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Follow our classroom expectations to excel in all aspects of your academic journey. Understand the importance of integrity and the consequences of cheating. Maintain a high level of personal responsibility and commit to excellence. Respect others and take pride in your work. Stay organized with your notebook requirements and adhere to classroom procedures.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME !!! Back to

  2. Introduction Other QUESTIONS for me??? Who IS this person who is supposed to be MY teacher for this class?

  3. Classroom Expectations • Unrelenting Commitment to Excellence • Do your work – ALL of it – Every day – to the best of your ability • Take PRIDE in yourself and in all that you do

  4. What is P R I D E ? ersonal • P • R • I • D • E esponsibility *** n aily ffort

  5. ***Responsibility • WE – ALL of us – are responsible for everything we do… • For everything we say… • And for everything we fail to do that we SHOULD HAVE DONE !

  6. More Expectations… • Behavior that demonstrates unfailing respect for: • all other members of the class – as well as for their property • ALSO, respect for members of the maintenance staff !!!

  7. More Expectations… • Behavior that demonstrates unfailing respect for: • my right to do the job that I was hired to do without interference or disruption • respect for the rights of others during the moment of silence

  8. Expectations continued • Bring your notebook, calculator, pencil, and supplies to EACH class a. Keep your notebook current** b. Save quizzes and tests c. If you need a calculator and cannot afford one, see me – but if you get one from me, do not forget to bring it every day. Do NOT deface the school calculators or play games on them, and do NOT take out their batteries.

  9. Expectations continued d. Do your work neatly and in PENCIL e. No cheating*** f. No sleeping g. No FOOD in classroom unless I give it to you. Snacks may be earned. Because of the carpeting, Water is the only beverage allowed in this classroom.

  10. ***What is CHEATING ? • Copying / taking / “borrowing” the work of another (student/sibling/parent/friend … or ANYONE who is NOT YOU) and representing that work to be your own. • Copying / taking / plagiarizing /“borrowing” work from an online resource or via text message – or other stored digital file, through any digital storage/delivery system. • Cheating is one or more acts of lying, deception, fraud, or trickery employed to gain anunfair advantage,and is often at the expense of others. • Misrepresenting the level of your effort in order to GAIN MORE for LESS. • Looking at another student’s answers OR providing answers TO another student for any written assignment.

  11. CHEATING -continued • Cheating can be either ACTIVE or PASSIVE. • Along the same lines as cheating, other honor offenses include acts of dishonesty or stealing, performed intentionally, that violate and impair the community trust. • Discussion: Why are such acts of sufficient gravity that they should warrant that disciplinary action be taken against the offender?

  12. Precautions against Cheating • Do NOT wait until the last minute to complete an assignment and then use your own procrastination to justify copying someone else’s work! • Do NOT give your work to another student to be copied. It is dishonest to aid and abet cheating! • Do NOT let your eyes wander to another student’s work during a quiz or test. • Do NOT place your quiz or test on your desk in such a manner that another student is easily able to look at your work. • Understand that it is a violation of trust for every student who took the time to complete the assignment.

  13. Consequences of Cheating • You will not be given credit for the assignment/quiz/test. • Your parent/s or guardian/s will be notified. • A disciplinary referral will be sent to administrative officials for further action. • If you are on an athletic team, your coach will be notified. • If you are EVER a candidate for NHS, your name may be removed from consideration.

  14. Importance of maintaining your INTEGRITY

  15. INTEGRITY • INTEGRITY is one of the ONLY things that can NEVER be taken away from you! • If you lose it, it is because you voluntarily GAVE IT UP!!!


  17. Notebook Requirements • ** Notebook requirements: Binder with sections for… Class Notes, Homework, Daily Quizzes, Unit Quizzes, Tests, and a section for graph paper and extra lined paper.

  18. Procedures • Arrival – ON TIME, with all materials • Moment of Silence – silence means SILENT • Pledge – not required to say it, but PLEASE stand • Announcements – no talking during them • Homework Check – have completed HW out • Quiz / Test taking – unlimited* time • If Absent – check my website AND/OR call my student hotline!!! • If you have to leave early – see me for homework before you leave.

  19. Class RULES

  20. 1. All homework is to be completed in a timely manner, unless illness or other extraordinary circumstances prevail. A minimum of two days is allotted for the completion of each homework assignment. You therefore have sufficient time to get the help you need – whether in study hall or from a math teacher before/after school – to complete the assignments on time. Late work will only be accepted and credit given as variant emergent circumstances dictate or with the prior approval of the teacher.

  21. RULES continued… • Within any given grading quarter, students who may wish to retest will only be eligible if they have no more than ONE missing homework assignment. • Only quizzes weighted 50 points and above will be available for requizzing and again, only if all homework is consistently completed. • Daily homework quizzes and Take-Home quizzes will NEVER be available for requizzing.

  22. More RULES 3. Notebooks must be kept and notes from class taken and recorded in your notebooks. If the teacher says “WRITE THIS DOWN,” be assured that the words that follow will show up again in a quiz and/or test.

  23. The RULES 4. Expect a daily homework quiz at each attendance, and expect that the problems on the quiz will come from – where else? – the homework for that day.

  24. The RULES 5. Students who try to sleep in class will FIRST be asked to stand at the back of the room. If necessary, they will be sent to the clinic or to administrators’ offices. If you are struggling to remain awake in class, you may voluntarily stand at the back of the classroom, but you may not distract any other students.

  25. The RULES 6. ORDER MATTERS! Do not leave class at the end of the period without checking around your seating area for garbage on the floor. Do not mark on your desk or on any of the school furniture, books, or other property.

  26. The RULES… • Cell phones and musical devices are not allowed to be on in class. If your cell phone rings during class, I will have to take it to the administrator’s offices. Do not bring your IPod or other electronic devices into class. • If, perchance, these items ARE with you in class, keep them IN YOUR BACKPACK where I cannot see or hear them, so I will not be forced to confiscate them!

  27. The RULES • Seniors will not dismiss themselves early (if / when that option becomes available). Only students who have fulfilled all homework/classroom requirements will be eligible. If, for some reason, class is terminated early and there are a few minutes left, raise your hand and ask to be excused.

  28. Things NEVER to say to me: • I was absent last time… did I miss anything? • Why do we have to study this? We’re never going to use it again anyway…. • Can we NOT do anything today??? • So just WHEN was I supposed to find the time to come in for extra help???!?

  29. What you can expect from ME • My unfailing commitment to your success as a student at SBHS • My unrelenting determination to TEACH you this material and to be available to reteach it as required.

  30. Questions???Comments???

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