase a secondlineorextraminutes.

  3. WhyShould i do this? Voice-over-IP Systems: • Many of theISP’saresupportingVoIPcallingwiththeirspecialpackages. • Depending on yourproviderVoIPmay not collecttaxesandregulatoryfees. • You can addemergencycallingfeature as well.

  4. WiredVoIPPhone – Hard phone

  5. Wiredphone • Perfectforreplacingofficeandhomelandlinephones. • Inofficeapplications ,callerid , who has called?,messagescould be seenfromthescreen • Most of thephonesallowingto do “teleconference”

  6. Wiredphone • Depending on yourprovideryou can set welcome/greetingmessages,online assistanceservicesandrouting. • You can savecallinglogs(date,caller ID,called ID,duration) to server as well as thevoice in 128bit mp3 format.

  7. WirelessVoIP

  8. WirelessVoIPPhone

  9. WirelessVoIPPhone • You can makephonecallsbesidessendtext-messages • DependingtoyourWificoverageyou can use it as a cellphone. • Intheadvancedmodelsyou can alsojointothe “teleconference”

  10. WirelessVoIPPhone Instead of usingVoIPphonewe can easilygetconnectedtothesame network bysimplyusingoursmartphones.

  11. VoIPApplicationsSmall-MediumScaleCompanies • Callcenter,inboundcallcenter,autodialer • Voicemessageservices • Callfrom web • Assistant service

  12. VoIPApplicationsLargeScaleCompanies • IP PBX • Callcenter,inboundcallcenter,autodialer • Voicemessageservices

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