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1122 Program for State & Local Users

1122 Program for State & Local Users. Elaine Sauer Program Analyst Acquisition Management. GSA State and Local Program Comparison. Schedules Programs 1122 Cooperative Purchasing Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program

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1122 Program for State & Local Users

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  1. 1122 Program for State & Local Users Elaine Sauer Program Analyst Acquisition Management

  2. GSA State and Local Program Comparison • Schedules Programs • 1122 • Cooperative Purchasing • Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program • Federal Grantee Access to Schedules in Response to Public Health Emergencies • Non-Schedules Programs • Wildland Fire Program • Computers for Learning • Surplus Personal Property Donation Program

  3. What is the 1122 Program? The National Defense Authorization Act (Section 1122), of FY 1994, authorizes State and local governments to purchase law enforcement equipment suitable for counter-drug activities through Federal Government procurement channels. Using the GSA approved Schedules and Special Item Numbers (SINs) State and local governmental agencies “may purchase law enforcement equipment suitable for counter-drug activities.”

  4. 1122 Program: • Current Authority • Program Guidelines

  5. How Does the Program Work? STATE POINT OF CONTACT (SPOC) • Appointed by the Governor of the State • The State Point of Contact (SPOC) • Receives all requisitions from state and local law enforcement entities and ensure availability of funds • Determine that the items will be used for counter-drug activities

  6. How Does the Program Work? STATE POINT OF CONTACT (SPOC) • DA or DLA stocked items – to the appropriate supply center • Commercial items directly with the Multiple Award Schedule Contractor (GSA) • Vehicles – ordered through GSA

  7. Current Scope • DLA, DOD, and GSA • Counter-drug Mission • Equipment only

  8. What is the “Definition” of “Counter-drug”? INTERDICTION – To destroy or interrupt; Halt the enemy’s advance; A prohibition by court order. ERADICATION – To pull or tear up by or as if by the roots; To get rid of completely. PREVENTION – To keep someone from doing something; To anticipate or counter in advance. EDUCATION – To provide with training or knowledge; To stimulate or develop the mental or moral growth of.

  9. What is the responsibility of the State Point of Contact’s (SPOC) Office? • To ensure the purchasing agency is a State or local governmental agency who is eligible to participate in the 1122 Program. • To ensure the products being purchased are suitable for use in counter-drug activities. • To ensure the products being purchased are from the approved list of GSA Schedules/SINs available through the 1122 Program for State and local governmental agencies. • To act as a liaison between GSA Vendors and the State and local governmental agencies in the facilitation of purchases.

  10. Example of LEA Letter Requesting Certification of Participation in Program

  11. What is the Contractor’s Responsibility When Selling Products under 1122 Program? • That the product is on one of the Schedules/SINs approved by GSA for the 1122 Program. • Verify if the state in which the purchasing agency is located has an appointed State Point of Contact (SPOC) and identify them. Refer purchasing agency to their SPOC for facilitation of the purchase in accordance with the program procedures for their state.

  12. Order Guidelines All orders being placed through the 1122 Program are to include the statement; “This order is placed pursuant to the State and Local Law Enforcement Equipment Procurement Program (“1122 Program”) in support of counter-drug activities, under the authority of the State Point of Contact (SPOC) for the State of _______________.”

  13. Example Savings: Nevada’s 1122 Program Statistics over a period of 6 Years

  14. GSA Advantage!®

  15. Future Expansion

  16. By helping the State and local governmental agencies stretch their tight state and grant budget dollars you enable them to purchase equipment they need to protect our country and the communities our families live in.

  17. Future Program Expansion • Revised Program Scope: Authorized under the 2009 National Defense Authorization Act, effective October 2008, the language of Title 10, Section 381, of the United States Code (USC) was amended to allow: • "...States and units of local government to purchase equipment suitable for counter-drug, homeland security, and emergency response activities through the Department of Defense." This expansion has not been implemented by the Army, the Executive Agent of the Program, yet.

  18. Definitions (1) The term ''State'' includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any territory or possession of the United States. (2) The term ''unit of local government'' means any city,county, township, town, borough, parish, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State; an Indian tribe which performs law enforcement or emergency response functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior; or any agency of the District of Columbia government or the United States Government performing law enforcement or emergency response functions in and for the District of Columbia or the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

  19. Process • Same procedure • Mandated by Army • SPOC role

  20. Order Language • This order is placed pursuant to the 1122 Program, in support of counter-drug, homeland security, or emergency response activities, under the authority of ______________________, the State Point of Contact (SPOC) for the State of ____________________.

  21. Contacts Elaine Sauer GSA State and Local Program Analyst 703-605-9451 susan.sauer@gsa.gov 1122 Program Page www.gsa.gov/1122program

  22. Center for Automotive Acquisition 1122 Program State and Local Law Enforcement Program

  23. Center for Automotive Acquisition • GSA Automotive is the purchasing arm of GSA's Office of Motor Vehicle Management.  • Leverages the government's buying power to purchase more than $1 billion in vehicles and automotive products annually at significant savings for customer agencies.  • Under the 1122 Program, State and Local offices are authorized to purchase vehicles used in the performance of counter-drug activities. • All vehicle orders and communications must go through the SPOC (state point of contact). A SPOC listing can be found at https://pubweb.drms.dla.mil/cmis/section1122/lawspoc.asp

  24. www.gsa.gov/1122program

  25. Homeland Security or Emergency response is only to be used by the six (6) pilot program states: • Arizona • California • Florida • Georgia • North Carolina • Nevada • To assist with tracking, each order should be annotated with the activity the vehicles is being purchased. i.e. counter-drug, homeland security, or emergency response. Use the “Mark For “ block. Annotate Activity

  26. Vehicles Available under 1122 • Schedule 23 – Automotive SuperStore • SIN: 618-01 • Description: Command Centers • Command Centers are the only items from Schedule 23 V authorized for purchase under the 1122 Program. • Orders for Command Centers may be placed directly with GSA Schedule contractors. • Contract award data available at www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov

  27. Vehicles Available under 1122 • Light Vehicles under the AutoChoice program • Law Enforcement Vehicles (Items 17 series, 100L) • Sedans, SUVs, Light Trucks • Orders must be placed through AutoChoice • The only available items under AutoChoice for purchase are Light Vehicles • Additional/Specialty equipment or two-tone paints cannot be requested under the 1122 program (no AREQs)

  28. AutoChoice • AutoChoice is GSA’s secure on-line vehicle ordering program • www.autochoice.gsa.gov • Self-Registration • All users must self-register (follow link on log-in page) • 1122 program uses Agency Code 21, Bureau Code 44 • Self-Registration gives users access to all areas of AutoChoice, but does not provide rights to finalize an order • SPOCs must send email requesting rights be upgraded to allow ordering. • Only SPOCs or an alternate designated by the SPOC will be given ordering right.

  29. AutoChoice • Configure vehicles and choose vehicle equipment options;• • View side by side comparisons of vehicle models from vehicle manufacturers;• • Calculate actual vehicle prices for configured vehicle including the GSA 1% surcharge;• • View GSA’s minimum requirements and Mfg vehicle specifications;• • View vehicle manufacturers past performance;• • Select a dealership for delivery;• • Submit your vehicle orders to GSA online; • Check vehicle order status

  30. Only Light Vehicles are available through the 1122 Program

  31. Select specific Standard Item Select additional options

  32. Price Comparison* (Pictures may be viewed where provided by vendor)

  33. Other Information

  34. Pending Orders: These Orders Require a Final Decision by your Agency Official 1. Edit Orders 2. Delete Orders 3. View Orders 4. Copy Orders 5. Add Remarks to Orders 6. Submit Orders to GSA

  35. Status Scroll Down to View


  37. Additional information • Center for Automotive Acquisition web portal: www.gsa.gov/automotive • 23 V Schedule information: www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov • AutoChoice: www.autochoice.gsa.gov • AutoChoice tutorial is available in the AutoChoice web site as well as the Automotive Acquisition web portal • Customer Care • 703-605-CARS (2277) • vehicle.buying@gsa.gov

  38. Question & Answers

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