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The Buzz About Mosquito Control. Jodi Scott, MS Education and Public Relations Anastasia Mosquito Control District St. Augustine, Fl. The Good, The Bad and The Funny Looking. Good: Male Mosquitoes Food Source Bad: Female Mosquitoes Can Vector Pathogens: WNV Malaria Dengue EEE
The Buzz About Mosquito Control Jodi Scott, MS Education and Public Relations Anastasia Mosquito Control District St. Augustine, Fl
The Good, The Bad and The Funny Looking Good: Male Mosquitoes Food Source Bad: Female Mosquitoes Can Vector Pathogens: WNV Malaria Dengue EEE Dog Heart Worm Funny Looking: Larvae
Mosquitoes VS. Bees • Size: • Very small • Habitats: • Larvae found in water • Adults found foraging around people and plants • Activity time: • Night • Most 1-2 hours after sunset or sun rise • Areas of activity: • Around water and people/animals • Size: • 10 to 20 times bigger • Habitats: • Larvae found in hive • Adults found foraging from flowers • Activity time: • Day • Areas of activity: • Around plants and vegetative flowers
IMM Source Reduction Education
IMM Larviciding Adulticiding
Control Methods: Larval Applying Bti: Bacteria/ Stomach poison Source Reduction: Drain & Washout
Control Methods:Adults Physical & Mechanical: Screen doors & windows Sticky Traps Attractive Traps Personal Protection: Clothing & Repellents Chemical Control: Permethrin Sumithrin for Ground Dibrom for Air
Can The Pesticides Used For Mosquito Control Kill Honey Bees? • Yes • If directly applied to honey bees • And in the case of overdoses
Does Mosquito Control Kill Honey Bees? • Why? No!
AMCD’S Adult Mosquito Control Operation: Mosquito Control Law (Chapter 388) & DAC’S Code (%E-13): ULV application of pesticide for adult mosquitoes has to be justified based on: Viral Cases of: Humans or Animals Positive viral cases of sentinel animals & Mosquitoes High numbers during landing rate counts and collections of mosquitoes in areas (>25 mosquitoes) Special Conditions: Flood, Hurricanes and Viral out breaks
AMCD’S Adult Mosquito Control Operation: Ground ulv spraying of: permethrin No smell Effective 0.0017 oz per acre Aerial spraying for hot spots & emergency spraying: Dibrom 0.5-0.6 oz per acre Based on weather, disease outbreak & need for it *WE have a no fly list and do not spray conservation lands & federal/state parks without disease
Research: Dr. Harry Zhong, FAMU Assessments of the impact of aerial ULV applications of dibrom on honey bees in manatee county (1999-2000)
Research Location & Hive Set-Up Location: Palmetto, Manatee County, Florida Two Treatment Sites: Terra Ceira Rd & Port Manatee One Control Site: Manatee Fruit at Cortez Rd 16 Bee Hives (in a cluster of 4) were set up at each site 8 Hives in open and 8 hives in forest area at Terra Ceira Rd
Dibrom Residue • Yarn Samples • Naled Concentration In Air • Filter Paper Samples • Naled Ground Deposition • Bee Mortality • Dead Bee Trap • Screen 1/8 Inch Hardware Cloth With Surface Area 0.19m2 & Height 25cm • *Dead bees collected before and after aerial ULV application Sample Collection
Dead bees found in a screened dead bee collector Zhong -- AMCD 2008-2
Honey Production (1999 & 2000) • 1999 2000 %Increase • Site 1 • Open 52.5 ± 23.7 lbs 73.4 ± 45.8 lbs 40% • Forest 46.8 ± 35.0 lbs 98.3 ± 49.9 Ibs 110% • Site 2 • Open 71.2 ± 24.7 lbs 107.6 ± 28.7 lbs 51% • Site 3 (Control Site) • Open 88.6 ± 38.4 lbs 114.8 ± 38.3 lbs 30% Zhong -- AMCD 2008-2
Dibrom Residue Impact on Honeybees • Bee Mortality was correlated with Naled residue ground deposition • Filter Paper Data • When Nale residue was less than 1500 μg/m2 , bee mortality was not significantly different between treated and control groups • Honey Production was not significantly different between spray and control sites Zhong -- AMCD 2008-2
Minimize Honey Bee Mortality Mosquito Control District Bee Keepers • Reduce Naled residue deposits near hives • Inform Bee Keepers when spraying will occur • Continue implementing IMM practices • Reduce number of honeybees resting in front of hive during the night • Orient the hive entrance direction to downwind to reduce the exposure • Place hive in vegetated area- trees or tall grass- low bee mortality
Florida Bee Kill Investigation Report 9 Separate bee keepers in 7 counties reported kills between September & November 2011 Investigation by DACS/DPI Initial report by bee keepers implicated mosquito control activities Collected samples from affected bee keepers Inspected pesticide use: mosquito & agricultural operations Collected dead bees, combs & honey, swabbed samples from hive exteriors and materials found in the hives being used for control of bee pests
Florida Bee Kill Investigation Report Fipronil in sugar syrup used to feed colonies most likely explanation of the bee kills experienced in Brevard County As the colonies that were exposed to this material declined, foragers from neighboring hives robbed the fipronil-tainted syrup or the honey made from the syrup and experienced bee deaths as well
Florida Bee Kill Investigation Report Fipronil in sugar water has been used to eradicate feral bee colonies in New Zealand Bee kills outside of the Brevard /Indian River County area have not been linked to any intentional poisoning or pesticide misuse. Misuse of amitraz for varron mite control, and fipronil containing traps for hive beetle control was observed at a number of locations.
Bee Deaths in St. Johns CountyMay 2011 Bee keeper from SR 16 complained that mosquito control spray by airplane killed many of his bees DACS did investigation from April to May No mosquito spray in St. Johns in April and May by aerial Bee keeper saw Jacksonville Mosquito Control airplane fly by his area. Flight was a test run, no chemicals dispensed The case was dismissed in late May
Contact Information: AMCD 500 Old Beach Rd St. Augustine, FL 32080 904-471-3107 www.amcdsjc.org THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!