Shashidhar Venkatesh Murthy A/Prof & Head of Pathology College of Medicine & Dentistry CLINICAL PATHOLOGY The foundation of clinical medicine. MGS4: Male Genital: Testes Tumors CPC System Topic : Term4 Week4 - MGS 4/6 : Male Genital System. : 1: Overview 2: STD 3: Orchitis 4: Tumours 5: Penis 6: GLS
3 Testes Tumors: Features: Commonest tumour of young males, painless swelling. Etiology: Idiopathic, Undescended testes (10%, 10 times) Classification: 95% Germ cell Tumours, Seminoma 45% - good prognosis. Non seminoma (NSGT) 45% - poor prognosis. Embryonal ca, Teratoma, Chriocarcinoma, Mixed - common 5% Sertoli / Leydig cell tumours. Clinical features: Adults 20-40y – Seminoma. Children <10y – NSGT- Yolksac tum. Painless, dragging, unilateral, solid. Metastases – Para aortic LN*.
4 Seminoma: Commonest Germ cell tumour, 20-40y. Firm, grey, smooth, painless, Many subtypes: classical*, spermatocytic etc.. Microscopy: uniform clear cells + lymphocytes. Mixed seminoma Seminoma + Teratoma, embryonal carcinoma or choriocarcinoma (βhCG 10%). Etc.
5 Seminoma Testes: Clear cells Lymphocytes
6 Seminoma Testes: Clear tumour cells Lymphocytes
8 NSGT: Embryonal Ca Clinical: painless swelling, hemorrhagic, malignant, poor prognosis, metastases. Germ cell tumor – embryonic cells. Gross: Hemorrhagic, necrotic tumor. Adults: Embryonal Ca. Children: Yolksac tumor. Tumor Marker: AFP (α feto protein) Microscopy: Pleomorphic cells, embryoid structures. Pink AFP globules in cells.
9 NSGT: Teratoma / Teratocarcinoma > 1 tissue type (mature / immature) Teratoma + other germ cell tum (Embryonal ca) Common, 10-30y, aggressive, poor prognosis. Both βhCG & AFP +ve - if mixed.
10 Testes Tumors: summary Germ cell Tumours (95%) Gonadal: Seminoma Non Seminoma Germ Cell tum (NSGT) Embryonic: Embryonal ca. Extraembryonic: Yolk sac tum, Choriocarcinoma. Somatic: Teratoma Mixed: (40%) Tumor – Incidence Seminoma 50% Embryonal ca. 20-30y Yolk sac tumour Choriocarcinoma Teratoma (Pure) All ages Negative Mixed 15% Age 40-50y Tumor Marker 10% βhCG Negative (pure) 90% AFP 100% βhCG < 3y 20-30y 15-30y 90% βhCG & AFP