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Effective Preparation for Academic Success

Prepare for exams and coursework effectively to achieve success. Organize study materials, prioritize topics, and create a study timetable. Utilize various revision methods and start revising early for best results. Get ready for academic achievement!

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Effective Preparation for Academic Success

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  1. How important is preparation?Taking the time to look at what you need to do and how you need to do it and where you need to do it - is hugely important and allows you to ultimately be successful. Jane Tomlinson – Terminal cancer sufferer and charity fundraiser

  2. Year13 Collapsed day Wednesday March 13th Know what you need to do

  3. Have you got a dream grade? • Write down what grades you need? • What are you predicted grades? • What have you got so far? • How much of your course is coursework and how much exam? Don’t settle for your target / predicted grade. Exams can be unpredictable get grades / marks in the bank and know what you have to do. Don’t make it rest on the final exam.

  4. Where are you now! • Your teacher will have the PROVISIONAL exam timetable. This does depend on resits and it may change • GET OUT YOUR DIARY!!!!!!!!!! • Look at when your exams are likely to be. How long have you got? How many exams will you need to take? • Write down when your coursework deadlines are. • Write in important events and holidays

  5. Decide exactly what you have to know for each subject • You need a checklist for each subject, with all the topics / parts of topics you need to know for each exam • Your teacher may give you a check list for each unit or • Make your own (use the textbook / your notes / exam websites to help) Remember to check with your teacher that you haven’t missed anything out

  6. Prioritise the list Questions to ask: Which topics get the most marks? How confident do I feel about each topic? (Traffic light each one – green-great; amber-ok; red-awful) Use this information to work out which topics you need to spend most time revising.

  7. Example checklist for Media Studies

  8. First steps – Getting organised • Sort out your folders / notes so everything is in order • Buy pens / papers / index cards...etc • Decide where you are going to revise and make sure it’s a suitable place – enough light, warmth, room...etc • For each subject, make a list of what you have to know for the exam • Order it so that the most difficult topics are first on the list • Design a timetable, where you set out what days and times you will revise. • Practise what you are worst at.

  9. Work out the time available • Find out when your first exam is • Sort out when all your exams are(check you exam timetable provided) • Work out how many days you have to revise and decide which day you are going to start your revision • Most people start about 4 – 6 weeks before the first exam, but there is no wrong time (except on the morning of the exam itself!)

  10. Decide on your revision slots! • Week days will be different to weekends and study leave (less slots available) • Each slot, for most people, will be about 40 mins long • The only rules: Don’t plan to revise right up until the minute you go to bed – you won’t sleep Do plan in some breaks and things you can look forward to Don’t plan something you are never going to achieve – if you can’t get out of bed, don’t plan your first session for 7 am! Be sensible! • Do you work best in the morning? Plan one for before school. • Do you have to go to the Gym every week? Don’t plan one for early evening on Monday

  11. At this point your timetable might look like this:

  12. Fill in time table • Work out how many slots you’ve got in your timetable • Work out how many slots you will give to each subject (prioritise them in order of difficulty / amount) • For each subject, work out which topics need most slots (from your traffic lighted checklists) • Fill out your timetable with subjects and topics so you know exactly what you’re revising

  13. Your timetable should start to look like this...

  14. How many different ways of revising do you know? • Producing mind maps • Summarizing ideas into 10 bullet points…etc • Writing plans and answers for questions • Putting key words on post-it notes and sticking them to the relevant object • Snap cards – matching terms with definitions • Teaching some one else • Playing ‘Just a Minute’ – giving yourself 1 minute to talk or write down everything you know about a particular topic • Word association – write down one word from a topic – how many ideas can you write down associated with that word • Using programs like BBC Bitesize • Re-reading the text / chapter…etc • Generating 10 questions about the topic / chapter / character…etc – you can use them to test your self another day • Bookmarking –making a book mark for each chapter that contains summary of the chapter, key pages, important quotations / theories…etc

  15. The way to get started is to quit talking and to begin doing Walt Disney

  16. Now you’ve done all of this... • START REVISING! And...

  17. Remember it will soon be over!

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