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Raven s Progressive Matrices

CogAss - 10/30/2000. Raven's Progressive Matrices. 2. Raven's Progressive Matrices. Presentation Outline:Description of Test (Tamara)Psychometric Info

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Raven s Progressive Matrices

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    1. Raven’s Progressive Matrices Tamara M. Burns, M.Ed. Deborah Mazur, M.Ed. Erich R. Merkle, M.A., M.Ed. Cognitive Assessment October 30, 2000

    2. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 2 Raven’s Progressive Matrices Presentation Outline: Description of Test (Tamara) Psychometric Info & Critique (Erich) Demonstration (Erich) Practical Uses & Concerns (Debbie) Any Questions (All)

    3. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 3 Raven’s Progressive Matrices By J.C. Raven, J.H. Court and J. Raven Published by Oxford Psychologists Press, Ltd. Originally Introduced in 1938 Most recent version was published in 1995

    4. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 4 Description of Test Non-verbal test of reasoning ability based on figural test stimuli Measures the ability to make comparisons, to reason by analogy and to organize spatial perceptions into systematically related wholes

    5. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 5 Theoretical Basis and History It was first developed for use in research into the genetic and environmental origins of mental defect It sought to measure Eductive Ability, a component of g identified by Spearman Eductive Ability-involves the ability to make meaning out of confusion; to forge largely non-verbal constructs which make it easy to handle complexity; going beyond the given to perceive that which is not obvious It is not synonymous with general cognitive ability or problem solving ability

    6. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 6 Why is it widely used? Considered a “culture-reduced” test; can be used with non-English speaking persons Can be administered to both individuals and to groups (cost effective) Alternate forms for people of different ages and intellectual abilities High correlations with many other intelligence tests

    7. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 7 Matrices Solving Strategies The Matrices involve a wide-variety of problems types, therefore a person must successfully solve a considerable variety of problems in order to obtain a high score Strategies employed in the standard progressive matrices include perceptual discrimination, rotation and permutation of patterns

    8. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 8 Administration and Scoring Three forms: Coloured Progressive Matrices (ages 5-11); Standard Progressive Matrices (ages 6-17) and Advanced Progressive Matrices (older adolescents, adults, individuals with higher than average intellectual ability) In each form, the examinee is presented with an incomplete matrix to be completed by selecting the appropriate missing symbol from a group of 6 to 8 choices

    9. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 9 Administration and Scoring, cont Examinees should be permitted to work at their own speed because it yields a more reliable sample of their capacity for complex thinking The examinee is permitted to fill out their own answer sheet Raw scores are converted into percentile ranks Test results are not reported in Standard Scores

    10. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 10 RPM & Vocabulary Scales: Psychometric Information & Critique Spearman first noted that tests for academic abilities correlate .7 to .8. Inferred that these correlations could be explained if there were some underlying common or general factor, g, in mental ability and suggested that different tests required this ability in different degrees RPM & Vocabulary tests were designed to assess two components of g: eductive ability (making meaning out of confusion, developing insights) & reproductive ability (mastering, recalling, & reproducing material which forms knowledge.)

    11. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 11 RPM & Vocabulary Scales: Psychometric Information & Critique (Con’t) Numerous normative studies have been done since RPM was originally published in 1938. Over 2000 publications relating to normative data and psychometric properties have been published! The US norms are based on weighing separate samples of children in various areas of the US. No attempt was made to use a stratified random sampling procedure, but with the large number of samples from numerous school districts, norms are believed to be very representative of school-age population. Extensive multinational norms & populations ranging from normals to low incidence disorders were also included.

    12. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 12 RPM & Vocabulary Scales: Psychometric Information & Critique (Con’t) Raw scores are only converted into percentile ranks. No deviation IQ scores or other standard scores are provided. Reliabilities: Split-half reliabilities range from .65 to .94 for CPM & .86 for SPM. Test-retest reliabilities are adequate for each form, ranging from .71 to .93. Lowest reliabilities for very young children. Validity: Three forms have concurrent validity established through correlations with IQ and achievement tests. Validity coefficients with IQ tests are .50s to .80s while achievement tests are .30s to .60s. Full length IQ tests are measures of reproductive ability not educative ability as RPM.

    13. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 13 RPM & Vocabulary Scales: Psychometric Information & Critique (Con’t) RPM was never intended on its own to be a measure of g and even less a measure of general intelligence. Yet, factor analytic studies have repeatedly established is one of the best single measures of g available. RPM was designed to measure eductive ability in a way that is not contaminated by variation in knowledge, English ability, or other cultural factors. Still, preliterate societies show diminished performance.

    14. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 14 RPM & Vocabulary Scales: Psychometric Information & Critique (Con’t) Critique: Remarkable multinational & US school-based normative data, including low incidence disabilities Exhaustive extant literature base Cultural bias minimal compared to traditional IQ assessments. May not provide a valid estimate of cognitive ability for examinees who are not capable of doing figural-reasoning tasks.

    15. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 15 Practical Uses of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Developed primarily as theoretically-based tool for use in research (used in more than 2000 published studies) Used in educational, clinical and occupational practice

    16. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 16 Applications to Clinical Setting Can help with the assessment and identification of neuropsychological damage Can be used on elderly people can be used with adults with special needs (dyslexics or deaf people) can be used with patients who are unable to speak or who cannot cope with the demands of full-length intelligence tests

    17. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 17 Applications to Occupational Settings Can help identify more effective operatives, supervisors, professionals, business people, entrepreneurs, managers and administrators This test, unlike many others tests, does relate to managerial performance. It claims to identify the ability to find new ways of thinking and doing things.

    18. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 18 Applications to Educational Settings Can be used as a preliminary screening instrument to reduce the number of detailed assessments required to determine eligibility for special -including gifted-education programs useful measure of non-verbal intelligence because it is cost effective can be administered individually or to a group

    19. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 19 Educational Applications (cont.) Can be used successfully with hearing-impaired children (instructions can be pantomined) limited sensory demands make the test useful for children with severe language, auditory, or physical disabilities

    20. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 20 Educational Applications (cont.) Shown to be reliable and valid in the assessment of Hispanic-American children and American Indian children useful in testing children who do not speak English, as it is a culturally reduced test

    21. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 21 Concerns should not be used as a substitute for the Stanford-Binet or Wechsler scales provides a measure of intelligence based on figural reasoning only

    22. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 22 Concerns (cont.) Individuals who are suspected of having brain damage may have nonverbal reasoning difficulties and may not be able to arrive at a correct response test may not provide a valid estimate of cognitive ability for examinees who are not capable of doing figural-reasoning tasks

    23. CogAss - 10/30/2000 Raven's Progressive Matrices 23 The End!

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