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zebras. Questions . 1: can you tell the different species of a zebra by there stripes?.

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  1. zebras

  2. Questions • 1:can you tell the different species of a zebra by there stripes?

  3. A.Yes you Can mountain zebras have narrow stripes that get wider when they get to the closer to there hooves and the grevys zebra has narrow stripes to but they also have one wide stripe going down there back

  4. Questions • 2:When the zebras are born do they have different stripes?

  5. A.Not the actual stripes but the colour is different baby zebras are brown and white at birth

  6. Questions • 3: Do zebras stripes go on the mane?

  7. A:Yes it does the zebras stripes on its mane are to match there neck

  8. Questions • 4:Does the zebras food chain affect the colour of the stripes?

  9. A: No The colour of there stripes don’t change but at birth they are different

  10. Questions • 5:Are zebras stripes different to each other?A:Yes zebras stripes are different each zebra has a different patterned or shaped stripes there stripes are like a humans fingerprint

  11. The big Question!!! Why do zebras have stripes? Zebras have stripes to help them camaflage so if a preater came and a pack of zebras were there then it makes it hard to pick a zebra to chase

  12. Some of the things the zebras eat are twigs bark and leafsmaking them herbivores

  13. Some Zebras live in south Africa and parts of Ethiopia

  14. Did you know that baby zebras can walk 20mins after birth

  15. There are 3 different species of the zebra the burchell zebrathe gravy's zebras and the mountain zebra

  16. A zebras families are called herems

  17. Some of a zebras predators are cheaters and lions

  18. Zebras look for there food were it has rained

  19. The end By Michael Kushla Libby

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