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VCE Physics: Practical Activities: Summary Report and the EPI Resources. VCE Physics. Contents of your folder: Program and evaluation sheet on reverse side Resource Package (32 pages) with front page table of contents EPI student booklet from Kew High School EPI criteria EPI topics list
VCE Physics: Practical Activities: Summary Report and the EPI Resources
VCE Physics Contents of your folder: • Program and evaluation sheet on reverse side • Resource Package (32 pages) with front page table of contents • EPI student booklet from Kew High School • EPI criteria • EPI topics list • ‘talkphysics.org’ extract of comments on advice • Site map of vicphysics.org • Teaching Ideas: Force diagrams and electricity
Styles Summary Report of selected Practical Activities Extended Practical Investigation Practical Activities
Styles of Practical Activities Examples Familiarisationexercise Using a CRO and other devices Exploration Introductory heating activities Dissection of a DC motor
Styles of Practical Activities Examples Simulation (Spreadsheet investigation) Radioactive Decay Telescope Planetary data Demonstration (POE) Properties of a, b and g Magnet in Al tube
Styles of Practical Activities Examples Self paced activity Booklet of Electricity experiments Class exercise Half life experiment Photoelectric Effect experiment
Styles of Practical Activities Examples Formal experiment Snell’s Law Net F = ma Circular motion Magnetic field of a solenoid Investigation Numerous
Styles of Practical Activities Examples Excursion VCE Physics Day at Luna Park Australian Synchrotron Scienceworks VSSEC Prac TestDC Circuit measurements Location of virtual image
Summary Report on selected Practical Activities Designing the Assessment Task The assessment task should allow the student to: participate in a range of practical activities collect, record and organise data analyse data draw conclusions have the opportunity to demonstrate the highest level of performance.
Summary Report Teacher’s decisions: Which Area of Study to choose pracs from? Which pracs? Log books: Form? Assessment? How much home time? Format for writing report?
Summary Report Some practical activities for Unit 4 Electric Power Exploration: Mapping field around magnets Mapping field of a Demo meter Dissection of a DC motor
Summary Report Some practical activities for Unit 4 Electric Power Demonstrations: Magnetic fields on OHP Oersted’s apparatus Cu swing in B field Linear motor (Al rod on rails) Loudspeaker cone at low freq CRO beam and a bar magnet
Summary Report Some practical activities for Unit 4 Electric Power Demonstrations continued: deflecting beams in Cathode Ray tubes induced emf from magnet in solenoid (CRO) disc magnet falling through an Al tube demountable transformer (turns ratio) transmission lines
Summary Report Some practical activities for Unit 4 Electric Power Formal Experiments: Magnetic field of a solenoid Electromagnetic Induction
Summary Report Some Questions for the Assessment Task Suggestions from VCAA Assessment Handbook: A few questions on the match between their exptl results and the expected results? A broad question: Discuss three activities that involved a concept or a context. Draw a Venn diagram for three activities and put in relevant concepts. Draw an annotated concept map for the activities and concepts.
Summary Report Other Questions for the Assessment Task Explain the observations of a demonstration Test type questions that reflect the explorations, demonstrations and experiments.
Unit 2: Practical Investigation The investigation requires the student to: develop a question, plan a course of action that attempts to answer the question, undertake an investigation to collect the appropriate primary qualitative and/or quantitative data, organise and interpret the data, and reach a conclusion in response to the question.
Unit 2: Practical Investigation The student : designs and undertakes an investigation involving two independent variables one of which should be a continuous variable. A practical logbook must be maintained by the student for recording, authentication and assessment purposes.
Unit 2: Practical Investigation Class time: 7 – 10 hours Assessment: i) Plan ii) Log book iii) Digital poster using ppt template Possible topics: See handout and vicphysics.org
Title of Physics Practical Investigation Student’s Name Introduction Discussion Results Explanation for undertaking the investigation, including a clear aim. (One sentence should be enough.) Relevant background physics concepts. (Just definitions and equations should suffice.) Presentation of collected data/evidence in appropriate format to illustrate trends, patterns and/or relationships. • Analysis and evaluation of primary data • Identification of outliers and their subsequent treatment • Identification of limitations in: • Selection of data showing number of repeated measurements and range of values, • Sample calculation, • Sample determination of uncertainty and error bars, • Graphs with descriptions, at least 2, but less than 5, • Analysis of graphs including lines of best fit, gradients and intercepts, • Effect of uncertainties • Data, both in the range of values and number of repeated measurements, and • Experimental method, and so • Suggested improvements and • Further aspects you would like to investigate, Methodology Summary that outlines the methodology used in the investigation and is authenticated by logbook entries. • Description of independent and dependent variables, including which are continuous, • Equipment and measuring instruments, • Sketch of equipment layout as well as a photo, • Identification and management of relevant risks … • Linking of results to relevant physics concepts Conclusion References and acknowledgements Provide a precise and detailed response to your question. Need only be a short paragraph. Rarely needed in student physics investigations.
Units 3 & 4 : EPI The investigation requires the student to develop a question, plan a course of action to answer the question undertake an experiment that involves the collection of primary quantitative data, analyse and evaluate the data, identify limitations of data and methods, link experimental results to science ideas, reach a conclusion in response to the question and suggest further investigations that may be undertaken
Units 3 & 4 EPI The student is expected to: design and undertake an investigation involving two continuous independent variables. Results are communicated in a scientific poster format according to the template provided. A practical logbook must be maintained by the student for record, authentication and assessment purposes.
(Extended) Practical Investigation Teacher’s decisions: How much class time? When to schedule the task? How much topic choice to give the students? Group size? How much home time? Use of log books? Marking procedure? Your role?
Criteria for selecting Practical Activities Selecting both the activity and the type: Learning benefit Equipment Time Comfort level Behaviour
Reporting How should the students present what they have learnt? Oral Poster IT based Written * Answers to set questions * Log book entry * Formal write up
Prac Assessment Alternatives can range from: Completed? Y/N Overall grade, A - E Raw score out of 10 Satisfactory completion Criterion referenced
Units 3 & 4 Assessment Extended Practical Investigation (EPI) Marking Procedure VCAA Assessment Booklet Descriptors for EPI Descriptors in table format
VCE Physics Resources for Teachers
Resources Formats: Text CDROM Websites Forums
Resources Text: • VCAA Resources List (21 pages) • Teacher’s Guides • Old Prac Guides: Gardiner & White; Brian McKittrick • Old Problem books: G & McK; Boydell (Checkpoints) • Old Exam and Trial papers: STAV, NEAP, CSE formerly IARTV, QATs, Kilbaha, TSFX, TSSM
Resources CDROMs: • Colin Hopkins • Teacher Support kits • Conference Proceedings: Pre 2000
Resources: Websites • VCAA • www.vicphysics.org • Pages for: • Beginning teachers Students • Conferences Events • Each Area of StudyIssues & News • Textbook sites
Resources : Websites • Institute of Physics (UK) http://www.iop.org/ Support for beginning teachers: * “I am new to teaching physics” * www.talkphysics.org * SPT: Supporting Physics Teachers Resources • American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), http://www.aapt.org/ under Resources: * ComPADRE, http://www.compadre.org/ * Physical Science Resources Center: PSRC
Resources : Websites • PheT Interactive Simulations (50) at https://phet.colorado.edu/ • National STEM Centre (UK) http://www.nationalstemcentre.org.uk/ An e-library of resources across S, T, E and M Physics: 1549 resources going back to the 1960’s. Select by age, year of publication, style (22 choices), format and publisher. Includes over 500 activity sheets and 200 text books.
Forums • www.vicphysics.org A local forum, but not well supported. • www.talkphysics.org A forum for UK teachers, but well supported and full of useful ideas.