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W rite the following principal parts on your plates. You should be able to hide the underlined words under the smaller, spinning plate: (I give to give, I gave, given ) Do Dare Dedi Datus A mo Amare Amavi Amatus Habeo Habere Habui Habitus Ago Agere Egi Actus
Write the following principal parts on your plates. You should be able to hide the underlined words under the smaller, spinning plate: (I give to give, I gave, given) Do Dare DediDatus AmoAmareAmaviAmatus HabeoHabereHabuiHabitus Ago AgereEgiActus MittoMittereMisi Missus FacioFacereFeciFactus DicoDicereDixiDictus PonoPonerePosuiPositus Sum EsseFuiFuturus Possum Posse Potui ------------ FeroFerreTuliLatus
Write the following principal parts on your plates. You should be able to cover the underlined words with the smaller, spinning plate: EoIre Ii Itus VoloVelleVolui------------ FioFieriFactus------------ Underneath the first principal part of each verb you may write its definition: Do – I give Dico – I say Volo – I want Amo – I love Pono – I put Fio – I become Habeo – I have Sum – I am Ago – I do Possum – I am able Mitto – I send Fero – I carry Facio – I make Eo – I go