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Ecosystems Integration and Assessment Team Update

Jim Gibeaut Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. Ecosystems Integration and Assessment Team Update. Acknowledgements: Gulf of Mexico Alliance NOAA Gulf Coast Services Center EPA Gulf of Mexico Program Office.

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Ecosystems Integration and Assessment Team Update

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  1. Jim Gibeaut Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Ecosystems Integration and Assessment Team Update Acknowledgements: Gulf of Mexico Alliance NOAA Gulf Coast Services Center EPA Gulf of Mexico Program Office

  2. Ecosystems Integration & Assessment Focus Areas: Gulf of Mexico Master Mapping Plan (GMMMP) Data Access and Acquisition Living Marine Resources Emergent Wetland Status and Trends Report* Ecological Services Valuation

  3. Gulf of Mexico Master Mapping Plan (GMMMP) • The Gulf of Mexico Master Mapping Plan (GMMMP) is a comprehensive plan to collaboratively acquire data on the physical characteristics of the Gulf region, particularly elevation, shoreline, and surface data. The Gulf is too large for any one agency to map, thus a collaborative approach is required; one that identifies and fulfills all mapping requirements with ongoing mapping programs. Therefore, by aligning data collection methods and sharing resources, critical mapping information can be collected at a lower cost to the program partners. • Action Steps: • Identify mapping needs and requirements to allow for informed coastal management decisions and data gap analysis. • Conduct an inventory of the capabilities and data assets of existing mapping programs and leverage ongoing efforts of the Interagency Working Group on Ocean and Coastal Mapping. • Develop a collaborative strategy to acquire the necessary region-wide physical characteristics data. • Expected Results: • A GMMMP is developed using shared resources. • Coastal management decisions across the Gulf are made more effectively by updated elevation, shoreline, and sea floor characterization data. • DO YOU KNOW OF A MAPPING REQUIREMENT? Click here to submit a program, project or other information for inclusion in the GMMMP or email us at gomamapping@usace.army.mil. • Links: • Gulf of Mexico Alliance Website: http://gulfofmexicoalliance.org/ • Ecosystem Integration and Assessment Priority Issue Team Website: http://gulfofmexicoalliance.org/issues/ecosystems.html • Highlight Gulf of Mexico Alliance Web Viewer! Emphasize!! • Gulf of Mexico Alliance Web Viewer: TBD Requirements and Activities Elevation and Derived Products Topography Bathymetry Elevation Transects Ground Control Imagery Down-looking RGB Oblique RGB Multispectral and hyperspectral Underwater Still Photography and Videography Administrative, Political Environment and Conservation Land Cover Habitat Delineation Ecology, Restoration and Ecosystem Services Geological and Geophysical Geology Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources Oil Spill Hazard Response Oceans and Coasts Shoreline Marine Boundaries Climate Change Sea Level Rise Storm Protection/Resiliency Click here for a printable report!

  4. Gulf of Mexico Master Mapping Plan (GMMMP) • HABITAT DELINEATIONS • Habitat data are an important component for any restoration, conservation, and land use management plan or study. Baseline habitat information are required for understanding potential changes or impacts whether natural or induced. Recurring habitat data are likewise useful for monitoring change and understanding impacts, threats, and loss. Maps illustrating habitat vary widely and can include such parameters as type, size, condition, etc. In addition, mapping units and scale also vary and are largely user-driven as well as dependent upon source and acquisition type (i.e. imagery, field inspection, etc). Individual habitat delineation requirements are user-defined, reflecting the specific need or desired outcome of the project or program. • SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION (SAV): • Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program: • http://www.sam.usace.army.mil/mscip/default.htmThe Program proposes requirements for baseline biological data including SAV. Airborne surveys planned on a 5-year interval for long-term monitoring goals and a bi-annual survey (year 1 post construction) using aerial photography is also planned to identify SAV. Subsequent biomass measurements are required annually thereafter (for 10 year post construction). Other repeat sampling is suggested at 3, 5 and 10 years. The metric for success will be no net loss of SAVs. • Mapping of Florida’s Coastal and Marine Resources - Setting Priorities Workshop • http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2008/1157/ofr2008-1157a.pdf This document describes technologies available for mapping seagrasses including aerial photo interpretation, bathymetry (2-3 m), lidad, sidescan sonar, airborne hyperspectral imagery, satellite imagery, and direct sampling. • DO YOU KNOW OF A MAPPING REQUIREMENT FOR SAV? Click here to submit a program, project or other information for inclusion in the GMMMP or email us at gomamapping@usace.army.mil.. • GOMA Website http://gulfofmexicoalliance.org/ • EIA PIT homepage http://gulfofmexicoalliance.org/issues/ecosystems.html Requirements and Activities Elevation and Derived Products Topography Bathymetry Elevation Transects Ground Control Imagery Down-looking RGB Oblique RGB Multispectral and hyperspectral Underwater Still Photography and Videography Administrative, Political Environment and Conservation Land Cover Habitat Delineation Ecology, Restoration and Ecosystem Services Geological and Geophysical Geology Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources Oil Spill Hazard Response Oceans and Coasts Shoreline Marine Boundaries Climate Change Sea Level Rise Storm Protection/Resiliency Click here for a printable report!

  5. Gulf of Mexico Master Mapping Plan (GMMMP) Feedback Form Name (required): Organization (required): Address: Phone number: Email (required): Mapping need/requirement: drop down list with categories, or “other” Name of program/project requiring Geographic area of interest: Specifications (i.e. scale, mapping unit, frequency of acquisition): Other feedback: Requirements and Activities Elevation and Derived Products Topography Bathymetry Elevation Transects Ground Control Imagery Down-looking RGB Oblique RGB Multispectral and hyperspectral Underwater Still Photography and Videography Administrative, Political Environment and Conservation Land Cover Habitat Delineation Ecology, Restoration and Ecosystem Services Geological and Geophysical Geology Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources Oil Spill Hazard Response Oceans and Coasts Shoreline Marine Boundaries Climate Change Sea Level Rise Storm Protection/Resiliency Click here for a printable report!

  6. Gulf of Mexico Master Mapping Plan (GMMMP) - GDAPT http://hrigis.tamucc.edu/GDAPT/

  7. Data Access and Acquisition – Digital Atlas www.gulfatlas.noaa.gov

  8. Data Access and Acquisition – Digital Atlas

  9. Data Access and Acquisition – Digital Atlas

  10. Data Access and Acquisition – GOMA Viewer

  11. Data Access and Acquisition – GOMAportal

  12. Data Access and Acquisition – GOMAportal

  13. Data Access and Acquisition – CMECS CMECS Timeline • Initiate CMECS development (first workshop) 1998 • Submit CMECS proposal to FGDC January 2008 • Approve for public comment by FGDC July 2010 • Publish Federal Register notice/open public • comment period August 16, 2010 • Close public comment period (+120 days) December 13, 2010 • Close of peer review period January 2011 • Organize comments, develop revisions and • incorporate into text Summer 2011 • Complete responses to public comments and • submit final package to FGDC December 2011 • FGDC endorsement of CMECSFebruary 2011

  14. Living Marine Resources – Gap Analysis

  15. Living Marine Resources – Fisheries Database LMR Databasess Reports/Research Data QA/QC Abstracts GAME: Geospatial Assessment of Marine Ecosystems Metadata “Lite”: Who, What, Why, Where, How, and Geospatial information Thesis • GAME Survey collects: and can search: • Data set description • Location of collection • State/County • Latitude/Longitude • Keywords • Collection methods • Depth of collection • Date (s)of study • Status of study (complete/incomplete) • Contact information/organization Journal Articles User Query Results Maps Study points, study polygons, study centroids, etc. International and National NOAA Ecowatch Portal EOL FishBase SeaLifeBase

  16. Ecosystem Services Valuation - GecoServ http://www.gecoserv.org

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